# Field mappings ## How to read the mappings table

The field's ID
The field's title

The ID of the business term to which the field is associated: The business term's description.

The XPath that uniquely corresponds to this field.
Instructions to follow to map the eForms field to OCDS. ```xml This snippet is typically taken directly from the eForms SDK's documentation. ``` ```json { "An abbreviated OCDS release": "that corresponds to the XML snippet above." } ```
## Mappings table

eForms field OCDS mapping

Procedure Legal Basis (ID)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.

Map to `tender.legalBasis.id`, and set `tender.legalBasis.scheme` to ['ELI'](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli-register/about.html). ```xml http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2014/24/oj ``` ```json { "tender": { "legalBasis": { "scheme": "ELI", "id": "http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2014/24/oj" } } } ```

Procedure Legal Basis (Description)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.

Map to `tender.legalBasis.description`. ```xml Directive XYZ applies ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "legalBasis": { "description": "Directive XYZ applies ..." } } } ```

Procedure Legal Basis (NoID)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.

Map to `tender.legalBasis.id`. ```xml LocalLegalBasis ``` ```json { "tender": { "legalBasis": { "id": "LocalLegalBasis" } } } ```

Procedure Legal Basis (NoID Description)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.

Map to `tender.legalBasis.description`. ```xml Directive XYZ applies ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "legalBasis": { "description": "Directive XYZ applies ..." } } } ```

BT-01-notice *
Procedure Legal Basis

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.

Map to `tender.legalBasis.id`, and set `tender.legalBasis.scheme` to ['CELEX'](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/content/help/eurlex-content/celex-number.html). ```xml 32014L0024 ``` ```json { "tender": { "legalBasis": { "scheme": "CELEX", "id": "32014L0024" } } } ```

BT-02-notice *
Notice Type

BT-02: The type of notice according to procurement legislation.

Discard. Note that the `@listName` attribute of the XML element is mapped in BT-03-notice. ```xml veat ```

BT-03-notice *
Form Type

BT-03: The type of form according to procurement legislation.

The values of `cbc:NoticeTypeCode[@listName]` are drawn from the [form type authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/form-type) in the EU Vocabularies. Look up `cbc:NoticeTypeCode[@listName]` in the [form type mapping table](codelists/form-type), add the values of the release tag column to `tag` and set `tender.status` to the value of the tender status column. ```xml cn-standard ``` ```json { "tag": [ "tender" ], "tender": { "status": "active" } } ```

BT-04-notice *
Procedure Identifier

BT-04: The European Public Procurement Procedure Identifier, a unique identifier of a procurement procedure. Including this identifier in all published versions of this notice (e.g. published on TED, national publication portals, regional publication portals) allows unique identification of procurement procedures around the Union.

Map to `tender.id`. ```xml 1e86a664-ae3c-41eb-8529-0242ac130003 ``` ```json { "tender": { "id": "1e86a664-ae3c-41eb-8529-0242ac130003" } } ```

BT-05(a)-notice *
Notice Dispatch Date

BT-05: The date and time when the notice has been sent for publication by the buyer.

Combine with BT-05(b)-notice, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `date`. ```xml 2019-11-26+01:00 13:38:54+01:00 ``` ```json { "date": "2019-11-26T13:38:54+01:00" } ```

BT-05(b)-notice *
Notice Dispatch Time

BT-05: The date and time when the notice has been sent for publication by the buyer.

Combine with BT-05(a)-notice, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `date`. ```xml 2019-11-26+01:00 13:38:54+01:00 ``` ```json { "date": "2019-11-26T13:38:54+01:00" } ```

Strategic Procurement

BT-06: The procurement procedure aims at reducing the environmental impacts of the procurement, fulfilling social objectives and/or buying an innovative work, supply or service.

This field maps to the same `Sustainability` objects as created for BT-777-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If the code is "none" discard. Otherwise, set the lot's `.hasSustainability` to `true`. For each `cac:ProcurementAdditionalType`, add or update the corresponding `Sustainability` object to the lot's `.sustainability` array. - Map the code to the sustainability's `.goal` according to the [strategic procurement mapping table](codelists/strategic-procurement). - Add 'awardCriteria', 'contractPerformanceConditions', 'selectionCriteria' and 'technicalSpecifications' to the sustainability's `.strategies` array. ```xml LOT-0001 inn-pur ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasSustainability": true, "sustainability": [ { "goal": "economic.innovativePurchase", "strategies": [ "awardCriteria", "contractPerformanceConditions", "selectionCriteria", "technicalSpecifications" ] } ] } ] } } ```

Cross Border Law

BT-09: The applicable law when buyers from different countries procure together within one procurement procedure.

See BT-09(b)-Procedure.

Cross Border Law Description

BT-09: The applicable law when buyers from different countries procure together within one procurement procedure.

Map to `tender.crossBorderLaw`. ```xml CrossBorderLaw Directive XYZ on Cross Border ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "crossBorderLaw": "Directive XYZ on Cross Border ..." } } ```

BT-10-Procedure-Buyer *
Activity Authority

BT-10: The main activity of the contracting authority.

- [Get the organization for the buyer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-the-buyer), and add a `Classification` object to its `.details.classifications` array. - If the code's definition in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/main-activity) includes ["COFOG"](): - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.description`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'COFOG'. - Look up the code's number in the [UN Classifications on Economic Statistics](https://unstats.un.org/unsd/classifications/Econ/Structure) and map it to the classification's `.id`. - Otherwise: - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'eu-main-activity'. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/main-activity) and map it to the classification's `.description`. ```xml ORG-0001 gas-oil ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "classifications": [ { "scheme": "eu-main-activity", "id": "gas-oil", "description": "Activities related to the exploitation of a geographical area for the purpose of extracting oil or gas." } ] } } ] } ```

BT-105-Procedure *
Procedure Type

BT-105: The type of procurement procedure (e.g. according to the types given in the Public Procurement Directives mentioned in the recitals of this Act).

The codes are drawn from the [procurement procedure type](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/procurement-procedure-type)) authority table in EU Vocabularies. Map to `tender.procurementMethod` according to the [procurement procedure type mapping table](codelists/procurement-procedure-type). ```{note} `tender.procurementMethod` is not set for "oth-mult" or "oth-single". ``` ```xml open ``` ```json { "tender": { "procurementMethod": "open", "procurementMethodDetails": "Open procedure" } } ```

BT-106-Procedure *
Procedure Accelerated

BT-106: The time limit for receipt of requests to participate or of tenders in this procedure can be reduced due to a state of urgency.

Map to `tender.procedure.isAccelerated` as a boolean. ```{seealso} BT-1351-Procedure ``` ```xml true ``` ```json { "tender": { "procedure": { "isAccelerated": true } } } ```

Framework Duration Justification

BT-109: The justification for exceptional cases when the duration of framework agreements exceeds the legal limits.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.techniques.frameworkAgreement.periodRationale`. ```xml The exceptional duration of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "techniques": { "frameworkAgreement": { "periodRationale": "The exceptional duration of ..." } } } ] } } ```

BT-11-Procedure-Buyer *
Buyer Legal Type

BT-11: The type of buyer according to procurement legislation (e.g. central government authority, body governed by public law, public undertaking).

- [Get the organization for the buyer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-the-buyer), and add a `Classification` object to its `.details.classifications` array. - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/buyer-legal-type) and map it to the classification's `.description`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'TED_CA_TYPE'. ```xml ORG-0001 body-pl ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "classifications": [ { "scheme": "TED_CA_TYPE", "id": "body-pl", "description": "Body governed by public law." } ] } } ] } ```

Framework Buyer Categories

BT-111: Any additional categories of buyers participating in the framework agreement and not mentioned by name (e.g. "all hospitals in the Tuscany region").

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to the its `.techniques.frameworkAgreement.buyerCategories`. ```xml LOT-0001 buyer-categories Offices of the "greater region" ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "frameworkAgreement": { "buyerCategories": "Offices of the \"greater region\" ..." } } } ] } } ```

Notice Framework Approximate Value

BT-1118: The approximate value to be spent within the framework agreement(s) announced in this notice over its/their whole duration, in all lots, including options and renewals, as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

Discard. ```xml 6000 ```

Framework Maximum Participants Number

BT-113: The maximum number of participants in the framework agreement.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to the its `.techniques.frameworkAgreement.maximumParticipants`. ```xml LOT-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "frameworkAgreement": { "maximumParticipants": 50 } } } ] } } ```

BT-115-Lot *
GPA Coverage

BT-115: The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).

If "true", [get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add 'GPA' to its `.coveredBy` array. Otherwise, discard. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "coveredBy": [ "GPA" ] } ] } } ```

GPA Coverage

BT-115: The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).

If "true", add 'GPA' to the `tender.coveredBy` array. Otherwise, do nothing. ```xml true ``` ```json { "tender": { "coveredBy": [ "GPA" ] } } ```

BT-118-NoticeResult *
Notice Framework Maximum Value

BT-118: The maximum value which can be spent within the framework agreement(s) announced in this notice over its/their whole duration, in all lots, including options and renewals, as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

Discard. ```xml 6000 ```

Dynamic Purchasing System Termination

BT-119: The dynamic purchasing system is terminated. No further contracts, besides those published in this notice, will be awarded in the dynamic purchasing system. This field can be used even if no contracts are awarded in the contract award notice.

If "true", [get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and set the lot's `.techniques.dynamicPurchasingSystem.status` to 'terminated'. Otherwise, discard. ```xml true LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "dynamicPurchasingSystem": { "status": "terminated" } } } ] } } ```

No Negotiation Necessary

BT-120: The buyer reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tenders without any further negotiations.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.secondStage.noNegotiationNecessary` to `true`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "secondStage": { "noNegotiationNecessary": true } } ] } } ```

Electronic Auction Description

BT-122: Any additional information about the electronic auction.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.techniques.electronicAuction.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 The online auction solution ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "electronicAuction": { "description": "The online auction solution ..." } } } ] } } ```

Electronic Auction URL

BT-123: The internet address of the electronic auction.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.techniques.electronicAuction.url`. ```xml LOT-0001 https://my-online-eauction.eu/ ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "electronicAuction": { "url": "https://my-online-eauction.eu/" } } } ] } } ```

Tool Atypical URL

BT-124: Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) which gives unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.communication.atypicalToolUrl`. ```xml LOT-0001 https://my-atypical-tool.com/ ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "communication": { "atypicalToolUrl": "https://my-atypical-tool.com/" } } ] } } ```

Tool Atypical URL

BT-124: Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) which gives unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices.

Map to `tender.communication.atypicalToolUrl` ```xml https://my-atypical-tool.com/ ``` ```json { "tender": { "communication": { "atypicalToolUrl": "https://my-atypical-tool.com/" } } } ```

Previous Planning Identifier

BT-125: The identifier of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.

[Reference a previous publication](operations.md#reference-a-previous-publication) ```xml 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06 ``` ```json { "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "relationship": [ "planning" ], "scheme": "eu-oj", "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06" } ] } ```

Previous Planning Identifier

BT-125: The identifier of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.

Concatenate with BT-1251-Part Previous Planning Part Identifier and [reference a previous publication](operations.md#reference-a-previous-publication). ```xml 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06 PAR-0001 ``` ```json { "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "relationship": [ "planning" ], "scheme": "eu-oj", "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06-PAR-0001" } ] } ```

Previous Planning Part Identifier

BT-1251: The identifier of a part of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.

This field maps to the same `Related Process` objects as created for BT-125(i)-Lot. For each `cac:NoticeDocumentReference`, add or update the corresponding `Related Process` object in the `relatedProcesses` array and map to its `relatedLots`. ```xml 9c0fd704-64d3-4294-a3b6-6df45911ab9f-01 123 ``` ```json { "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "relationship": [ "planning" ], "scheme": "eu-oj", "identifier": "9c0fd704-64d3-4294-a3b6-6df45911ab9f-01", "relatedLots": [ "123" ] } ] } ```

Previous Planning Part Identifier

BT-1251: The identifier of a part of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.

Concatenate with BT-125(i)-Part Previous Planning Identifier and [reference a previous publication](operations.md#reference-a-previous-publication). ```xml 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06 PAR-0001 ``` ```json { "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "relationship": [ "planning" ], "scheme": "eu-oj", "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06-PAR-0001" } ] } ```

Direct Award Justification Previous Procedure Identifier

BT-1252: An identifier of a previous procedure that justifies the use of a procedure which allows directly awarding contracts, i.e. justifying a procedure that does not require publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Add a `RelatedProcess` object to the `relatedProcesses` array, and set its `.id` (string) sequentially across all notices for this procedure. For example, if a first notice for a given procedure has nine related processes, it uses id's "1" through "9". A second notice for the same procedure then uses id's "10" and up, etc. Map the value of the field to `.identifier`. Set `.scheme` to 'eu-oj'. If the value of `sibling::cbc:ProcessReasonCode` is "irregular" or "unsuitable", add 'unsuccessfulProcess' to the `.relationship` array. If it is "additional", "existing" or "repetition, add 'prior' to the `.relationship` array. ```xml 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 ``` ```json { "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "scheme": "eu-oj", "relationship": [ "prior" ] } ] } ```

BT-127-notice *
Future Notice

BT-127: The estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure.

[Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `tender.communication.futureNoticeDate`. ```xml 2020-03-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "communication": { "futureNoticeDate": "2020-03-15T00:00:00+01:00" } } } ```

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-13(t)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.enquiryPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-08+01:00 18:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "enquiryPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-08T23:59:59+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.

Combine with BT-13(t)-Part, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate`. ```xml 2019-11-08+01:00 18:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "enquiryPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-08T23:59:59+01:00" } } } ```

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-13(d)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.enquiryPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-08+01:00 18:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "enquiryPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-08T18:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.

Combine with BT-13(d)-Part, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate`. ```xml 2019-11-08+01:00 18:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "enquiryPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-08T18:00:00+01:00" } } } ```

Dispatch Invitation Tender

BT-130: The estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders in two (or more) stage procedures.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.secondStage.invitationDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "secondStage": { "invitationDate": "2019-11-15T00:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

BT-131(d)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Tenders

BT-131: The time limit for receipt of tenders.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-131(t)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.tenderPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-30+01:00 12:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "tenderPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-30T23:59:59+01:00" } } ] } } ```

BT-131(t)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Tenders

BT-131: The time limit for receipt of tenders.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-131(d)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.tenderPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-30+01:00 12:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "tenderPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-30T12:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

BT-1311(d)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Requests

BT-1311: The time limit for receipt of requests to participate.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-1311(t)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.tenderPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-25+01:00 12:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "tenderPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-25T23:59:59+01:00" } } ] } } ```

BT-1311(t)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Requests

BT-1311: The time limit for receipt of requests to participate.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-1311(d)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.tenderPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-25+01:00 12:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "tenderPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-25T12:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Public Opening Date

BT-132: The date and time for the public opening of tenders.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-132(t)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.awardPeriod.startDate` and to its `.bidOpening.date`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-05+01:00 14:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "2019-11-05T00:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Public Opening Date

BT-132: The date and time for the public opening of tenders.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-132(d)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.awardPeriod.startDate` and to its `.bidOpening.date`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-05+01:00 14:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "2019-11-05T14:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Public Opening Place

BT-133: The place (e.g. physical address, URL) where the tenders will be publicly opened.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.bidOpening.location.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 online at URL https://event-on-line.org/d22f65 ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "bidOpening": { "location": { "description": "online at URL https://event-on-line.org/d22f65 ..." } } } ] } } ```

Public Opening Description

BT-134: Further information about the public opening of tenders. (For example, who may participate in the opening and whether any authorisation is needed.)

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `bidOpening.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 Any tenderer may attend ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "bidOpening": { "description": "Any tenderer may attend ..." } } ] } } ```

BT-135-Procedure *
Direct Award Justification Text

BT-135: The justification for using a procedure which allows directly awarding contracts, i.e. a procedure that does not require publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Map to `tender.procurementMethodRationale` ```xml Direct award is justified ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "procurementMethodRationale": "Direct award is justified ..." } } ```

BT-1351-Procedure *
Procedure Accelerated Justification

BT-1351: The justification for using an accelerated procedure.

Map to `tender.procedure.acceleratedRationale`. ```{seealso} BT-106-Procedure ``` ```xml Direct award is justified ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "procedure": { "acceleratedRationale": "Direct award is justified ..." } } } ```

BT-136-Procedure *
Direct Award Justification Code

BT-136: A justification for using a procedure which allows directly awarding contracts, i.e. a procedure that does not require publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Add a `Classification` object to `tender.procurementMethodRationaleClassifications`, and: - Map the code to its `.id`. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/direct-award-justification) and map it to `.description`. - Set `.scheme` to 'eforms-direct-award-justification'. ```xml ecom-excl ``` ```json { "tender": { "procurementMethodRationaleClassifications": [ { "id": "ecom-excl", "description": "Specific exclusion in the field of electronic communications", "scheme": "eforms-direct-award-justification" } ] } } ```

BT-137-Lot *
Purpose Lot Identifier

BT-137: The identifier of a lot. In case of PINs used only for information, the identifier of a part of the notice that may later become a lot or a self-standing procedure. The information in the purpose section refers to this lot or part.

