# Worked Example OCDS for PPPs can be used to build up a clear record of all the stages of a Public Private Partnership project over time. Fully implemented, it will bring together, in a structured form, key documents and data. This allows different stakeholders to understand how a project has developed. ## Details ```{image} _static/images/ocds_show.png :target: https://open-contracting.github.io/ocds-show-ppp/?load=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting-extensions/public-private-partnerships/1.0-dev/docs/examples/full_record_package.json ``` Based on our pilot work with the Red Compartida programme, we have created a fictional example PPP. We used the [spreadsheet template](spreadsheet.md) to prepare a series of releases of data, representing different stages of the procurement process. This was exported as an Excel file, and converted into JSON using the [OCDS Data Review Tool](https://standard.open-contracting.org/review/) The releases were then compiled into a record, and are available to browse using [OCDS Show](https://github.com/open-contracting/ocds-show-ppp), an open source tool which provides: * A templating engine for displaying OCDS releases and records; * Alerts to changed fields between different releases; * Example visualization of data; ## Explore the example View the [OCDS releases in JSON format here](examples/full.json). View the [OCDS record in JSON format here](examples/full_record_package.json). View the [data in OCDS show here](https://open-contracting.github.io/ocds-show-ppp/?load=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting-extensions/public-private-partnerships/1.0-dev/docs/examples/full_record_package.json). In the record within OCDS show: * The circles along the top represent new 'releases' of information; * The sections down to side reflect stages of the contracting process; * The record 'builds up' as information is provided, and highlights what has changed at each point; Use the 'text input' button to see (and adapt) the JSON data which generates this view. Use a web browser add-on for a more user friendly preview of the JSON files. You can install [JSONView for Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jsonview/chklaanhfefbnpoihckbnefhakgolnmc), [JSONView for Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jsonview/) or [JSONView for Safari](https://apps.apple.com/us/story/id1377753262?id=com.dcrousso.jsonview-safari-Q5M4T22BE9) Alternative presentations of data can be prepared using the open source [OCDS Show](https://github.com/open-contracting/ocds-show-ppp) tool.