# How to use this profile ```{attention} If you are not yet familiar with OCDS for eForms, we recommend that you start with the [primer](primer.md). ``` ## Convert a notice to OCDS format [Create a release](operations.md#create-a-release) and map each field on the notice according to the [field mappings](mapping). ## Post-processing steps These steps must be completed after using the [Field mappings](mapping) to construct an OCDS file. ### Populate `.name` in organization references For each `OrganizationReference` object in your data, get the `Organization` in `parties` whose `.id` is equal to the `.id` of the organization reference and set the organization reference's `.name` to the `.name` of the organization. The following fields are `OrganizationReference` objects: * `buyer` * `planning/budget/finance/financingParty` * `tender/documents/publisher` * `tender/lots/designContest/selectedParticipants` * `bids/details/tenderers` * `bids/details/subcontracting/subcontracts/subcontractor` * `bids/details/subcontracting/subcontracts/tenderers` * `awards/suppliers` * `awards/buyers` ## Post-publication steps These steps must be completed at the described time after publishing an OCDS file. ### Release withheld information Some information required by eForms may remain non-public ("unpublished") for a defined period, as described in [withheld publication of information](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/latest/schema/withheld-publication.html). Whereas, with eForms, Tenders Electronic Daily can take responsibility for publishing the withheld information on the desired date, with OCDS, you must take responsibility. For fields with an associated `efac:FieldsPrivacy` element, wait until the date in `/efbc:PublicationDate` and then: * [Create a release](operations.md#create-a-release) and add 'previouslyWithheldInformation' to its `.tag` array. * Perform the mapping for the fields and publish the release. ## Data use ```{admonition} Summary This section describes how to interpret OCDS data that conforms to this profile. ``` ### Framework agreements with multiple winners (cascades) Suppliers are in a cascade if: * The tender or lot uses a framework agreement (`.techniques.hasFrameworkAgreement` is `true`); and * The award has multiple suppliers (`.suppliers` contains more than one `OrganizationReference`); and * Bids have ranks (`bids.details.hasRank` is `true`). The rank of each bid might be available in `bids.details.rank`.