If there is a `Lot` in `tender.lots` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add a `Lot` to `tender.lots` and map to its `.id`. ```xml LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Purpose Lot Identifier

BT-137: The identifier of a lot. In case of PINs used only for information, the identifier of a part of the notice that may later become a lot or a self-standing procedure. The information in the purpose section refers to this lot or part.

If there is a `LotGroup` in `tender.lotGroups` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add a `LotGroup` to `tender.lotGroups` and map to its `.id`. ```xml GLO-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-137-Part *
Purpose Lot Identifier

BT-137: The identifier of a lot. In case of PINs used only for information, the identifier of a part of the notice that may later become a lot or a self-standing procedure. The information in the purpose section refers to this lot or part.

Map to `tender.id`. ```xml PAR-0000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "id": "PAR-0000" } } ```

BT-13713-LotResult *
Result Lot Identifier

BT-13713: An identifier of a lot. The information in the procedure lot result section refers to this lot.

Get the `Award` in `awards` whose `.id` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbcID`. If none exists yet: - Add an `Award` to `awards`. - Set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID`. If not already present, add the value of the field to the award's `.relatedLots` ```xml RES-0002 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0002", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

BT-13714-Tender *
Tender Lot Identifier

BT-13714: An identifier of a lot or a group of lots for which the tender was submitted. The information in the tender section refers to this lot.

Get the `Bid` in `bids.details` whose `.id` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbcID`. If none exists yet: - Add a `Bid` object to the `bids.details` array. - Set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID`. If not already present, add the value of this field to the bid's `.relatedLots`. ```xml TEN-0001 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Change Previous Section Identifier

BT-13716: An identifier of one or more sections within the changed notice. The information in the change section refers to this section or these sections.


Group Lot Identifier

BT-1375: An identifier of a lot within the procedure that is part of a group of lots for which one tender can be submitted and evaluated.

Get the `LotGroup` in `tender.lotGroups` whose `id` is equal to the value of `ancestor::cac:LotsGroup/cbc:LotsGroupID`. If none exists yet: - Add a `LotGroup` to `tender.lotGroups`. - Set its `id` to the value of `ancestor::cac:LotsGroup/cbc:LotsGroupID`. If not already present, add the value of this field to the lot group's `.relatedLots`. ```xml GLO-0001 LOT-0002 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0002" ] } ] } } ```

BT-14-Lot *
Documents Restricted

BT-14: The access to certain procurement documents is restricted.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set its `.documentType` to 'biddingDocuments' and set it's `.accessDetails` to "Restricted.". [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 restricted-document ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "documentType": "biddingDocuments", "accessDetails": "Restricted.", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Documents Restricted

BT-14: The access to certain procurement documents is restricted.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set its `.documentType` to 'biddingDocuments', and set it's `.accessDetails` to "Restricted.". ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 restricted-document ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "documentType": "biddingDocuments", "accessDetails": "Restricted." } ] } } ```

BT-140-notice *
Change Reason Code

BT-140: The main reason for the change in the notice compared to the original notice.

For each `ancestor::efac:Changes/efac:Change`: - If the change's `/efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier` (BT-13716) references a LotResult (`RES-XXXX`), [get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult), and add an `Amendment` object to the award's `.amendments` array. Otherwise, add an `Amendment` object to the `tender.amendments` array. - If the change's `/efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier` (BT-13716) references a Lot (`LOT-XXXX`), add an `Amendment` object to the `tender.amendments` array, and add the Lot's identifier to the amendment's `.relatedLots` array. - If the change's `/efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier` (BT-13716) references a LotsGroup (`GLO-XXXX`), add an `Amendment` object to the `tender.amendments` array, and add the LotGroup's identifier to the amendment's `.relatedLotGroups` array. - Set the amendment's `.id` sequentially across all notices for this procedure. For example, if the first change notice for a procedure has three changes, it uses `id`'s "1" through "3". A second change notice for the same procedure then uses `id`'s "4" and up, etc. - Add a `Classification` object to the amendment's `rationaleClassifications` array and map the value of this field to its `.id`. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/change-corrig-justification) and map it to the classification's `.description`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'eu-change-corrig-justification'. ```xml LOT-0001 LOT-0002 update-add ``` ```json { "tender": { "amendments": [ { "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ], "id": "1", "rationaleClassifications": [ { "id": "update-add", "description": "Information updated", "scheme": "eu-change-corrig-justification" } ] }, { "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0002" ], "id": "2", "rationaleClassifications": [ { "id": "update-add", "description": "Information updated", "scheme": "eu-change-corrig-justification" } ] } ] } } ```

Change Description

BT-141: The description of changes in the notice compared to the original notice.

These values map to the same `Amendment` objects as created for BT-140. Update the corresponding `Amendment` object and map to its `.description`. ```xml The changes have been applied to ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "amendments": [ { "description": "The changes have been applied to..." } ] } } ```

BT-142-LotResult *
Winner Chosen

BT-142: Whether a winner was chosen.

If `open-nw`, [get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and set its `.status` to `active`. Otherwise, [get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult), and: - If `selec-w`, set the awards's `.status` to 'active'. - If `clos-nw`, set the awards's `.status` to 'unsuccessful'. Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/winner-selection-status) and map it to `.statusDetails`. ```xml RES-0001 selec-w LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "status": "active", "statusDetails": "At least one winner was chosen.", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

BT-144-LotResult *
Not Awarded Reason

BT-144: The reason for not choosing a winner.

[Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult), and set the award's `.status` to 'unsuccessful'. Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-award-justification) and map it to the award's `.statusDetails`. ```xml RES-0001 no-rece LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "status": "unsuccessful", "statusDetails": "No tenders, requests to participate or projects were received", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

BT-145-Contract *
Contract Conclusion Date

BT-145: The date when the contract was concluded. Typically, this is the date when the last contractual party signed the contract. However, if no contract is signed, then the date of contract conclusion may correspond to other dates (e.g. the date when the buyer notified the winning tenderer). The date of contract conclusion is always later than the end of the standstill period and the moment when any evidence submitted by the winner has been verified.

[Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract), [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the contract's `.dateSigned`. ```xml CON-0001 2021-02-21+01:00 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "dateSigned": "2021-02-21T23:59:59+01:00", "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

BT-1451-Contract *
Winner Decision Date

BT-1451: The date of the official decision choosing the winning tender.

For each `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult` with an `/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID`: - [Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult). - If the award's `.date` is not yet set or if the winner decision date is earlier than the award's `.date`, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the award's `.date`. Otherwise, discard. ```xml CON-0001 2021-02-19+01:00 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "date": "2021-02-19T23:59:59+01:00" } ] } ```

BT-15-Lot *
Documents URL

BT-15: The internet address for accessing (the non-restricted part of) the procurement documents. For all notices except prior information notices, the address shall give access that is direct (i.e. the exact webpage with the documents, not a general website), unrestricted (e.g. no registration), full (i.e. the procurement documents are complete) and free of charge and the documents shall be available already at the time of the publication of the notice.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`, and set its `.documentType` to 'biddingDocuments'. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "documentType": "biddingDocuments", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ], "url": "https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo" } ] } } ```

BT-15-Part *
Documents URL

BT-15: The internet address for accessing (the non-restricted part of) the procurement documents. For all notices except prior information notices, the address shall give access that is direct (i.e. the exact webpage with the documents, not a general website), unrestricted (e.g. no registration), full (i.e. the procurement documents are complete) and free of charge and the documents shall be available already at the time of the publication of the notice.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) Map to the document's `.url`, and set its `.documentType` to 'biddingDocuments' ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "documentType": "biddingDocuments", "url": "https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo" } ] } } ```

BT-150-Contract *
Contract Identifier

BT-150: An identifier of the contract or, in case of voluntary-ex ante transparency notices and design contest result notices, of the decision. The information in the contract section refers to this contract or decision.

- [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). - Add a `SimpleIdentifier` to the contract's `.identifiers` array. - Map the value of this field to the simple identifier's `.id`. - If the scope of the list, register or scheme from which the contract identifier is drawn is subnational, set the simple identifier's `.scheme` to `{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2}-{system}`. Otherwise, set it to `{ISO 3166-2}-{system}`. ```xml CON-0001 CRN ABC:EFG/2020-01 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "identifiers": [ { "id": "CRN ABC:EFG/2020-01", "scheme": "NL-TENDERNED" } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

BT-1501(n)-Contract *
Modification Previous Notice Identifier

BT-1501: An identifier of one or more sections within a previous notice within the procedure. The information in the modification section refers to this section or these sections.

Discard. The notice and sections that were modified can be determined by comparing previous releases with the current release. ```xml LOT-0002 ```

BT-1501(s)-Contract *
Modification Previous Notice Section Identifier

BT-1501: An identifier of one or more sections within a previous notice within the procedure. The information in the modification section refers to this section or these sections.

Discard. The notice and sections that were modified can be determined by comparing previous releases with the current release. ```xml LOT-0002 ```

Contract URL

BT-151: The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) of the contract.

- [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). - Add a `Document` to its `.documents` array, and: - Map the value of this field to its `.url`. - Set its `.id` incrementally. - Set its `.documentType` to 'contractSigned'. ```xml CON-0001 http://mycontract.acme.com/1234/ RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "documents": [ { "id": "1", "url": "http://mycontract.acme.com/1234/", "documentType": "contractSigned" } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

Group Framework Maximum Value

BT-156: It is the re-calculated maximum value likely to be spent for a group of lots within the procedure. This information can be provided when the maximum value of a group of lots is lower than the sum of values of individual lots (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). The value covers all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. The value is re-calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

Discard. ```xml 800000 ```

Group Framework Re-estimated Value

BT-1561: The value likely to be spent, within a framework agreement, for a group of lots. This information can be provided when the value likely to be spent for a group of lots is lower than the sum of values likely to be spent for individual lots (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). The value covers all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. The re-estimated value is the value likely to be spent, as re-estimated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

Discard. ```xml 800000 ```

Group Framework Maximum Value

BT-157: The maximum value which may be spent in a framework agreement within a group of lots. This information can be provided when the maximum value of a group of lots is lower than the sum of maximum values of individual lots in this group (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). Maximum value means a value covering all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals.

The authors of the eForms SDK decomposed the BT-271 business term into fields for the procedure, lot and \[lot group\](\<#BT-271-LotsGroup>). However, the authors of the eForms regulation had already anticipated the need to specialize the BT-271 business term for lot groups, creating this business term (BT-157). As such, this data element is duplicated in the eForms SDK. The OCDS mapping therefore discards BT-157-LotsGroup. If your data has different values for BT-271-LotsGroup and BT-157-LotsGroup, please contact the [OCDS Data Support Team](mailto:data@open-contracting.org). ```xml 200000 ```

Organisation Part Name

BT-16: The name of a part of an organisation (e.g. the relevant department of a large buyer).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and append to the organization's `.name`, separated from the original text with ' - ' (space, dash, space). See also [Using the Organization building block with an organizational hierarchy](https://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/guidance/map/organizational_units/#using-the-organization-building-block-with-an-organizational-hierarchy). ```xml ORG-0001 Ministry of Education Procurement Department ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "name": "Ministry of Education - Procurement Department" } ] } ```

Part Name

BT-16: The name of a part of an organisation (e.g. the relevant department of a large buyer).

[Get the organization the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and append to the organization's `.name`, separated from the original text with ' - ' (space, dash, space). See also [Using the Organization building block with an organizational hierarchy](https://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/guidance/map/organizational_units/#using-the-organization-building-block-with-an-organizational-hierarchy). ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 Ministry of Education Legal Department ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "name": "Ministry of Education - Legal Department", "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

BT-160-Tender *
Concession Revenue Buyer

BT-160: The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments).

Get the value of `ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` whose `efac:LotTender/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID` and [get the contract for this SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). Add a `Charge` object to the contract's `.implementation.charges` array. - Map the value of this field to its `.estimatedValue.amount` and `@currencyID` to the estimatedValue's `.currency`. - Set its `.id` to 'government'. - Set its `.paidBy` to 'government'. - Set its `.title` to the [translation](operations.md#get-a-translation) of 'The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments).'. ```xml TEN-0001 350 CON-0001 TEN-0001 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "awardID": "RES-0001", "implementation": { "charges": [ { "id": "government", "title": "The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments).", "estimatedValue": { "amount": 350, "currency": "EUR" }, "paidBy": "government" } ] } } ] } ```

BT-161-NoticeResult *
Notice Value

BT-161: The value of all contracts awarded in this notice, including options and renewals.

Discard. This is derived from the `value` of awards. ```xml 123456.00 ```

BT-162-Tender *
Concession Revenue User

BT-162: The estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines).

Get the value of `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` whose `efac:LotTender/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID` and [get the contract for this SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). Add a `Charge` object to the contract's `.implementation.charges` array. - Map the value of this field to its `.estimatedValue.amount` and `@currencyID` to the estimatedValue's `.currency`. - Set its `.id` to 'user'. - Set its `.paidBy` to 'user'. - Set its `.title` to the [translation](operations.md#get-a-translation) of 'he estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines).'. ```xml TEN-0001 350 CON-0001 TEN-0001 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "implementation": { "charges": [ { "id": "user", "title": "he estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines).", "estimatedValue": { "amount": 350, "currency": "EUR" }, "paidBy": "user" } ] }, "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

BT-163-Tender *
Concession Value Description

BT-163: The description of the method used for calculating the estimated value of the concession and any other relevant information concerning the value of the concession.

Get the value of `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult/cbc:ID` whose `efac:LotTender/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID`. Get the `Award` in `awards` whose `id` is equal to the value of this `efac:LotResult/cbc:ID`. If none exists yet: - Add an `Award` to `awards`. - Set its `.id` to the value of this `efac:LotResult/cbc:ID`. - Add the value of `efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID` to its `.relatedLots`. Map the value of this field to the award's `.valueCalculationMethod`. ```xml RES-0001 TEN-0001 LOT-0001 The awarded value takes into account the growing revenue expected from fees. ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ], "valueCalculationMethod": "The awarded value takes into account the growing revenue expected from fees." } ] } ```

Winner Size

BT-165: The size of the winner, tenderer or subcontractor (e.g. micro enterprise, small enterprise, medium enterprise).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.details.scale` ```xml ORG-0001 large ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "scale": "large" } } ] } ```

BT-17-Lot *

BT-17: Whether economic operators are required, allowed, or not allowed to submit tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest electronically.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.submissionTerms.electronicSubmissionPolicy` to the corresponding code in the [permission](https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/submissionTerms/master/codelists/#permission.csv) codelist. ```xml LOT-0001 allowed ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "electronicSubmissionPolicy": "allowed" } } ] } } ```

Tender Rank

BT-171: The position of the tender (i.e. whether the tender ended up first, second, third, etc.) in a design contest, a framework agreement with multiple winners (e.g. cascades), an innovation partnership, a competitive dialogue, or another procedure.

[Get the bid for a LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender) and map to the bid's `.rank`. ```xml TEN-0001 1 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "rank": 1, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Tender Ranked

BT-1711: The tender was ranked. (This is not the rank itself, but only whether the ranking took place).

[Get the bid for a LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender) and map to the bid's `.hasRank`. ```xml TEN-0001 true LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "hasRank": true, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

BT-18-Lot *
Submission URL

BT-18: The internet address for submission of tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest by electronic means. The address shall be as direct as possible (ideally a dedicated address for the electronic submission, not just a general website).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.submissionMethodDetails`. ```xml https://www.acme.com/tender-submission/ ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "submissionMethodDetails": "https://www.acme.com/tender-submission/" } ] } } ```

BT-19-Lot *
Submission Nonelectronic Justification

BT-19: The justification for electronic submission of tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest not being possible.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/communication-justification) and map it to the lot's `.submissionTerms.nonElectronicSubmissionRationale`. ```xml LOT-0001 phy-mod ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "nonElectronicSubmissionRationale": "Inclusion of a physical model" } } ] } } ```

Country Origin

BT-191: A country of origin of the product or the service.

