# Documents There are many documents that should be disclosed at points during a PPP process. The OCDS for PPPs documentType codelist includes a description of each document or element of information referenced in the World Bank PPP Disclosure Framework. ## Representation Each document can be represented using a `Document` object. This can contain: * A documentType code; * A short summary of the information required; * A direct link to the exact place where the further information is found; The full set of fields for representing a document are shown below ```{jsonschema} ../_static/patched/release-schema.json :pointer: /definitions/Document :collapse: :nocrossref: ``` ## Types The full list of document types, and where they should appear, is given below. ```{csv-table-no-translate} :header-rows: 1 :file: ../_static/patched/codelists/documentType.csv ```