This site contains technical documentation for OCDS for PPPs.
This provides an extended Open Contracting Data Standard schema, offering a structured data model for presenting information on Public Private Partnership Projects.
OCDS for PPPs was developed between May 2016 and May 2017 through a partnership between the World Bank Governance Global Practice (GGP), the World Bank Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships and Guarantees (IPG) Group, Open Contracting Partnership, and Open Data Services Co-operative.
Funding for this work was provided by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) Multi-Donor Trust Fund.

You can read more about OCDS for PPPs and other tools for transparency and accountability in PPPs on the World Bank Governance for Development blog and the Open Contracting Partnership blog.
For more information, contact Lindsey Marchessault
Developed by Open Data Services Co-operative for the World Bank and Open Contracting Partnership.