[Get the bid for a LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender). If the value of the field is `1A0` (Kosovo), add 'XK' to the bid's `.countriesOfOrigin` array. Otherwise, look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country), and add it to the bid's `.countriesOfOrigin` array. ```xml TEN-0001 ITA LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "countriesOfOrigin": [ "IT" ], "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Tender Variant

BT-193: The tender is a variant.

[Get the bid for a LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender), and set the bid's `.variant` to `true`. ```xml TEN-0001 true LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "variant": true, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "cro-bor-law". - Set its `.name` to "Cross Border Law". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 cro-bor-law ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "cro-bor-law", "id": "cro-bor-law-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Cross Border Law" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "pro-typ". - Set its `.name` to "Procedure Type". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 pro-typ ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "pro-typ", "id": "pro-typ-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Procedure Type" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "pro-acc". - Set its `.name` to "Procedure Accelerated". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 pro-acc ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "pro-acc", "id": "pro-acc-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Procedure Accelerated" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard ```xml pro-acc ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. ```xml not-max-val ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "dir-awa-pre". - Set its `.name` to "Direct Award Justification Previous Procedure Identifier". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 dir-awa-pre ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "dir-awa-pre", "id": "dir-awa-pre-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Direct Award Justification Previous Procedure Identifier" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "dir-awa-tex". - Set its `.name` to "Direct Award Justification". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 dir-awa-tex ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "dir-awa-tex", "id": "dir-awa-tex-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Direct Award Justification" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "pro-acc-jus". - Set its `.name` to "Procedure Accelerated Justification". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 pro-acc-jus ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "pro-acc-jus", "id": "pro-acc-jus-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Procedure Accelerated Justification" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "dir-awa-jus". - Set its `.name` to "Direct Award Justification". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 dir-awa-jus ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "dir-awa-jus", "id": "dir-awa-jus-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Direct Award Justification" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "win-cho". - Set its `.name` to "Winner Chosen". ```xml win-cho RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "win-cho", "id": "win-cho-RES-0001", "name": "Winner Chosen" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "no-awa-rea". - Set its `.name` to "Not Awarded Reason". ```xml no-awa-rea RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "no-awa-rea", "id": "no-awa-rea-RES-0001", "name": "Not Awarded Reason" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. ```xml gro-max-val ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. ```xml gro-max-val ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "con-rev-buy". - Set its `.name` to "Concession Revenue Buyer". ```xml TEN-0001 con-rev-buy ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "con-rev-buy", "id": "con-rev-buy-TEN-0001", "name": "Concession Revenue Buyer" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. ```xml not-val ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "con-rev-use". - Set its `.name` to "Concession Revenue User". ```xml TEN-0001 con-rev-use ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "con-rev-use", "id": "con-rev-use-TEN-0001", "name": "Concession Revenue User" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "val-con-des". - Set its `.name` to "Concession Value Description". ```xml TEN-0001 val-con-des ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "val-con-des", "id": "val-con-des-TEN-0001", "name": "Concession Value Description" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "ten-ran". - Set its `.name` to "Tender Rank". ```xml TEN-0001 ten-ran ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "ten-ran", "id": "ten-ran-TEN-0001", "name": "Tender Rank" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "cou-ori". - Set its `.name` to "Country Origin". ```xml TEN-0001 cou-ori ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "cou-ori", "id": "cou-ori-TEN-0001", "name": "Country Origin" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "win-ten-var". - Set its `.name` to "Winning Tender Variant". ```xml TEN-0001 won-ten-var ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "win-ten-var", "id": "win-ten-var-TEN-0001", "name": "Winning Tender Variant" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-typ". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Type". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-typ ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-typ", "id": "awa-cri-typ-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Type" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-typ". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Type". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-typ ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-typ", "id": "awa-cri-typ-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Type" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-des". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Description". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-des ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-des", "id": "awa-cri-des-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Description" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-des". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Description". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-des ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-des", "id": "awa-cri-des-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Description" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-fixed-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-num". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Fixed". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-num ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-num", "id": "awa-cri-num-fixed-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-threshold-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-num". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Threshold". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-num ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-num", "id": "awa-cri-num-threshold-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-weight-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-num". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Weight". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-num ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-num", "id": "awa-cri-num-weight-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-fixed-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-num". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Fixed". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-num ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-num", "id": "awa-cri-num-fixed-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-threshold-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-num". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Threshold". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-num ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-num", "id": "awa-cri-num-threshold-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-weight-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-num". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Weight". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-num ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-num", "id": "awa-cri-num-weight-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-wei". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Weight". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-wei ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-wei", "id": "awa-cri-wei-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-wei". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Weight". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-wei ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-wei", "id": "awa-cri-wei-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-fix". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Fixed". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-fix ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-fix", "id": "awa-cri-fix-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-fix". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Fixed". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-fix ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-fix", "id": "awa-cri-fix-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-thr". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Threshold". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-thr ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-thr", "id": "awa-cri-thr-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-thr". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Number Threshold". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-thr ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-thr", "id": "awa-cri-thr-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-com". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criteria Complicated". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-com ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-com", "id": "awa-cri-com-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criteria Complicated" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-com". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criteria Complicated". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-com ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-com", "id": "awa-cri-com-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criteria Complicated" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "sub-val". - Set its `.name` to "Subcontracting Value". ```xml TEN-0001 sub-val ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "sub-val", "id": "sub-val-TEN-0001", "name": "Subcontracting Value" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "sub-des". - Set its `.name` to "Subcontracting Description". ```xml TEN-0001 sub-des ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "sub-des", "id": "sub-des-TEN-0001", "name": "Subcontracting Description" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "sub-per". - Set its `.name` to "Subcontracting Percentage". ```xml TEN-0001 sub-per ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "sub-per", "id": "sub-per-TEN-0001", "name": "Subcontracting Percentage" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. ```xml gro-max-ide ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "buy-rev-cou". - Set its `.name` to "Buyer Review Request Count". ```xml buy-rev-cou RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "buy-rev-cou", "id": "buy-rev-cou-RES-0001", "name": "Buyer Review Request Count" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "buy-rev-typ". - Set its `.name` to "Buyer Review Requests Irregularity Type". ```xml buy-rev-typ RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "buy-rev-typ", "id": "buy-rev-typ-RES-0001", "name": "Buyer Review Request Irregularity Type" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "ree-val". - Set its `.name` to "Framework Re-estimated Value". ```xml ree-val RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "ree-val", "id": "ree-val-RES-0001", "name": "Framework Re-estimated Value" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "max-val". - Set its `.name` to "Maximum Value". ```xml max-val RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "max-val", "id": "max-val-RES-0001", "name": "Maximum Value" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "ten-val-low". - Set its `.name` to "Tender Lowest Value". ```xml ten-val-low RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "ten-val-low", "id": "ten-val-low-RES-0001", "name": "Tender Lowest Value" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "ten-val-hig". - Set its `.name` to "Tender Highest Value". ```xml ten-val-hig RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "ten-val-hig", "id": "ten-val-hig-RES-0001", "name": "Tender Highest Value" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "rev-req". - Set its `.name` to "Buyer Review Complainants". ```xml rev-rec RES-0001 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "rev-req", "id": "rev-req-RES-0001", "name": "Buyer Review Complainants" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "win-ten-val". - Set its `.name` to "Winning Tender Value". ```xml TEN-0001 win-ten-val ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "win-ten-val", "id": "win-ten-val-TEN-0001", "name": "Winning Tender Value" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553. ```xml sub-val-kno ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

Discard. BT-731 is discarded as it is implied by BT-555. ```xml sub-per-kno ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-ord". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criteria Order Justification". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-ord ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-ord", "id": "awa-cri-ord-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criteria Order Justification" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-ord". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criteria Order Justification". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-ord ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-ord", "id": "awa-cri-ord-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criteria Order Justification" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-nam". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Name". ```xml LOT-0001 awa-cri-ord ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-nam", "id": "awa-cri-nam-LOT-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Name" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. - Set its `.field` to "awa-cri-nam". - Set its `.name` to "Award Criterion Name". ```xml GLO-0001 awa-cri-ord ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "awa-cri-nam", "id": "awa-cri-nam-GLO-0001", "name": "Award Criterion Name" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "rec-sub-cou". - Set its `.name` to "Received Submissions Count". ```xml rec-sub-cou ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "rec-sub-cou", "id": "rec-sub-cou-RES-0001", "name": "Received Submissions Count" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "rec-sub-typ". - Set its `.name` to "Received Submissions Type". ```xml rec-sub-typ ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "rec-sub-typ", "id": "rec-sub-typ-RES-0001", "name": "Received Submissions Type" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID]`. - Set its `.field` to "sub-con". - Set its `.name` to "Subcontracting". ```xml TEN-0001 sub-con ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "sub-con", "id": "sub-con-TEN-0001", "name": "Subcontracting" } ] } ```

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

- Add a `withheldInformationItem` to the `withheldInformation` array, and: - Set its `.id` to `[efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID]`. - Set its `.field` to "pro-fea". - Set its `.name` to "Procedure Features". ```xml 18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0 pro-fea ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "field": "pro-fea", "id": "pro-fea-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0", "name": "Procedure Features" } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-09)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-105)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-106)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-135)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1351)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-136)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-142)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-144)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-160)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-162)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-163)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-171)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-191)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-193)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-539)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-539)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-540)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-540)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Weight and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-543)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-543)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-553)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-554)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-555)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-635)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-636)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-660)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-709)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-710)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-711)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-712)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-720)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Discard. BT-731 is discarded as it is implied by BT-555. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-733)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-733)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-734)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-734)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-759)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-760)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-773)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender` and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-88)-Procedure and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Information delayed publication because of ... ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..." } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-09)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-09)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-105)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-105)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-106)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-106)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-1118)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-118)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-1252)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-135)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-1351)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1351)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-136)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-136)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-142)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-142)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-144)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-144)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-156)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-1561)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-160)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-160)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-161)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-162)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-162)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-163)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-163)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-171)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-171)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-191)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-191)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-193)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-193)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-539)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-539)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-539)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-539)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-540)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-540)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-540)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-540)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-541)-Lot-Weight *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Weight and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-5421)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-5421)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-5422)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-5422)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-5423)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-5423)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-543)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-543)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-543)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-543)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-553)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-553)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-554)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-554)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-555)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-555)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-556)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-635)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-635)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-636)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-636)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-660)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-660)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-709)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-709)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-710)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-710)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-711)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-711)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-712)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-712)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-720)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-720)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-730)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-731)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Discard. BT-731 is discarded as it is implied by BT-555. ```xml oth-int ```

BT-197(BT-733)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-733)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-733)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-733)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-734)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-734)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-734)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-734)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-759)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-759)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-760)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-760)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-773)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-773)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

BT-197(BT-88)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-88)-Procedure. Add a `Classification` object to the withheld information item's `.rationalClassifications` array, map the value of the `cbc:ReasonCode` to `.id`, and set `.scheme` to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification), map its label to `.description` and its URI to `.uri`. ```xml oth-int ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "rationaleClassifications": [ { "scheme": "non-publication-justification", "id": "oth-int", "description": "Other public interest", "uri": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/non-publication-justification/oth-int" } ] } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-09)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-105)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-106)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-135)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-1351)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-136)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-142)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-144)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-160)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-162)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-163)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-171)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-191)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-193)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-539)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-539)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-540)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-540)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Weight and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-543)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-543)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-553)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-554)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-555)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-635)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-636)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-660)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-709)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-710)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-711)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-712)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-720)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-733)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-733)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml "withheldInformation":[{"availabilityDate":"2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"}] ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-734)-Lot and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-734)-LotsGroup and `ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-759)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate`. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-760)-LotResult and `ancestor::efac:LotResult`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate`. ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-773)-Tender and `ancestor::efac:LotTender`. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.

Get the `withheldInformationItem` object created for BT-195(BT-88)-Procedure. [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.availabilityDate` ```xml 2025-03-31+01:00 ``` ```json { "withheldInformation": [ { "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00" } ] } ```

BT-200-Contract *
Modification Reason Code

BT-200: The main reason for modifying the contract.

This field maps to the same `Amendment` objects as created for BT-201-Contract and BT-202-Contract. Get the `contract` whose `id` is equal to `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier`. If none exists yet: - Add a `Contract` to `contracts` and set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier` - Get all LotResults (`ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult`) with an `/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` equal to `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier` - If there is exactly one, add its `/cbc:ID` to the contract's `.awardID` - If there is more than one, add each LotResult's `/cbc:ID` to the contract's `.awardIDs` For each `efac:ChangeReason`, add or update a corresponding `Amendment` object to the contract's `.amendments` array ensuring its `.id` (string) is set. The `.id` can be any value guaranteed to be unique within the scope of the procedure. For example, it can be set to a [version 4 UUID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier), or it can be assigned sequentially across all notices for this procedure (the first notice sets it to "1", the second to "2", etc.). Map the value of this field to the amendment's `.rationaleClassifications.id`. Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/dataset/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/modification-justification) and map it to `.rationaleClassifications.description`, and set `.rationaleClassifications.scheme` to 'modification justification'. ```xml CON-0001 add-wss RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "amendments": [ { "id": "1", "rationaleClassifications": [ { "id": "add-wss", "description": "Need for additional works, services or supplies by the original contractor.", "scheme": "Modification justification" } ] } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

BT-201-Contract *
Modification Reason Description

BT-201: The description of the main reason for modifying the contract.

This field maps to the same `Amendment` objects as created for BT-200-Contract and BT-202-Contract. Get the `contract` whose `id` is equal to `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier`. If none exists yet: - Add a `Contract` to `contracts` and set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier` - Get all LotResults (`ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult`) with an `/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` equal to `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier` - If there is exactly one, add its `/cbc:ID` to the contract's `.awardID` - If there is more than one, add each LotResult's `/cbc:ID` to the contract's `.awardIDs` For each `efac:ChangeReason`, add or update a corresponding `Amendment` object to the contract's `.amendments` array ensuring its `.id` (string) is set. The `.id` can be any value guaranteed to be unique within the scope of the procedure. For example, it can be set to a [version 4 UUID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier), or it can be assigned sequentially across all notices for this procedure (the first notice sets it to "1", the second to "2", etc.). Map the value of this field to the amendment's `.rationale` ```xml CON-0001 The original business case was scoped as a technology replacement programme for a single system. Analysis in the early stages of the programme indicated that two core enterprise systems should be replaced. In order to maximise benefit for these systems replacement activities, it was agreed that the organisation should consider people and process in addition to systems replacement, and work has been re-scoped to accommodate this. RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "amendments": [ { "id": "1", "rationale": "The original business case was scoped as a technology replacement programme for a single system. It was agreed that the organisation should consider people and process in addition to systems replacement, and work has been re-scoped to accommodate this." } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

BT-202-Contract *
Modification Description

BT-202: The summary of the contract modification(s).

This field maps to the same `Amendment` objects as created for BT-200-Contract and BT-201-Contract. Get the `contract` whose `id` is equal to `ancestor::efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier`. If none exists yet: - Add a `Contract` to `contracts` and set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier` - Get all LotResults (`ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult`) with an `/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` equal to `ancestor::efac:ChangedSection/efbc:ChangeSectionIdentifier` - If there is exactly one, add its `/cbc:ID` to the contract's `.awardID` - If there is more than one, add each LotResult's `/cbc:ID` to the contract's `.awardIDs` For each `ancestor::efac:ContractModification/efac:ChangeReason`, add or update a corresponding `Amendment` object to the contract's `.amendments` array ensuring its `.id` (string) is set. The `.id` can be any value guaranteed to be unique within the scope of the procedure. For example, it can be set to a [version 4 UUID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier), or it can be assigned sequentially across all notices for this procedure (the first notice sets it to "1", the second to "2", etc.). Map the value of this field to the amendment's `.description`. ```xml Increase in framework value CON-0001 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "amendments": [ { "id": "1", "description": "Increase in framework value." } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

BT-21-Lot *

BT-21: The name of the procurement procedure or lot.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.title`. ```xml LOT-0001 Computer Network extension ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "title": "Computer Network extension" } ] } } ```


BT-21: The name of the procurement procedure or lot.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.title`. ```xml GLO-0001 Computer Network extension ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "title": "Computer Network extension" } ] } } ```

BT-21-Part *

BT-21: The name of the procurement procedure or lot.

Map to `tender.title` ```xml Computer Network extension ``` ```json { "tender": { "title": "Computer Network extension" } } ```

BT-21-Procedure *

BT-21: The name of the procurement procedure or lot.

