# Personal identifiers Suppliers and tenderers can be organizations or individuals (natural persons). Such individuals are often referred to as "sole traders" or "self-employed individuals". Details of natural persons can be disclosed using the `parties` section in OCDS only if: * The natural person is a tenderer or supplier; and * The laws in your jurisdiction permit the publication of such details Subject to the above, you can disclose identifiers for natural persons using the `Identifier` building block. There are two components to an identifier in OCDS: * a code indicating the list or register from which the identifier is drawn (the `scheme`); and * the identifier itself (the `id`). Follow the [guidance](https://standard.openownership.org/en/0.2.0/schema/guidance/identifiers.html#shared-identifiers) from the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard to construct a `scheme` value for the personal identifier: > the scheme should have the pattern {JURISDICTION}-{TYPE} where JURISDICTION is an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code and TYPE is one of PASSPORT, TAXID or IDCARD ## Worked example In the example below: * A self-employed individual submits a bid for a tender in Colombia * The individual is listed in the `parties` section with 'tenderer' in `.roles` * The individual's ID card number is published in `.identifier.id` * `.identifier.scheme` is constructed from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Colombia ('COL') and the type of the identifier ('IDCARD') ```{jsoninclude} ../../examples/organizations/personal_identifier.json :jsonpointer: :expand: releases, parties, identifier :title: personal-identifiers ```