Map to `tender.title` ```xml Computer Network extension ``` ```json { "tender": { "title": "Computer Network extension" } } ```

BT-22-Lot *
Internal Identifier

BT-22: The internal identifier used for files regarding the procurement procedure or lot before a procedure identifier is given (e.g. coming from the buyer's document management system or procurement planning system).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.identifiers.id`, and set `.identifiers.scheme` to 'internal'. ```xml LOT-0001 PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "identifiers": [ { "id": "PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI", "scheme": "internal" } ] } ] } } ```

Internal Identifier

BT-22: The internal identifier used for files regarding the procurement procedure or lot before a procedure identifier is given (e.g. coming from the buyer's document management system or procurement planning system).

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.identifiers.id`, and set `.identifiers.scheme` to 'internal'. ```xml GLO-0001 PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "identifiers": [ { "id": "PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI", "scheme": "internal" } ] } ] } } ```

Internal Identifier

BT-22: The internal identifier used for files regarding the procurement procedure or lot before a procedure identifier is given (e.g. coming from the buyer's document management system or procurement planning system).

Map to `tender.identifiers.id`, and set `identifiers.scheme` to 'internal'. ```xml PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI ``` ```json { "tender": { "identifiers": [ { "id": "PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI", "scheme": "internal" } ] } } ```

Internal Identifier

BT-22: The internal identifier used for files regarding the procurement procedure or lot before a procedure identifier is given (e.g. coming from the buyer's document management system or procurement planning system).

Map to `tender.identifiers.id`, and set `identifiers.scheme` to 'internal'. ```xml PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI ``` ```json { "tender": { "identifiers": [ { "id": "PROC/2020/0024-ABC-FGHI", "scheme": "internal" } ] } } ```

BT-23-Lot *
Main Nature

BT-23: The main nature (e.g. works) of what is being bought. In case of mixed procurement (e.g. a procedure for both works and services), the main nature may be, for example, the one with the highest estimated value. This information shall be given for the whole procedure.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If the value of this field equals "works" or "services", map it to the lot's `.mainProcurementCategory`. If it equals "supplies", set the lot's `.mainProcurementCategory` to 'goods'. ```xml LOT-0001 works ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "mainProcurementCategory": "works" } ] } } ```

BT-23-Part *
Main Nature

BT-23: The main nature (e.g. works) of what is being bought. In case of mixed procurement (e.g. a procedure for both works and services), the main nature may be, for example, the one with the highest estimated value. This information shall be given for the whole procedure.

If the value of this field equals "works" or "services", map to `tender.mainProcurementCategory`. If it equals "supplies", set `tender.mainProcurementCategory` to 'goods'. ```xml works ``` ```json { "tender": { "mainProcurementCategory": "works" } } ```

BT-23-Procedure *
Main Nature

BT-23: The main nature (e.g. works) of what is being bought. In case of mixed procurement (e.g. a procedure for both works and services), the main nature may be, for example, the one with the highest estimated value. This information shall be given for the whole procedure.

If the value of this field equals "works" or "services", map to `tender.mainProcurementCategory`. If it equals "supplies", set `tender.mainProcurementCategory` to 'goods'. ```xml works ``` ```json { "tender": { "mainProcurementCategory": "works" } } ```

BT-24-Lot *

BT-24: The description of the nature and quantity of what is being bought or of the needs and requirements that shall be met in this procedure or lot. In case of a modification notice, the description of the procurement before and after the modification.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 Procedure for the procurement of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "description": "Procedure for the procurement of ..." } ] } } ```


BT-24: The description of the nature and quantity of what is being bought or of the needs and requirements that shall be met in this procedure or lot. In case of a modification notice, the description of the procurement before and after the modification.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.description`. ```xml GLO-0001 Procedure for the procurement of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "description": "Procedure for the procurement of ..." } ] } } ```

BT-24-Part *

BT-24: The description of the nature and quantity of what is being bought or of the needs and requirements that shall be met in this procedure or lot. In case of a modification notice, the description of the procurement before and after the modification.

Map to `tender.description`. ```xml Procedure for the procurement of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "description": "Procedure for the procurement of ..." } } ```

BT-24-Procedure *

BT-24: The description of the nature and quantity of what is being bought or of the needs and requirements that shall be met in this procedure or lot. In case of a modification notice, the description of the procurement before and after the modification.

Map to `tender.description`. ```xml Procedure for the procurement of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "description": "Procedure for the procurement of ..." } } ```


BT-25: The number of units required.

[Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.quantity`. ```xml LOT-0001 45000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "quantity": 45000, "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Classification Type (e.g. CPV)

BT-26: The type of classification describing the purchase (e.g. the CPV).

This field maps to the same objects as created for BT-263-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification/cbc:ItemClassificationCode`, add or update a corresponding `Classification` object in the item's `.additionalClassifications` array. Capitalize the value of `cbc:ItemClassificationCode[@listName]` and map to the classification's `.scheme`. ```xml LOT-0001 15311200 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "scheme": "CPV" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Classification Type (e.g. CPV)

BT-26: The type of classification describing the purchase (e.g. the CPV).

This field maps to the same objects as created for BT-263-Part. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::AdditionalCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. For each `cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification/cbc:ItemClassificationCode`, add or update a corresponding `Classification` object in the item's `.additionalClassifications`. Capitalize the value of `cbc:ItemClassificationCode[@listName]` and map to the classification's `.scheme`.. ```xml 15311200 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "scheme": "CPV" } ] } ] } } ```

Classification Type (e.g. CPV)

BT-26: The type of classification describing the purchase (e.g. the CPV).

This field maps to the same objects as created for BT-263-Procedure. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::AdditionalCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. For each `cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification/cbc:ItemClassificationCode`, add or update a corresponding `Classification` object in the item's `.additionalClassifications`.Capitalize the value of `cbc:ItemClassificationCode[@listName]` and map to the classification's `.scheme`.. ```xml 15311200 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "scheme": "CPV" } ] } ] } } ```

BT-26(m)-Lot *
Classification Type (e.g. CPV)

BT-26: The type of classification describing the purchase (e.g. the CPV).

This field maps to the same object as created for BT-262-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). Capitalize the value of `cbc:ItemClassificationCode[@listName]` and map to the item's `.classification.scheme`. ```xml LOT-0001 15311100 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "classification": { "scheme": "CPV" }, "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-26(m)-Part *
Classification Type (e.g. CPV)

BT-26: The type of classification describing the purchase (e.g. the CPV).

This field maps to the same object as created for BT-262-Part. If no `Item` object was created for `ancestor::MainCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. - Capitalize the value of `cbc:ItemClassificationCode[@listName]` and map to the item's `.classification.scheme`. ```xml 15311100 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "classification": { "scheme": "CPV" } } ] } } ```

BT-26(m)-Procedure *
Classification Type (e.g. CPV)

BT-26: The type of classification describing the purchase (e.g. the CPV).

This field maps to the same object as created for BT-262-Procedure. If no `Item` object was created for `ancestor::MainCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. - Capitalize the value of `cbc:ItemClassificationCode[@listName]` and map to the item's `.classification.scheme`. ```xml 15311100 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "classification": { "scheme": "CPV" } } ] } } ```

BT-262-Lot *
Main Classification Code

BT-262: The code from the classification that best characterises the purchase.

This field maps to the same object as created for BT-26(m)-Lot. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::MainCommodityClassification`: - [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - Add an `Item` object to the lot's `.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. Map to the item's `.classification.id`.' ```xml LOT-0001 15311100 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "classification": { "id": "15311100" } } ] } } ```

BT-262-Part *
Main Classification Code

BT-262: The code from the classification that best characterises the purchase.

This field maps to the same object as created for BT-26(m)-Part. If no `Item` object was created for `ancestor::MainCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. Map to the item's `.classification.id`. ```xml 15311100 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "classification": { "id": "15311100" } } ] } } ```

BT-262-Procedure *
Main Classification Code

BT-262: The code from the classification that best characterises the purchase.

This field maps to the same object as created for BT-26(m)-Procedure. If no `Item` object was created for `ancestor::MainCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. Map to the item's `.classification.id`. ```xml 15311100 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "classification": { "id": "15311100" } } ] } } ```

Additional Classification Code

BT-263: An additional code from the classification that also characterises the purchase.

This field maps to the same `Classification` objects as created for BT-26(a)-Lot. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::AdditionalCommodityClassification`: - [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - Add an `Item` object to the lot's `.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. For each `cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification/cbc:ItemClassificationCode`, add or update a corresponding `Classification` object in the item's `.additionalClassifications` array and map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. ```xml LOT-0001 15311200 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "id": "15311200" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Additional Classification Code

BT-263: An additional code from the classification that also characterises the purchase.

This field maps to the same objects as created for BT-26(a)-Part. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::AdditionalCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. For each `cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification/cbc:ItemClassificationCode`, add or update a corresponding `Classification` object in the item's `.additionalClassifications` array and map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. ```xml 15311200 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "id": "15311200" } ] } ] } } ```

Additional Classification Code

BT-263: An additional code from the classification that also characterises the purchase.

This field maps to the same objects as created for BT-26(a)-Procedure. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::AdditionalCommodityClassification`: - Add an `Item` object to the `tender.items` array. - Set the item's `id` incrementally. For each `cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification/cbc:ItemClassificationCode`, add or update a corresponding `Classification` object in the item's `.additionalClassifications` and map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. ```xml 15311200 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "id": "15311200" } ] } ] } } ```

Estimated Value

BT-27: The estimated value of the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), map to its `.value.amount` and map `@currencyID` to its `value.currency`. ```xml LOT-0001 250000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "value": { "amount": 250000, "currency": "EUR" } } ] } } ```

Estimated Value

BT-27: The estimated value of the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot), map to its `.maximumValue.amount` and map `@currencyID` to its `maximumValue.currency`. ```xml GLO-0001 250000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "maximumValue": { "amount": 250000, "currency": "EUR" } } ] } } ```

Estimated Value

BT-27: The estimated value of the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals.

Map to `tender.value.amount` and map `@currencyID` to `tender.value.currency`. ```xml 250000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "value": { "amount": 250000, "currency": "EUR" } } } ```

Estimated Value

BT-27: The estimated value of the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals.

Map to `tender.value.amount` and map `@currencyID` to `tender.value.currency`. ```xml 250000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "value": { "amount": 250000, "currency": "EUR" } } } ```

Framework Maximum Value

BT-271: The maximum value of the framework agreement for the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals. This value covers all contracts to be awarded within the framework agreement.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), map to its `.techniques.frameworkAgreement.value.amount` and map `@currencyID` to its `techniques.frameworkAgreement.value.currency`. ```xml LOT-0001 120000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "frameworkAgreement": { "value": { "amount": 120000, "currency": "EUR" } } } } ] } } ```

Framework Maximum Value

BT-271: The maximum value of the framework agreement for the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals. This value covers all contracts to be awarded within the framework agreement.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot), map to its `.techniques.frameworkAgreement.value.amount` and map `@currencyID` to its `techniques.frameworkAgreement.value.currency`. ```xml GLO-0001 120000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "techniques": { "frameworkAgreement": { "value": { "amount": 120000, "currency": "EUR" } } } } ] } } ```

Framework Maximum Value

BT-271: The maximum value of the framework agreement for the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals. This value covers all contracts to be awarded within the framework agreement.

Map to `tender.techniques.frameworkAgreement.value.amount`. Map `@currencyID` to `tender.techniques.frameworkAgreement.value.currency`. ```xml 120000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "techniques": { "frameworkAgreement": { "value": { "amount": 120000, "currency": "EUR" } } } } } ```

Additional Information

BT-300: Any further information not mentioned in other sections of the notice.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and append to its `.description`. This results in a loss of structure. ```xml LOT-0001 For the current procedure ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "description": "For the current procedure ..." } ] } } ```

Additional Information

BT-300: Any further information not mentioned in other sections of the notice.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and append to its `.description`. This results in a loss of structure. ```xml GLO-0001 For the current procedure ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "description": "For the current procedure ..." } ] } } ```

Additional Information

BT-300: Any further information not mentioned in other sections of the notice.

Map to the release's `description`. ```xml For the current procedure ... ``` ```json { "description": "For the current procedure..." } ```

Additional Information

BT-300: Any further information not mentioned in other sections of the notice.

Map to the release's `description` ```xml For the current procedure ... ``` ```json { "description": "For the current procedure..." } ```

Lots Max Allowed

BT-31: The maximum number of lots for which one tenderer can submit tenders.

Map to `tender.lotDetails.maximumLotsBidPerSupplier` ```xml 6 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotDetails": { "maximumLotsBidPerSupplier": 6 } } } ```

BT-3201-Tender *
Tender Identifier

BT-3201: An identifier of a tender. The information in the tender section refers to this tender.

[Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender). - Add a `SimpleIdentifier` to the bid's `.identifiers` array. - Map the value of this field to the simple identifier's `.id`. - If the scope of the list, register or scheme from which the contract identifier is drawn is subnational, set the simple identifier's `.scheme` to `{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2}-{system}`. Otherwise, set it to `{ISO 3166-2}-{system}`. ```xml TEN-0001 BID ABD/GHI-NL/2020-002 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "identifiers": [ { "id": "BID ABD/GHI-NL/2020-002", "scheme": "NL-TENDERNL" } ] } ] } } ```

BT-3202-Contract *
Contract Tender ID (Reference)

BT-3202: An identifier of the tender or another result that led to this contract.

- [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract), and add the value of this field to its `.relatedBids` array. - Get the `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotTender` whose `/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of this field. - Get the `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:TenderingParty` whose `/cbc:ID` matches the `LotTender`'s `/efac:TenderingParty/cbc:ID`. - For each `ancestor::efac:TenderingParty/efac:Tenderer`, [get the organization for the tenderer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-tenderer), and: - Add 'supplier' to the organization's `.roles` array. - For each `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult` with an `/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID` equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID`: - [Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult). - Add an `OrganizationReference` to the award's `.suppliers` array, and: - Set the organization reference's `.id` to the organization's `.id`. ```xml CON-0001 TEN-0001 TEN-0001 TPA-0001 RES-0001 CON-0001 LOT-0001 TPA-0001 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "supplier" ] } ], "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "suppliers": [ { "id": "ORG-0001" } ], "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "relatedBids": [ "TEN-0001" ] } ] } ```

Lots Max Awarded

BT-33: The maximum number of lots for which contract(s) can be awarded to one tenderer.

Map to `tender.lotDetails.maximumLotsAwardedPerSupplier` ```xml 4 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotDetails": { "maximumLotsAwardedPerSupplier": 4 } } } ```

Group Identifier

BT-330: The identifier of a group of lots in the procedure.

If there is a `LotGroup` in `tender.lotGroups` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add a `LotGroup` to `tender.lotGroups` and map to its `.id`. ```xml GLO-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-36-Lot *
Duration Period

BT-36: The (estimated) period from the start to the end of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or qualification system. This shall include any options and renewals.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If `@unitCode` is set to "DAY", map to the lot's `.contractPeriod.durationInDays`. Otherwise, if `@unitCode` is set to "MONTH", multiply by 30, or, if `@unitCode` is set to "YEAR", multiply by 365. In either case, map the result to the lot's `.contractPeriod.durationInDays`. ```xml LOT-0001 3 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractPeriod": { "durationInDays": 3 } } ] } } ```

Duration Period

BT-36: The (estimated) period from the start to the end of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or qualification system. This shall include any options and renewals.

If `@unitCode` is set to "DAY", map to `tender.contractPeriod.durationInDays`. If `@unitCode` is set to "MONTH", multiply by 30. If `@unitCode` is set to "YEAR", multiply by 365. In either case, map the result to `tender.contractPeriod.durationInDays`. If `@unitCode` is set to a specific day of the week or month map equivalent number of days to `tender.contractPeriod.durationInDays`. ```xml 3 ``` ```json { "tender": { "contractPeriod": { "durationInDays": 3 } } } ```

Selection Criteria Second Stage Invite

BT-40: The criteria (or criterion) will (only) be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure (if a maximum number of candidates was set).

If `cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, this field is maps to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-747, BT-749, BT-750, BT-752, BT-7531 and BT-7532. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - Set the criterion's `.forReduction` to `true`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "forReduction": true } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-41-Lot *
Following Contract

BT-41: Any service contract following the contest will be awarded to one of the winners of the contest.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.designContest.followUpContracts` to `true`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "followUpContracts": true } } ] } } ```

BT-42-Lot *
Jury Decision Binding

BT-42: The decision of the jury is binding on the buyer.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.designContest.bindingJuryDecision` to `true`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "bindingJuryDecision": true } } ] } } ```

Prize Rank

BT-44: The place (e.g. first place, second place) in a design contest, innovation partnership or competitive dialogue that receives the prize.

This field maps to the same `Prize` objects as created for BT-45-Lot and BT-644-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:Prize`, add or update the corresponding `Prize` object in the lot's `.designContest.prizes.details` array, and set its `.id` incrementally. The position of the prize object in the `.details` array determines the rank of the prize. Example: `.details[0]` should return the highest ranking prize, `.details[1]` the second highest ranking prize, etc. ```xml LOT-0001 1 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "prizes": { "details": [ { "id": "0" } ] } } } ] } } ```

Rewards Other

BT-45: Further information about follow-up contracts, prizes and payments (for example non-monetary prizes, payments given for participation).

This field maps to the same `Prize` objects as created for BT-44-Lot and BT-644-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:Prize`, add or update the corresponding `Prize` object in the lot's `.designContest.prizes.details` array and map to its `description`. ```xml LOT-0001 The first prize winner will be awarded ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "prizes": { "details": [ { "id": "0", "description": "The first prize winner will be awarded ..." } ] } } } ] } } ```

Jury Member Name

BT-46: A name of the jury member.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), add a `JuryMember` object to its `.designContest.juryMembers` array, and map to the jury member's `.name` ```xml LOT-0001 Mrs Pamela Smith ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "juryMembers": [ { "name": "Mrs Pamela Smith" } ] } } ] } } ```

Participant Name

BT-47: A name of an already selected participant. A participant could have been selected already at the time of the publication of the design contest notice because, for example, the information about the participation of a world-renowned architect is intended to promote the contest amongst other potential participants.

- [Add a party](operations.md#add-a-party), add 'selectedParticipant' to its `.roles`, and map to its `.name`. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), add an `OrganizationReference` object to its `.designContest.selectedParticipants` array, and set the organization reference's `.id` to the party's `.id`. ```xml LOT-0001 Mr P. Sanchez ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "name": "Mr P. Sanchez", "roles": [ "selectedParticipant" ], "id": "1" } ], "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "selectedParticipants": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Mr P. Sanchez" } ] } } ] } } ```

Minimum Candidates

BT-50: The minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.secondStage.minimumCandidates`. ```xml LOT-0001 3 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "secondStage": { "minimumCandidates": 3 } } ] } } ```

BT-500-Organization-Company *
Organisation Name

BT-500: The official name of the organisation.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.name`. ```xml ORG-0001 Ministry of Education ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "name": "Ministry of Education" } ] } ```


BT-500: The official name of the organisation.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.name`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 Ministry of Education ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "name": "Ministry of Education", "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

UBO Name

BT-500: The official name of the organisation.

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.name`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 Mouse ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "name": "Mouse" } ] } ] } ```

BT-501-Organization-Company *
Organisation Identifier

BT-501: An identifier of the organisation. All of the organisation's identifiers shall be given.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company). Add an `Identifier` object to the organization's `.additionalIdentifiers` array, map to the identifier's `.id`, and [set `.scheme`](https://standard.open-contracting.org/1.1/en/schema/identifiers/#organization-ids). ```xml ORG-0001 09506232 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "additionalIdentifiers": [ { "id": "09506232", "scheme": "GB-COH" } ] } ] } ```

EU Funds Financing Identifier

BT-5010: An identifier of the Union programme used to at least partially finance the contract. The most concrete information must be given (e.g. grant agreement number, national identifier, project acronym, contract number).

- Get the `Organization` object whose `.name` is 'European Union', and add 'funder' to its `.roles`. - If none exists yet: - [Add a party](operations.md#add-a-party). - Set its `.name` to 'European Union'. - Add 'funder' to its `.roles`. - This field maps to the same `finance` objects as created for BT-6140-Lot and BT-7220-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:Funding`, add or update the corresponding `Finance` object in the budget's `.finance` array and map the value of this field to its `.id`. - Add the lot's identifier to `.relatedLots`. - Set its `.financingParty.name` to 'European Union'. - Set its `.financingParty.id` to the party's `.id`. ```xml LOT-0001 CON_PRO-123/ABC ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "1", "name": "European Union", "roles": [ "funder" ] } ], "planning": { "budget": { "finance": [ { "id": "CON_PRO-123/ABC", "financingParty": { "id": "1", "name": "European Union" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } } ```

Contract EU Funds Financing Identifier

BT-5011: An identifier of the Union programme used to at least partially finance the contract. The most concrete information must be given (e.g. grant agreement number, national identifier, project acronym, contract number)

- Get the `Organization` object whose `.name` is 'European Union', and add 'funder' to its `.roles`. - If none exists yet: - [Add a party](operations.md#add-a-party). - Set its `.name` to 'European Union'. - Add 'funder' to its `.roles`. - This field maps to the same `finance` objects as created for BT-6110-Contract and BT-722-Contract. - [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). - For each `efac:Funding`, add or update the corresponding `Finance` object in the contract's `.finance` array and map the value of this field to its `.id`. - Set its `.financingParty.name` to 'European Union'. - Set its `.financingParty.id` to the party's `.id`. ```xml CON-0001 2021/1234 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "1", "name": "European Union", "roles": [ "funder" ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "finance": [ { "id": "2021/1234", "financingParty": { "id": "1", "name": "European Union" } } ] } ] } ```

Organisation Contact Point

BT-502: The name of the department or other contact point for communicating with the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the contact point shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.name` ```xml ORG-0001 Press Department ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "contactPoint": { "name": "Press Department" } } ] } ```

Contact Point

BT-502: The name of the department or other contact point for communicating with the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the contact point shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.name`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 Head of Legal Department ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "contactPoint": { "name": "Head of Legal Department" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

BT-503-Organization-Company *
Organisation Contact Telephone Number

BT-503: The telephone number for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the telephone number shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.telephone` ```xml ORG-0001 +123 45678 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "contactPoint": { "telephone": "+123 45678" } } ] } ```

Contact Telephone Number

BT-503: The telephone number for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the telephone number shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.telephone` ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 +123 45678 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "contactPoint": { "telephone": "+123 45678" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

UBO Telephone Number

BT-503: The telephone number for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the telephone number shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.telephone`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 +123 4567890 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "telephone": "+123 456789" } ] } ] } ```

Organisation Internet Address

BT-505: The website of the organisation.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.details.url`. ```xml ORG-0001 http://xyz.europa.eu/ ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "url": "http://xyz.europa.eu/" } } ] } ```

Internet Address

BT-505: The website of the organisation.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.details.url`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 http://abc.europa.eu/ ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "details": { "url": "http://abc.europa.eu/" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

BT-506-Organization-Company *
Organisation Contact Email Address

BT-506: The email address for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the email address shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.email` ```xml ORG-0001 press@xyz.europa.eu ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "contactPoint": { "email": "press@xyz.europa.eu" } } ] } ```

Contact Email Address

BT-506: The email address for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the email address shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.email` ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 abc@xyz.europa.eu ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "contactPoint": { "email": "press@xyz.europa.eu" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

UBO Email Address

BT-506: The email address for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the email address shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.email`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 mickey.mouse@cheese-universe.com ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "email": "mickey.mouse@cheese-universe.com" } ] } ] } ```

Organisation Country Subdivision

BT-507: The location according to the common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) of the organisation's physical address. The NUTS3 classification code shall be used.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.address.region`. ```xml ORG-0001 XY374 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "region": "XY374" } } ] } ```

Country Subdivision

BT-507: The location according to the common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) of the organisation's physical address. The NUTS3 classification code shall be used.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.address.region`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 XY374 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "region": "XY374" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

Country Subdivision

BT-507: The location according to the common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) of the organisation's physical address. The NUTS3 classification code shall be used.

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.address.region`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 GBK62 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "region": "GBK62" } } ] } ] } ```

BT-5071-Lot *
Place Performance Country Subdivision

BT-5071: The location according to the common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS). The NUTS3 classification code shall be used.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-727-Lot, BT-5101-Lot and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.region`. ```xml LOT-0001 UKG23 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "region": "UKG23" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-5071-Part *
Place Performance Country Subdivision

BT-5071: The location according to the common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS). The NUTS3 classification code shall be used.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-727-Part, BT-5101-Part and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.region`. ```xml UKG23 ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "region": "UKG23" } ] } } ```

BT-5071-Procedure *
Place Performance Country Subdivision

BT-5071: The location according to the common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS). The NUTS3 classification code shall be used.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, BT-5101-Procedure and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.region`. ```xml UKG23 ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "region": "UKG23" } ] } } ```

BT-508-Procedure-Buyer *
Buyer Profile URL

BT-508: The website where the buyer publishes information regarding procurement procedures (e.g. notices, procurement documents).

[Get the organization for the buyer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-the-buyer). Map to the organization's `.details.buyerProfile`. ```xml https://admin-abc.com/public-procurements/ ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "buyerProfile": "https://admin-abc.com/public-procurements/" }, "roles": [ "buyer" ] } ] } ```

Organisation eDelivery Gateway

BT-509: The organisation's uniform resource locator for exchange of data and documents.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.eDeliveryGateway`. ```xml ORG-0001 https://drive.xpertpro.eu/ ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "eDeliveryGateway": "https://drive.xpertpro.eu" } ] } ```

eDelivery Gateway

BT-509: The organisation's uniform resource locator for exchange of data and documents.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.eDeliveryGateway`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 https://drive.xpertpro.eu/ ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "eDeliveryGateway": "https://drive.xpertpro.eu", "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

Maximum Candidates Number

BT-51: The maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.secondStage.maximumCandidates`. ```xml LOT-0001 10 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "secondStage": { "maximumCandidates": 10 } } ] } } ```


BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the organization's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml ORG-0001 2, rue de Europe Building A 3rd Floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2, rue de Europe, Building A, 3rd Floor" } } ] } ```


BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the organization's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 2, rue de Europe Building A 3rd Floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2, rue de Europe, Building A, 3rd Floor" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```


BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the person's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 2 CheeseStreet Nelson Building 2nd floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2 CheeseStreet, Nelson Building, 2nd floor" } } ] } ] } ```

Streetline 1

BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the organization's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml ORG-0001 2, rue de Europe Building A 3rd Floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2, rue de Europe, Building A, 3rd Floor" } } ] } ```

Streetline 1

BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the organization's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 2, rue de Europe Building A 3rd Floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2, rue de Europe, Building A, 3rd Floor" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

Streetline 1

BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the person's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 2 CheeseStreet Nelson Building 2nd floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2 CheeseStreet, Nelson Building, 2nd floor" } } ] } ] } ```

Streetline 2

BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the organization's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml ORG-0001 2, rue de Europe Building A 3rd Floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2, rue de Europe, Building A, 3rd Floor" } } ] } ```

Streetline 2

BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the organization's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 2, rue de Europe Building A 3rd Floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2, rue de Europe, Building A, 3rd Floor" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

Streetline 2

BT-510: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the organisation's physical address and further identification (e.g. building number).

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner), combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the person's `address.streetAddress`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 2 CheeseStreet Nelson Building 2nd floor ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "streetAddress": "2 CheeseStreet, Nelson Building, 2nd floor" } } ] } ] } ```

Place Performance Street

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-727-Lot, and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml LOT-0001 Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Street

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Street

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Streetline 1

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-727-Lot, and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml LOT-0001 Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Streetline 1

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Streetline 1

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Streetline 2

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-727-Lot, and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml LOT-0001 Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Streetline 2

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Streetline 2

BT-5101: The name of the street, road, avenue, etc., of the place of performance and further identification (e.g. building number).

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, combine the values of `cbc:StreetName`, `cbc:AdditionalStreetName` and each `cac:AddressLine/cbc:Line` in that order, separating each string with ', ' (comma and space) and map the result to the address's `.streetAddress`. ```xml Main Street Building B1 3rd floor ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "streetAddress": "Main Street, 2, Building B1, 3rd floor" } ] } } ```

Organisation Post Code

BT-512: The post code of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.address.postalCode` ```xml ORG-0001 2345 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "postalCode": "2345" } } ] } ```

Post Code

BT-512: The post code of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the touchpoint's `.address.postalCode` ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 2345 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "postalCode": "2345" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

Post Code

BT-512: The post code of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.address.postalCode`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 C6HA782 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "postalCode": "C6HA78" } } ] } ] } ```

BT-5121-Lot *
Place Performance Post Code

BT-5121: The postcode of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-727-Lot, BT-5101-Lot and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.postalCode`. ```xml LOT-0001 XY14 2LG ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "postalCode": "XY14 2LG" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-5121-Part *
Place Performance Post Code

BT-5121: The postcode of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, BT-5101-Part and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.postalCode`. ```xml XY14 2LG ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "postalCode": "XY14 2LG" } ] } } ```

BT-5121-Procedure *
Place Performance Post Code

BT-5121: The postcode of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, BT-5101-Procedure and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.postalCode`. ```xml XY14 2LG ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "postalCode": "XY14 2LG" } ] } } ```

BT-513-Organization-Company *
Organisation City

BT-513: The name of the locality (city, town, or village) of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.address.locality`. ```xml ORG-0001 SmallCity ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "locality": "SmallCity" } } ] } ```


BT-513: The name of the locality (city, town, or village) of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.address.locality`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 SmallCity ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "locality": "SmallCity" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```


BT-513: The name of the locality (city, town, or village) of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.address.postalCode`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 MouseTown ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "locality": "MouseTown" } } ] } ] } ```

Place Performance City

BT-5131: The name of the locality (city, town, or village) of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-727-Lot, BT-5101-Lot and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.locality`. ```xml LOT-0001 BigCity ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "locality": "BigCity" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Place Performance City

BT-5131: The name of the locality (city, town, or village) of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, BT-5101-Part and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.locality`. ```xml BigCity ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "locality": "BigCity" } ] } } ```

Place Performance City

BT-5131: The name of the locality (city, town, or village) of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, BT-5101-Procedure and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map the value of this field to its `.locality`. ```xml BigCity ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "locality": "BigCity" } ] } } ```

BT-514-Organization-Company *
Organisation Country Code

BT-514: The country of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and map it to the organization's `.address.country`. ```xml ORG-0001 GBR ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "address": { "country": "GB" } } ] } ```

Country Code

BT-514: The country of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint), look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and map it to the organization's `.address.country`. ```xml 998298 TPO-0001 GBR ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "address": { "country": "GB" }, "identifier": { "id": "998298", "scheme": "internal" } } ] } ```

Country Code

BT-514: The country of the organisation's physical address.

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner), look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and map it to the person's `.address.country`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 GBR ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "address": { "country": "GB" } } ] } ] } ```

BT-5141-Lot *
Place Performance Country Code

BT-5141: The country of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-727-Lot, and BT-5101-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array, look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and map it to the address's `.country`. ```xml LOT-0001 GBR ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "deliveryAddresses": [ { "country": "GB" } ], "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-5141-Part *
Place Performance Country Code

BT-5141: The country of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, and BT-5101-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and map it to the address's `.country`. ```xml GBR ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "country": "GB" } ] } } ```

BT-5141-Procedure *
Place Performance Country Code

BT-5141: The country of the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-727-Procedure, and BT-5101-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array, look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and map it to the address's `.country`. ```xml GBR ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "country": "GB" } ] } } ```

Successive Reduction Indicator (Lot)

BT-52: The procedure will take place in successive stages. In each stage, some participants may be eliminated.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `secondStage.successiveReduction` to `true`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "secondStage": { "successiveReduction": true } } ] } } ```

Additional Nature (different from Main)

BT-531: The nature (e.g. services) of what is being bought, additional to Main Nature.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add to its `.additionalProcurementCategories` array. ```xml LOT-0001 works ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "additionalProcurementCategories": [ "works" ] } ] } } ```

Additional Nature (different from Main)

BT-531: The nature (e.g. services) of what is being bought, additional to Main Nature.

Add to `tender.additionalProcurementCategories` array. ```xml works ``` ```json { "tender": { "additionalProcurementCategories": [ "works" ] } } ```

Additional Nature (different from Main)

BT-531: The nature (e.g. services) of what is being bought, additional to Main Nature.

Add to `tender.additionalProcurementCategories` array. ```xml works ``` ```json { "tender": { "additionalProcurementCategories": [ "works" ] } } ```

BT-536-Lot *
Duration Start Date

BT-536: The (estimated) date when the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or qualification system will start.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.contractPeriod.startDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "2019-11-15T00:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Duration Start Date

BT-536: The (estimated) date when the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or qualification system will start.

[Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `tender.contractPeriod.startDate`. ```xml 2019-11-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "2019-11-15T00:00:00+01:00" } } } ```

BT-537-Lot *
Duration End Date

BT-537: The (estimated) date when the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or qualification system will finish.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.contractPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-19+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-19T23:59:59+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Duration End Date

BT-537: The (estimated) date when the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or qualification system will finish.

[Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `tender.contractPeriod.endDate`. ```xml 2019-11-19+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "contractPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-11-19T23:59:59+01:00" } } } ```

BT-538-Lot *
Duration Other

BT-538: The duration is unknown, unlimited, etc.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractPeriod.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 UNLIMITED ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractPeriod": { "description": "UNLIMITED" } } ] } } ```

Duration Other

BT-538: The duration is unknown, unlimited, etc.

Map to `tender.contractPeriod.description` ```xml UNLIMITED ``` ```json { "tender": { "contractPeriod": { "description": "UNLIMITED" } } } ```

BT-539-Lot *
Award Criterion Type

BT-539: Whether the criterion concerns the price, the cost, or a non-price non-cost attribute of the tender. (Price is the acquisition price; cost is any other non-price monetary criterion.)

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-540-Lot, BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array and map the value of this field to the award critereon's `.type`. ```xml LOT-0001 quality ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "type": "quality" } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-539-LotsGroup *
Award Criterion Type

BT-539: Whether the criterion concerns the price, the cost, or a non-price non-cost attribute of the tender. (Price is the acquisition price; cost is any other non-price monetary criterion.)

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot group's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array and map the value of this field to the award critereon's `.type`. ```xml GLO-0001 quality ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "type": "quality" } ] } } ] } } ```

Options Description

BT-54: The description of the options.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.options.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 The buyer reserves the right to ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "options": { "description": "The buyer reserves the right to..." } } ] } } ```

BT-540-Lot *
Award Criterion Description

BT-540: The description of the award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion's `.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 Tenders with a quality score less than 65... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "description": "Tenders with a quality score less than 65..." } ] } } ] } } ```

Award Criterion Description

BT-540: The description of the award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot group's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion's `.description`. ```xml GLO-0001 Tenders with a quality score less than 65... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "description": "Tenders with a quality score less than 65..." } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber *
Award Criterion Fixed Number

BT-541: A number linked to an award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-5422-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. Add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion number's `.number`. ```xml LOT-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 50 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber *
Award Criterion Threshold Number

BT-541: A number linked to an award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-5423-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. Add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion number's `.number`. ```xml LOT-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 50 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber *
Award Criterion Weight Number

BT-541: A number linked to an award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-5421-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. Add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion number's `.number`. ```xml LOT-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 50 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber *
Award Criterion Fixed Number

BT-541: A number linked to an award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-5422-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot gorup's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. Add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion number's `.number`. ```xml GLO-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 50 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber *
Award Criterion Threshold Number

BT-541: A number linked to an award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-5423-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot gorup's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. Add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion number's `.number`. ```xml GLO-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 50 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber *
Award Criterion Weight Number

BT-541: A number linked to an award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-5421-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot gorup's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. Add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the value of this field to the award criterion number's `.number`. ```xml GLO-0001 50 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 50 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-5421-Lot *
Award Criterion Number Weight

BT-5421: Whether the number linked to an award criterion is a type of weight (e.g. a percentage).

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5422-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5422-Lot and BT-5423-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. For each `efac:AwardCriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map value of the code to the award criterion number's `.weight` according to the [number weight mapping table](codelists/number-weight). ```xml LOT-0001 per-exa ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "weight": "percentageExact" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-5421-LotsGroup *
Award Criterion Number Weight

BT-5421: Whether the number linked to an award criterion is a type of weight (e.g. a percentage).

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5422-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5422-LotsGroup and BT-5423-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot group's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. For each `efac:AwardCriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the code to the award criterion number's `.weight` according to the [number weight mapping table](codelists/number-weight). ```xml GLO-0001 per-exa ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "weight": "percentageExact" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-5422-Lot *
Award Criterion Number Fixed

BT-5422: Whether the number linked to an award criterion is a fixed value (e.g. a fixed price, a fixed cost).

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5423-Lot and BT-734-Lot and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot and BT-5423-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. For each `efac:AwardCriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the code to the award criterion number's `.fixed` according to the [number fixed mapping table](codelists/number-fixed). ```xml LOT-0001 total ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "fixed": "total" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-5422-LotsGroup *
Award Criterion Number Fixed

BT-5422: Whether the number linked to an award criterion is a fixed value (e.g. a fixed price, a fixed cost).

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5423-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup and BT-5423-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot group's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. For each `efac:AwardCriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the code to the award criterion number's `.fixed` according to the [number fixed mapping table](codelists/number-fixed). ```xml GLO-0001 total ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "fixed": "total" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-5423-Lot *
Award Criterion Number Threshold

BT-5423: Whether the number linked to an award criterion is a type of threshold (e.g. a minimum score, a maximum number of tenders with the highest score passing).

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot and BT-734-Lot and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot and BT-5422-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. For each `efac:AwardCriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the code to the award criterion number's `.threshold` according to the [number threshold mapping table](codelists/number-threshold). ```xml LOT-0001 max-pass ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "threshold": "maximumBids" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-5423-LotsGroup *
Award Criterion Number Threshold

BT-5423: Whether the number linked to an award criterion is a type of threshold (e.g. a minimum score, a maximum number of tenders with the highest score passing).

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup and BT-734-LotsGroup and to the same `CriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup and BT-5422-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot group's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array. For each `efac:AwardCriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `CriterionNumber` in the award criterion's `.numbers` array and map the code to the award criterion number's `.threshold` according to the [number threshold mapping table](codelists/number-threshold). ```xml GLO-0001 max-pass ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "threshold": "maximumBids" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-543-Lot *
Award Criteria Complicated

BT-543: The mathematical equation or any other description used for complicated weighing of criteria (e.g. non-linear weighing, the analytic hierarchy process) when a weighing cannot be expressed per criterion.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.awardCriteria.weightingDescription`. ```xml LOT-0001 Price-quality score calculation is based on … ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "weightingDescription": "Price-quality score calculation is based on …" } } ] } } ```

BT-543-LotsGroup *
Award Criteria Complicated

BT-543: The mathematical equation or any other description used for complicated weighing of criteria (e.g. non-linear weighing, the analytic hierarchy process) when a weighing cannot be expressed per criterion.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.awardCriteria.weightingDescription`. ```xml GLO-0001 Price-quality score calculation is based on … ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "weightingDescription": "Price-quality score calculation is based on …" } } ] } } ```

Subcontracting Value

BT-553: The estimated value of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties.

[Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender) and map to its `.subcontracting.value.amount`. Map `@currencyID` to the value's `.currency`. ```xml TEN-0001 9999999.99 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "subcontracting": { "value": { "amount": 9999999.99, "currency": "EUR" } }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Subcontracting Description

BT-554: The description of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties.

[Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender) and map to its `.subcontracting.description`. ```xml TEN-0001 The subcontracting will be... LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "subcontracting": { "description": "The subcontracting will be..." }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Subcontracting Percentage

BT-555: The estimated percentage of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties compared to the whole contract.

[Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender), divide the value of this field by 100 and map to the bid's `.subcontracting.minimumPercentage` and `.subcontracting.maximumPercentage`. ```xml TEN-0001 30 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "subcontracting": { "minimumPercentage": 0.3, "maximumPercentage": 0.3 }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Group Framework Value Lot Identifier

BT-556: An identifier of a lot within the procedure that is part of a group of lots whose maximum value is lower than the sum of maximum values of individual lots (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). These are maximum values as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

Discard. ```xml GLO-0001 ```

Renewal Description

BT-57: Any other information about the renewal(s).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.renewal.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 The buyer reserves the right to ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "renewal": { "description": "The buyer reserves the right to ..." } } ] } } ```

Security Clearance

BT-578: A security clearance is required.

Discard. If `.otherRequirements.securityClearance` is set, a security clearance is required. ```xml true ```

BT-58-Lot *
Renewal Maximum

BT-58: The maximum number of times the contract can be renewed. By renewing, the buyer reserves the right (i.e. not an obligation) to renew the contract (i.e. extend its duration) without a new procurement procedure. For example, a contract may be valid for one year and the buyer may keep a possibility to renew it (e.g. once, twice) for another three months, if he is content with the services he received.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.renewal.maximumRenewals`. ```xml LOT-0001 3 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "renewal": { "maximumRenewals": 3 } } ] } } ```

BT-60-Lot *
EU Funds

BT-60: The procurement is at least partially financed by Union funds such as the European Structural and Investment Funds or grants awarded by the Union.

Get the `Organization` object whose `.name` is 'European Union'. If none exists yet: - [Add a party](operations.md#add-a-party). - Set its `.name` to 'European Union'. Add 'funder' to its `.roles`. ```xml eu-funds ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "1", "name": "European Union", "roles": [ "funder" ] } ] } ```

BT-610-Procedure-Buyer *
Activity Entity

BT-610: The main activity of the contracting entity.

[Get the organization for the buyer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-the-buyer), and add a `Classification` object to its `.details.classifications` array. - If the code's definition in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/main-activity) includes ["COFOG"](): - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.description`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'COFOG'. - Look up the code's number in the [UN Classifications on Economic Statistics](https://unstats.un.org/unsd/classifications/Econ/Structure) and map to the classification's `.id`. - Otherwise: - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'eu-main-activity'. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/main-activity) and map it to the classification's `.description`. ```xml gas-oil ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "details": { "classifications": [ { "scheme": "eu-main-activity", "id": "gas-oil", "description": "Activities related to the exploitation of a geographical area for the purpose of extracting oil or gas." } ] } } ] } ```

Contract EU Funds Details

BT-6110: Further information about the Union programme or project used at least partially finance the procurement.

This field maps to the same `finance` objects as created for BT-5011-Contract and BT-722-Contract. [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). For each `efac:Funding`, add or update the corresponding `Finance` object in the contract's `.finance` array and map the value of this field to its `.description`. ```xml CON-0001 Program for the development ... RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "finance": [ { "description": "Program for the development ..." } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

EU Funds Details

BT-6140: Further information about the Union programme or project used at least partially finance the procurement.

This field maps to the same `finance` objects as created for BT-5010-Lot and BT-7220-Lot. If BT-5010-Lot is not present follow the guidance for BT-5010-Lot, setting the `.id` of the `Finance` object incrementally based on its position in the `finance` array rather than the value of BT-5010-Lot. For each `efac:Funding`, add or update the corresponding `Finance` object in the budget's `.finance` array and map the value of this field to its `.description`. ```xml This project will be financed ... ``` ```json { "planning": { "budget": { "finance": [ { "id": "1", "description": "This project will be financed ..." } ] } } } ```

BT-615-Lot *
Documents Restricted URL

BT-615: The internet address with information on accessing the restricted (part of the) procurement documents.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `.accessDetailsURL`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 restricted-document https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "accessDetailsURL": "https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

BT-615-Part *
Documents Restricted URL

BT-615: The internet address with information on accessing the restricted (part of the) procurement documents.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `.accessDetailsURL`. ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 restricted-document https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "accessDetailsURL": "https://mywebsite.com/proc/2019024/accessinfo" } ] } } ```


BT-625: The unit which the good, service, or work comes in, for example hours or kilograms. Where the CPV code is a supply which does not need a further unit (e.g. cars), then no unit needs to be given and quantity is taken to be an amount, e.g. the "number of cars".

- [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.unit.id`. - Set the item's `.unit.scheme` to ['EU Measurement unit'](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/measurement-unit). - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/measurement-unit) and map it to `.unit.name`. ```xml LOT-0001 45000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "unit": { "id": "TNE", "scheme": "EU Measurement unit", "name": "tonne" }, "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```


BT-63: Whether tenderers are required, allowed, or not allowed to submit tenders which fulfil the buyer's needs differently than as proposed in the procurement documents. Further conditions for submitting variant tenders are in the procurement documents.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and set its `.submissionTerms.variantPolicy` according to [the allowed values](https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/submissionTerms/master/codelists/). ```xml LOT-0001 allowed ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "variantPolicy": "allowed" } } ] } } ```

BT-630(d)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Expressions

BT-630: The time limit for receipt of expressions of interest.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-630(t)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `tenderPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-10-28+01:00 18:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "tenderPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-10-28T23:59:59+01:00" } } ] } } ```

BT-630(t)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Expressions

BT-630: The time limit for receipt of expressions of interest.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), combine with BT-630(d)-Lot, [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `tenderPeriod.endDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-10-28+01:00 18:00:00+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "tenderPeriod": { "endDate": "2019-10-28T18:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Dispatch Invitation Interest

BT-631: The estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to confirm interest.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), [convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the lot's `.communication.invitationToConfirmInterestDispatchDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "communication": { "invitationToConfirmInterestDispatchDate": "2019-11-15T09:00:00+01:00" } } ] } } ```

Tool Name

BT-632: The name of the electronic tool or device used for electronic communication.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.communication.atypicalToolName`. ```xml LOT-0001 AbcKomSoft ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "communication": { "atypicalToolName": "AbcKomSoft" } } ] } } ```

Tool Name

BT-632: The name of the electronic tool or device used for electronic communication.

Map to `tender.communication.atypicalToolName`. ```xml AbcKomSoft ``` ```json { "tender": { "communication": { "atypicalToolName": "AbcKomSoft" } } } ```

Organisation Natural Person

BT-633: The organisation is a natural person.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), and set it's `details.scale` to 'selfEmployed'. ```xml false ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "scale": "selfEmployed" } } ] } ```

Procurement Relaunch

BT-634: This cancelled or unsuccessful procedure or lot will be relaunched.

Discard. ```xml true ```

Procurement Relaunch

BT-634: This cancelled or unsuccessful procedure or lot will be relaunched.

Discard. ```xml true ```

Buyer Review Requests Count

BT-635: The number of requests the buyer received to review any of its decisions.

This field maps to the same `Statistic` objects as created for BT-636-LotResult. For each `AppealRequestStatistics`, [add a complaints statistic](operations.md#add-a-complaints-statistic) or update the corresponding `Statistic` object and map to its `.value`. ```xml 2 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "value": 2, "scope": "complaints", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } ```

Buyer Review Requests Irregularity Type

BT-636: The type of irregularity alleged in the review requests.

This field maps to the same `Statistic` objects as created for BT-635-LotResult. For each `AppealRequestStatistics`, [add a complaints statistic](operations.md#add-a-complaints-statistic) or update the corresponding `Statistic` object and map to its `.measure`. Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/irregularity-type) and map it to `.notes` ```xml unj-lim-subc LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "measure": "ab-low", "scope": "complaints", "notes": "Unjustified rejection of abnormally low tenders", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } ```

Subcontracting Obligation Minimum

BT-64: The minimum percentage of the contract value that the contractor must subcontract using the competitive procedure described in Title III of European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/81/EC.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), divide the value of this field by 100 and map to the lot's `.subcontractingTerms.competitiveMinimumPercentage`. ```xml LOT-0001 25.5 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "subcontractingTerms": { "competitiveMinimumPercentage": 0.255 } } ] } } ```

Prize Value

BT-644: The value of the prize, if any, for the winner of a design contest, innovation partnership or competitive dialogue

This field maps to the same `Prize` objects as created for BT-44-Lot and BT-45-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:Prize`, add or update the corresponding `Prize` object in the lot's `designContest.prize.details` array and map to its `value.amount`. Map `@currencyID` to the value's `.currency`. ```xml LOT-0001 5000 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "designContest": { "prizes": { "details": [ { "id": "0", "value": { "amount": 5000, "currency": "EUR" } } ] } } } ] } } ```

BT-65-Lot *
Subcontracting Obligation

BT-65: An obligation to be met by the tenderer concerning subcontracting.

If different from "none": - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/subcontracting-obligation) and map it to the lot's `.subcontractingTerms.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 subc-min ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "subcontractingTerms": { "description": "The contractor must subcontract a minimum percentage of the contract using the procedure set out in Title III of Directive 2009/81/EC." } } ] } } ```

BT-651-Lot *
Subcontracting Tender Indication

BT-651: The information about subcontracting that must be indicated in the tender.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add to the lot's `.submissionTerms.subcontractingClauses` array. ```xml LOT-0001 subc-oblig ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "subcontractingClauses": [ "subc-oblig" ] } } ] } } ```

Framework Re-estimated Value

BT-660: The value likely to be spent within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals, as re-estimated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

[Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult) and map to the award's `.estimatedValue.amount`. Map `@currencyID` to the value's `.currency`. ```xml RES-0001 123 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "estimatedValue": { "amount": 123, "currency": "EUR" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

Maximum Candidates Indicator

BT-661: There is a maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure.

Discard. ```xml true ```

BT-67(a)-Procedure *
Exclusion Grounds

BT-67: The brief description of criteria regarding the personal situation of tenderers that may lead to their exclusion. This shall include a list of all such criteria and indicate required information (e.g. self-declaration, documentation). This may also include specific national exclusion grounds.

Add an `ExclusionCriterion` object to the `tender.exclusionGrounds.criteria` array and map to its `.type`. Look up the code's description in the [codelist](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/latest/reference/code-lists/exclusion-ground.html#_codes) and map to the `ExclusionCriterion` object's `.description`. ```xml crime-org ``` ```json { "tender": { "exclusionGrounds": { "criteria": [ { "type": "crime-org", "description": "Participation in a criminal organisation" } ] } } } ```

Exclusion Grounds

BT-67: The brief description of criteria regarding the personal situation of tenderers that may lead to their exclusion. This shall include a list of all such criteria and indicate required information (e.g. self-declaration, documentation). This may also include specific national exclusion grounds.

This field maps to the same `ExclusionCriteria` objects as created for BT-67(a)-Procedure. Concatenate to the `ExclusionCriteria` object's `.description` using a colon and a space (": ") as a separator. ```xml Applicants not satisfying ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "exclusionGrounds": { "criteria": [ { "description": "Participation in a criminal organisation: Applicants not satisfying..." } ] } } } ```

BT-70-Lot *
Terms Performance

BT-70: The main information about the performance of the contract (e.g. intermediary deliverables, compensation for damages, intellectual property rights).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.performanceTerms`. ```xml LOT-0001 performance During execution of the contract, ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "performanceTerms": "During execution of the contract, ..." } } ] } } ```

BT-701-notice *
Notice Identifier

BT-701: The European Public Procurement Notice Identifier of this notice. Including this identifier in all published version of this notice (e.g. TED, national publication portals, regional publication portals) allows unique identification of procurement notices around the Union.

[Create a new release](operations.md#create-a-release) ```xml 0f56d80f-8a5f-4876-8e24-feaa766c456d ```

BT-702(a)-notice *
Notice Official Language

BT-702: The language(s) in which this notice is officially available. These linguistic versions are equally legally valid.

Lowercase `/*/cbc:NoticeLanguageCode` and convert the code into a two-letter [ISO 639-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes), and map to `language`. Discard `/*/cac:AdditionalNoticeLanguage/cbc:ID`. ```xml ENG ``` ```json { "language": "en" } ```

Notice Official Language

BT-702: The language(s) in which this notice is officially available. These linguistic versions are equally legally valid.

Discard `/*/cac:AdditionalNoticeLanguage/cbc:ID`. ```xml FRA ```

Winner Owner Nationality

BT-706: The nationality (or nationalities) of the beneficiary owner(s) of the winner, tenderer, or subcontractor as published in the register(s) established by European Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2018/843. If such a register does not exist (e.g. in case of contractors established outside the Union) then equivalent information from other sources.

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner), look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country) and add to the person's `.nationalities` array. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 DEU ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "nationalities": [ "DE" ] } ] } ] } ```

BT-707-Lot *
Documents Restricted Justification

BT-707: The justification for restricting access to certain procurement documents.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/communication-justification) and map to the document's `.accessDetails`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ipr-iss ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "accessDetails": "Restricted. Intellectual property rights issues", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Documents Restricted Justification

BT-707: The justification for restricting access to certain procurement documents.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/communication-justification) and map to the document's `.accessDetails`. ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ipr-iss ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "accessDetails": "Restricted. Intellectual property rights issues" } ] } } ```

Documents Official Language

BT-708: The language(s) in which the procurement documents are officially available. These linguistic versions are equally legally valid.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Lowercase and convert the code into a two-letter [ISO 639-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes), and add it to the document's `.languages` array. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add it to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ENG ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "languages": [ "en" ], "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Documents Official Language

BT-708: The language(s) in which the procurement documents are officially available. These linguistic versions are equally legally valid.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Lowercase and convert the code into a two-letter [ISO 639-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes). Add it to the document's `.languages` array. ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ENG ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "languages": [ "en" ] } ] } } ```

Framework Maximum Value

BT-709: The maximum value which can be spent within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals, as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.

[Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult) and map to the award's `.maximumValue.amount`. Map `@currencyID` to the value's `.currency`. ```xml RES-0001 5000 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "maximumValue": { "amount": 5000, "currency": "EUR" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

BT-71-Lot *
Reserved Participation

BT-71: Whether participation is reserved for specific organisations (e.g. sheltered workshops, organisations pursuing a public service mission).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If "res-pub-ser", add 'publicServiceMissionOrganization' to the lot's `.otherRequirements.reservedParticipation` array. If "res-ws", add 'shelteredWorkshop' to the lot's `.otherRequirements.reservedParticipation` array. If "none", discard. ```xml LOT-0001 res-ws ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "otherRequirements": { "reservedParticipation": [ "shelteredWorkshop" ] } } ] } } ```

Reserved Participation

BT-71: Whether participation is reserved for specific organisations (e.g. sheltered workshops, organisations pursuing a public service mission).

If "res-pub-ser", add 'publicServiceMissionOrganization' to `tender.otherRequirements.reservedParticipation` array. If "res-ws", add 'shelteredWorkshop' to `tender.otherRequirements.reservedParticipation` array. If "none", discard. ```xml res-ws ``` ```json { "tender": { "otherRequirements": { "reservedParticipation": [ "shelteredWorkshop" ] } } } ```

Tender Value Lowest

BT-710: Value of the admissible tender with the lowest value. A tender shall be considered admissible where it has been submitted by a tenderer, who has not been excluded and who meets the selection criteria, and when it is in conformity with the technical specifications without being irregular (e.g. received late, having an abnormally low price or cost) or unacceptable or unsuitable. Only tenders for which it has been verified if they are admissible or inadmissible may be taken into account.

[Add a bids statistic](operations.md#add-a-bids-statistic) and map to its `.value`, and set its `.measure` to 'lowestValidBidValue'. Map `@currencyID` to its `.currency`. [Get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and map the lot's `.id` to the statistic's `.relatedLot`. ```xml 1230000 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "measure": "lowestValidBidValue", "value": 1230000, "currency": "EUR", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Tender Value Highest

BT-711: Value of the admissible tender with the highest value. A tender shall be considered admissible where it has been submitted by a tenderer, who has not been excluded and who meets the selection criteria, and when it is in conformity with the technical specifications without being irregular (e.g. received late, having an abnormally low price or cost) or unacceptable or unsuitable. Only tenders for which it has been verified if they are admissible or inadmissible may be taken into account.

[Add a bids statistic](operations.md#add-a-bids-statistic), and map to its `.value`, and set its `.measure` to 'highestValidBidValue'. Map `@currencyID` to its `.currency`. [Get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and map the lot's `.id` to the statistic's `.relatedLot`. ```xml 456 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "measure": "highestValidBidValue", "value": 456, "currency": "EUR", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Buyer Review Complainants (Code)

BT-712: The number of organisations that requested the buyer to review any of its decisions (e.g. the technical specifications, award decision).

This field maps to the same `Statistic` objects as created for BT-712(b)-LotResult. For each `ancestor::AppealRequestStatistics`, [add a complaints statistic](operations.md#add-a-complaints-statistic) or update the corresponding `Statistic` object, and set its `.measure` to "complainants". [Get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and map the lot's `.id` to the statistic's `.relatedLot`. ```xml complainants LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "value": 2, "measure": "complainants", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } ```

Buyer Review Complainants (Number)

BT-712: The number of organisations that requested the buyer to review any of its decisions (e.g. the technical specifications, award decision).

This field maps to the same `Statistic` objects as created for BT-712(a)-LotResult. For each `ancestor::AppealRequestStatistics`, [add a complaints statistic](operations.md#add-a-complaints-statistic) or update the corresponding `Statistic` object, and map to its `.value`. [Get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and map the lot's `.id` to the statistic's `.relatedLot`. ```xml 2 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "value": 2, "measure": "complainants", "scope": "complaints", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } ```

Clean Vehicles Directive

BT-717: The procurement falls within the scope of the European Parliament and Council 2009/33/EC (Clean Vehicles Directive – CVD).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If "true", add 'EU-CVD' to the lot's `.coveredBy` array. If "false", discard. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "coveredBy": [ "EU-CVD" ] } ] } } ```

Change Procurement Documents

BT-718: The procurement documents have changed.

Discard. Changed documents can be identified using `tender.documents.dateModified`. ```xml true ```

Change Procurement Documents Date

BT-719: The date and time when the procurement documents have changed.

If there is at least one `efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier` in `ancestor::efac:Change/efac:ChangedSection` which is a lot identifier (LOT-XXXX), then for each lot identifier, get the `Document` in `tender.documents` with the lot identifier in `.relatedLots` and 'biddingDocuments' in `.documentType`, [convert the date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the document's `.dateModified`. Otherwise, get the `Document` in `tender.documents` with 'biddingDocuments`in`.documentType`, [convert the date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to the document's `.dateModified\`. ```xml 2019-10-24+01:00 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "dateModified": "2019-10-24T00:00:00+01:00", "documentType": "biddingDocuments", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

BT-720-Tender *
Tender Value

BT-720: The value of the tender or another result, including options and renewals. In case of the modification notice, the value of the modification.

[Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender) and map to the bid''s `.value`. Map `@currencyID` to the value''s `.currency`. Get the `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult` with an `/efac:LotTender/cbc:ID` equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID`. Get the `Award` in `awards` whose `id` is equal to the value of this `efac:LotResult`'s `/cbc:ID`. If none exists yet: 1\. Add an `Award` to `awards` 2\. Set its `.id` to the value of this `efac:LotResult/cbc:ID` Add the value of `ancestor::efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID` to the award's `.relatedLots` Map the value of this field to the awards `.value.amount` and map `@currencyID` to the value's `.currency`. ```xml RES-0002 TEN-0001 LOT-0002 TEN-0001 500 LOT-0002 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "value": { "amount": 500, "currency": "EUR" } } ] }, "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0002", "value": { "amount": 500, "currency": "EUR" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0002" ] } ] } ```

Contract Title

BT-721: The name of the contract or, in case of voluntary-ex ante transparency notices and design contest result notices, of the decision.

[Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract) and map to the contract's `.title`. ```xml CON-0001 My contract title RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "title": "My contract title", "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

Contract EU Funds Programme

BT-722: The programme of the Union funds used to at least partially finance the contract.

This field maps to the same `finance` objects as created for BT-5011 and BT-6110. [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). For each `efac:Funding`, add or update the corresponding `Finance` object in the contract's `.finance` array and map to its `.title`. ```xml CON-0001 ABC123 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "finance": [ { "title": "ABC123" } ], "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

EU Funds Programme

BT-7220: The programme of the Union funds used to at least partially finance the contract.

This field maps to the same `finance` objects as created for BT-5010-Lot and BT-6140-Lot. If BT-5010-Lot is not present follow the guidance for BT-5010-Lot, setting the `.id` of the `Finance` object incrementally based on its position in the `finance` array rather than the value of BT-5010-Lot. For each `ancestor::efac:Funding`, add or update the corresponding `Finance` object in the budget's `.finance` array and map to its `.title`. ```xml ERDF_2021 ``` ```json { "planning": { "budget": { "finance": [ { "id": "1", "title": "ERDF_2021" } ] } } } ```

Vehicle Category

BT-723: The category of vehicle falling within the scope of Directive 2009/33/EC, including: Light-duty vehicles (M1, M2, N1); Bus (M3); Truck (N2, N3); M1; M2; N1; N2; N3.

This field maps to the same `Item` objects as created for OPT-155-LotResult, OPT-156-LotResult and BT-735-LotResult. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::efac:ProcurementDetails`: - [Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult). - Add an `Item` object to its `items` array. - Set the item's `.id` incrementally. For each `ancestor::efac:ProcurementDetails/efac:StrategicProcurementStatistics/efbc:StatisticsCode` add a `Classification` object to the corresponding item's `additionalClassifications` array. - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'eu-vehicle-category'. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/vehicle-category) and map it to the classification's `.description`. ```xml RES-0001 LOT-0001 n2-n3 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ], "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "scheme": "eu-vehicle-category", "id": "n2-n3", "description": "Truck (N2-N3)" } ] } ] } ] } ```

Suitable For SMEs

BT-726: The buyer emphasizes that this procurement is also suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.suitability.sme`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "suitability": { "sme": true } } ] } } ```

Suitable For SMEs

BT-726: The buyer emphasizes that this procurement is also suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to the lot group's `.suitability.sme`. ```xml GLO-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "suitability": { "sme": true } } ] } } ```

Suitable For SMEs

BT-726: The buyer emphasizes that this procurement is also suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Map to `.tender.suitability.sme`. ```xml true ``` ```json { "tender": { "suitability": { "sme": true } } } ```

Place Performance Services Other

BT-727: There are other restrictions on the place of performance (e.g. "anywhere in the European Economic Area", "anywhere in the given country").

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5101-Lot and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array. Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/other-place-service) and map it to the address's `.description`, concatenating to the existing entry in this field if necessary. ```xml LOT-0001 anyw-eea ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001", "deliveryLocations": [ { "description": "Anywhere in the European Economic Area" } ] } ] } } ```

Place Performance Services Other

BT-727: There are other restrictions on the place of performance (e.g. "anywhere in the European Economic Area", "anywhere in the given country").

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-5101-Part and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/other-place-service), and map to the address's `.description`, concatenating to the existing entry in this field if necessary. ```xml anyw-eea ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryLocations": [ { "description": "Anywhere in the European Economic Area" } ] } } ```

Place Performance Services Other

BT-727: There are other restrictions on the place of performance (e.g. "anywhere in the European Economic Area", "anywhere in the given country").

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-728-Procedure, BT-5121-Procedure, BT-5131-Procedure, BT-5071-Procedure, BT-5101-Procedure and BT-5141-Procedure. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/other-place-service), and map to the address's `.description`, concatenating to the existing entry in this field if necessary. ```xml anyw-eea ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryLocations": [ { "description": "Anywhere in the European Economic Area" } ] } } ```

BT-728-Lot *
Place Performance Additional Information

BT-728: Additional information about the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-727-Lot, BT-5121-Lot, BT-5071-Lot, BT-5131-Lot, BT-5101-Lot and BT-5141-Lot. [Get the item for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-item-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the item's `.deliveryAddresses` array and map to the address's `.description`, concatenating to the existing entry in this field if necessary. ```xml LOT-0001 Further realizations ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "items": [ { "id": "1", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001", "deliveryLocations": [ { "description": "Further realizations..." } ] } ] } } ```

BT-728-Part *
Place Performance Additional Information

BT-728: Additional information about the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-727-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5131-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-5101-Part and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map to the address's `.description`, concatenating to the existing entry in this field if necessary. ```xml Further realizations ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "description": "Further realizations ..." } ] } } ```

BT-728-Procedure *
Place Performance Additional Information

BT-728: Additional information about the place of performance.

This field maps to the same `Address` objects as created for BT-727-Part, BT-5121-Part, BT-5071-Part, BT-727-Part, BT-5101-Part and BT-5141-Part. For each `cac:RealizedLocation`, add or update the corresponding `Address` object in the `tender.deliveryAddresses` array and map to the address's `.description`, concatenating to the existing entry in this field if necessary. ```xml Further realizations ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "deliveryAddresses": [ { "description": "Further realizations ..." } ] } } ```

Subcontracting Obligation Maximum

BT-729: The maximum percentage of the contract value that the contractor must subcontract using the competitive procedure described in Title III of Directive 2009/81/EC.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), divide the value of this field by 100 and map to the lot's `.subcontractingTerms.competitiveMaximumPercentage`. ```xml LOT-0001 45.5 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "subcontractingTerms": { "competitiveMaximumPercentage": 0.455 } } ] } } ```

Subcontracting Value Known

BT-730: The buyer knows at least the estimated value of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties.

Discard. If the award's `.subcontracting.value` is not empty, the buyer knows the estimated value of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties. ```xml false ```

Subcontracting Percentage Known

BT-731: The buyer knows at least the estimated percentage of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties compared to the whole contract.

Discard. If the award's `.subcontracting.minimumPercentage` and `.subcontracting.maximumPercentage` are not empty, the buyer knows the estimated value of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties. ```xml true ```

Security Clearance Description

BT-732: Additional information about the security clearance (e.g. which level of security clearance is required, which team members must have it, whether it is necessary already for accessing the procurement documents or only for contract execution).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.otherRequirements.securityClearance`. ```xml LOT-0001 EU Confidential security clearance of Key Management Personnel must be achieved before access to procurement documents be granted ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "otherRequirements": { "securityClearance": "EU Confidential security clearance of Key Management Personnel must be achieved before access to procurement documents be granted" } } ] } } ```

Award Criteria Order Justification

BT-733: The justification for only indicating the award criteria's order of importance, not their weighing.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.awardCriteria.orderRationale`. ```xml LOT-0001 Each criterion is evaluated separately ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "awardCriteria": { "orderRationale": "Each criterion is evaluated separately ..." } } ] } } ```

Award Criteria Order Justification

BT-733: The justification for only indicating the award criteria's order of importance, not their weighing.

[Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.awardCriteria.orderRationale`. ```xml GLO-0001 Each criterion is evaluated separately ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "orderRationale": "Each criterion is evaluated separately ..." } } ] } } ```

Award Criterion Name

BT-734: The name of the award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-Lot, BT-540-Lot, BT-541-Lot-FixedNumber, BT-541-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-5421-Lot, BT-5422-Lot and BT-5423-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array and map to the the award criterion's `.name`. ```xml LOT-0001 Technical merit ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "name": "Technical merit" } ] } } ] } } ```

Award Criterion Name

BT-734: The name of the award criterion.

This field maps to the same `AwardCriterion` objects as created for BT-539-LotsGroup, BT-540-LotsGroup, BT-541-LotsGroup-FixedNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-ThresholdNumber, BT-541-LotsGroup-WeightNumber, BT-5421-LotsGroup, BT-5422-LotsGroup and BT-5423-LotsGroup. [Get the lot group for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-group-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:SubordinateAwardingCriterion`, add or update a corresponding `AwardCriterion` in the lot group's `.awardCriteria.criteria` array and map to the the award criterion's `.name`. ```xml GLO-0001 Technical merit ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotGroups": [ { "id": "GLO-0001", "awardCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "name": "Technical merit" } ] } } ] } } ```

CVD Contract Type

BT-735: The CVD legal basis to establish which category of contract types (purchase, lease, rent, hired-purchase, public service contracts and service contracts according to table 1 CVD) applies.

- [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add a `Classification` object to the lot's `additionalClassifications` array. - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'eu-cvd-contract-type'. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/cvd-contract-type) and map it to the classification's `.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 oth-serv-contr ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "additionalClassifications": [ { "id": "oth-serv-contr", "scheme": "eu-cvd-contract-type", "description": "other service contract" } ] } ] } } ```

CVD Contract Type

BT-735: The CVD legal basis to establish which category of contract types (purchase, lease, rent, hired-purchase, public service contracts and service contracts according to table 1 CVD) applies.

This field maps to the same `Item` objects as created for OPT-155-LotResult and BT-723-LotResult. If no `Item` objects were created for `ancestor::efac:StrategicProcurementInformation/efbc:ProcurementDetails`: - [Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult). - Add an `Item` object to its `items` array. - Set the item's `.id` incrementally. For each `ancestor::efac:ProcurementDetails/efac:StrategicProcurementStatistics/efbc:StatisticsCode` add a `Classification` object to the corresponding item's `additionalClassifications` array. - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Set the classification's `.scheme` to 'eu-cvd-contract-type'. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/cvd-contract-type) and map it to the classification's `.description`. ```xml RES-0001 oth-serv-contr ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "id": "oth-serv-contr", "scheme": "eu-cvd-contract-type", "description": "other service contract" } ] } ] } ] } ```

BT-736-Lot *
Reserved Execution

BT-736: Whether the execution of the contract must be performed in the framework of sheltered employment programmes.

If "yes", [get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set the lot's `.contractTerms.reservedExecution` to `true`. Otherwise, discard. ```xml LOT-0001 yes ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "reservedExecution": true } } ] } } ```

Reserved Execution

BT-736: Whether the execution of the contract must be performed in the framework of sheltered employment programmes.

Set `tender.contractTerms.reservedExecution` to `true` if `@ExecutionRequirementCode` is "yes", otherwise discard. ```xml yes ``` ```json { "tender": { "contractTerms": { "reservedExecution": true } } } ```

Documents Unofficial Language

BT-737: The language(s) in which the procurement documents (or their parts) are unofficially available. These linguistic versions are not an official translation, they are provided only for information.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Lowercase and convert the code into a two-letter [ISO 639-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes), and add it to the document's `.unofficialTranslations` array. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add it to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ENG ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "unofficialTranslations": [ "en" ], "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Documents Unofficial Language

BT-737: The language(s) in which the procurement documents (or their parts) are unofficially available. These linguistic versions are not an official translation, they are provided only for information.

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Lowercase and convert the code into a two-letter [ISO 639-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes), and add it to the document's `.unofficialTranslations` array. ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ENG ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "unofficialTranslations": [ "en" ] } ] } } ```

Notice Preferred Publication Date

BT-738: The preferred date of publication of the notice on TED (e.g. to avoid publication during a national holiday).

[Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to `tender.communication.noticePreferredPublicationDate`. ```xml 2020-03-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "communication": { "noticePreferredPublicationDate": "2020-03-15T00:00:00+01:00" } } } ```

Organisation Contact Fax

BT-739: The fax number for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the fax number shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.faxNumber` ```xml ORG-0003 (+33) 2 34 56 78 91 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0003", "contactPoint": { "faxNumber": "(+33) 2 34 56 78 91" } } ] } ```

Contact Fax

BT-739: The fax number for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the fax number shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the organization for the touchpoint](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-touchpoint) and map to the organization's `.contactPoint.faxNumber` ```xml AB12345 TPO-0001 (+33) 2 34 56 78 91 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "identifier": { "id": "AB12345", "scheme": "GB-COH" }, "contactPoint": { "faxNumber": "(+33) 2 34 56 78 91" } } ] } ```

UBO Contact Fax

BT-739: The fax number for contacting the organisation. To avoid unnecessary processing of personal data, the fax number shall allow the identification of a physical person only when necessary (in the sense of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.faxNumber`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 +123 4567891 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "faxNumber": "+123 4567891" } ] } ] } ```

BT-740-Procedure-Buyer *
Buyer Contracting Entity

BT-740: The buyer is a contracting entity.

[Get the organization for the buyer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-the-buyer), and add a `Classification` object to its `.details.classifications` array. - Map the value of this field to the classification's `.id`. - Set its `.description` according to the [buyer contracting type mapping table](codelists/buyer-contracting-type) and set its `.scheme` to 'eu-buyer-contracting-type'. ```xml ORG-0001 cont-ent ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "classifications": [ { "scheme": "eu-buyer-contracting-type", "id": "cont-ent", "description": "Contracting Entity" } ] }, "roles": [ "buyer" ] } ] } ```

BT-743-Lot *
Electronic Invoicing

BT-743: Whether the buyer will require, allow or not allow electronic invoices.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.contractTerms.electronicInvoicingPolicy` according to [the allowed values](https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/contractTerms/master/codelists/). ```xml LOT-0001 required ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "electronicInvoicingPolicy": "required" } } ] } } ```

Submission Electronic Signature

BT-744: Advanced or qualified electronic signature or seal (as defined in European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 910/2014) is required.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and map to its `.submissionTerms.advancedElectronicSignatureRequired`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "advancedElectronicSignatureRequired": true } } ] } } ```

BT-745-Lot *
Submission Nonelectronic Description

BT-745: The description of how to submit tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest non-electronically.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.submissionMethodDetails`. ```xml LOT-0001 Tenders shall be sent per registered letter ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionMethodDetails": "Tenders shall be sent per registered letter ..." } ] } } ```

BT-746-Organization *
Winner Listed

BT-746: The nationality (or nationalities) of the beneficiary owner(s) of the winner, tenderer, or subcontractor is not published in the register(s) established by Directive (EU) 2018/843, because the winner is listed on a regulated market (e.g. a stock exchange) that ensures adequate transparency in line with anti-money laundering legislation.

[Get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company) and map to the organization's `.details.listedOnRegulatedMarket`. ```xml false ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "details": { "listedOnRegulatedMarket": false } } ] } ```

BT-747-Lot *
Selection Criteria Type

BT-747: The criteria (or criterion) concern(s), for example, economic and financial standing or technical and professional ability.

If `cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40, BT-749, BT-750, BT-752, BT-7531 and BT-7532. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each ``, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - Identify the equivalent code in the [selection criterion mapping table](codelists/selection-criterion), and set it as the criterion's `.type`. ```xml LOT-0001 ef-stand ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "type": "economic" } ] } } ] } } ```

Selection Criteria Used

BT-748: The criteria (or criterion) of the given type are (is) used, unused, or (in case of prior information notice used as a call for competition or to reduce time limits) the use is not yet known.

Discard. ```xml used ```

Selection Criteria Name

BT-749: The name of the selection criteria (or criterion).

If `cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40-Lot, BT-747-Lot, BT-749-Lot, BT-750-Lot, BT-752-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-752-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-7531-Lot and BT-7532-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - Map to the criterion's `.description`. Concatenate it with BT-750-Lot Selection Criteria Description. ```xml LOT-0001 Minimum Turnover ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "description": "Minimum Turnover" } ] } } ] } } ```

Guarantee Required Description

BT-75: The description of the financial guarantee required from the tenderer when submitting a tender. The guarantee can take the form of, for example, a payment to the buyer or a document from a bank. Typically, the guarantee would be forfeit when a tenderer has won the contract but then refused to sign it.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.submissionTerms.depositsGuarantees`. ```xml LOT-0001 Bids shall include a bid security (Provisional Bank Guarantee or bid bond), ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "depositsGuarantees": "Bids shall include a bid security (Provisional Bank Guarantee or bid bond), ..." } } ] } } ```

Selection Criteria Description

BT-750: The brief description of the selection criteria (or criterion), including minimum requirements, required information (e.g. self-declaration, documentation) and how the criteria or criterion will be used to select candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure (if a maximum number of candidates was set).

If `cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40-Lot, BT-747-Lot, BT-749-Lot, BT-752-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-752-Lot-WeightNumber, BT-7531-Lot and BT-7532-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - Map to the criterion's `.description`. Concatenate it with BT-749-Lot Selection Criteria Name. ```xml LOT-0001 Turnover over contract value rate ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "description": "Turnover over contract value rate" } ] } } ] } } ```

BT-751-Lot *
Guarantee Required

BT-751: A guarantee is required.

Discard. If the lot's `.submissionTerms.depositsGuarantees` is not empty, a guarantee is required. ```xml true ```

Selection Criteria Second Stage Invite Threshold Number

BT-752: A number linked to the selection criteria (or criterion).

If `ancestor::efac:SelectionCriteria/cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40-Lot, BT-747-Lot, BT-749-Lot, BT-750-Lot, BT-7531-Lot and BT-7532-Lot, and the same `SelectionCriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-7532-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - Add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterionNumber` object in the criterion's `.numbers` ```xml LOT-0001 3 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 3 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

Selection Criteria Second Stage Invite Weight Number

BT-752: A number linked to the selection criteria (or criterion).

If `ancestor::efac:SelectionCriteria/cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40-Lot, BT-747-Lot, BT-749-Lot, BT-750-Lot, BT-7531-Lot and BT-7532-Lot, and the same `SelectionCriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-7531-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - Add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterionNumber` object in the criterion's `.numbers` ```xml LOT-0001 3 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "number": 3 } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

Selection Criteria Second Stage Invite Number Weight

BT-7531: Whether the number linked to a selection criterion (or selection criteria) is a type of weight (e.g. a percentage).

If `ancestor::efac:SelectionCriteria/cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40-Lot, BT-747-Lot, BT-749-Lot, BT-750-Lot, BT-752-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-752-Lot-WeightNumber and BT-7532-Lot, and the same `SelectionCriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-752-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-752-Lot-WeightNumber and BT-7532-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - For each `efac:CriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterionNumber` object in the criterion's `.numbers`. - Identify the equivalent code in the [criterionWeight](https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/awardCriteria/master/codelists/#criterionWeight.csv) codelist, and set it as the number's `.weight`. ```xml LOT-0001 per-exa ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "weight": "percentageExact" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

Selection Criteria Second Stage Invite Number Threshold

BT-7532: Whether the number linked to a selection criterion (or selection criteria) is a type of threshold (e.g. a minimum score, a maximum number of tenders with the highest score passing).

If `ancestor::efac:SelectionCriteria/cbc:CalculationExpressionCode[@listName="usage"]` is not set to "used", discard. Otherwise, these values are mapped to the same `SelectionCriterion` objects as created for BT-40-Lot, BT-747-Lot, BT-749-Lot, BT-750-Lot, BT-752-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-752-Lot-WeightNumber and BT-7531-Lot, and the same `SelectionCriterionNumber` objects as created for BT-752-Lot-ThresholdNumber, BT-752-Lot-WeightNumber and BT-7531-Lot. - [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - For each `efac:SelectionCriteria`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterion` object in the lot's `.selectionCriteria.criteria`. - For each `efac:CriterionParameter`, add or update a corresponding `SelectionCriterionNumber` object in the criterion's `.numbers`. - Identify the equivalent code in the [criterionThreshold](https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/awardCriteria/master/codelists/#criterionThreshold.csv) codelist and set it as the number's `.threshold`. ```xml LOT-0001 min-score ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "selectionCriteria": { "criteria": [ { "numbers": [ { "threshold": "minimumScore" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```


BT-754: The use of accessibility criteria for persons with disabilities in the technical specifications.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If "inc", set the lot's `.hasAccessibilityCriteria` to `true`, otherwise, set to `false`. If "n-inc", set the lot's `.noAccessibilityCriteriaRationale` to "Procurement is not intended for use by natural persons". ```xml LOT-0001 n-inc-just ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasAccessibilityCriteria": false } ] } } ```

Accessibility Justification

BT-755: The justification for not including accessibility criteria even though the procurement is intended for use by natural persons.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to the lot's `.noAccessibilityCriteriaRationale`. ```xml LOT-0001 Accessibility criteria are not included ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "noAccessibilityCriteriaRationale": "Accessibility criteria are not included ..." } ] } } ```

PIN Competition Termination

BT-756: The prior information notice used as a call for competition (or a specific lot) is terminated. No further contracts, besides those published in this notice, will be awarded following this prior information notice used as a call for competition. This field can be used even if no contracts are awarded in the contract award notice.

If "true", set `tender.status` to 'complete'. Otherwise, discard. ```xml true ``` ```json { "tender": { "status": "complete" } } ```

BT-757-notice *
Notice Version

BT-757: The version of the notice. This helps, for example, to keep track of versions of notices or changes to notices before publication.

Discard. ```xml 01 ```

Change Notice Version Identifier

BT-758: The reference to the version of the previous notice that should be changed. This helps, for example, to keep track of versions of notices or changes to notices before publication.

Discard. ```xml 755db7f6-6aa1-453b-9087-1df5f7725112-02 ```

Received Submissions Count

BT-759: Number of tenders or requests to participate received. Tenders including variants or multiple tenders submitted (for one lot) by the same tenderer should be counted as one tender.

This field maps to the same `Statistic` objects as created for BT-760-LotResult. For each `efac:ReceivedSubmissionsStatistics`, [add a bids statistic](operations.md#add-a-bids-statistic) or update the corresponding `Statistic` object and map to its `.value`. ```xml RES-0001 12 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "value": 12, "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

Tenderer Legal Form Description

BT-76: The legal form that must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.tendererLegalForm`. ```xml LOT-0001 The tenderer ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "tendererLegalForm": "The tenderer..." } } ] } } ```

Received Submissions Type

BT-760: The type of tenders or requests to participate received. The total number of tenders received shall be given. When a notice does not fall under Directive 2009/81/EC and is not about social or other specific services, the number of tenders received from micro, small and medium enterprises; the number of tenders received from tenderers registered in other European Economic Area countries and the number of tenders received from tenderers registered in countries outside of the European Economic Area shall also be given. All tenders shall be counted, regardless of whether they are admissible or inadmissible. For tenders submitted by a group of tenderers (e.g. a consortium), the tender shall be counted in the relevant category (e.g. SME) if the majority of the work is expected to be done by tenderers which fall within this category (e.g. they are SMEs).

This field maps to the same `Statistic` objects as created for BT-759-LotResult. For each `efac:ReceivedSubmissionsStatistics`, [add a bids statistic](operations.md#add-a-bids-statistic) or update the corresponding `Statistic` object and map to its `.measure` according to the [received submission type mapping table](codelists/received-submission-type). [Get the lot for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lotresult), and add the lot's `.id` to the statistic's `.relatedLots`. ```xml RES-0001 t-sme LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "statistics": [ { "id": "1", "measure": "smeBids", "relatedLot": "LOT-0001" } ] } } ```

BT-761-Lot *
Tenderer Legal Form

BT-761: A certain legal form must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract.

Discard. If the lot's `.contractTerms.tendererLegalForm` is not empty, tenderers must take a certain legal form. ```xml The tenderer ... ```

Change Reason Description

BT-762: The description of the main reason for the change in the notice compared to the original notice.

These values map to the same `Amendment` objects as created for BT-140. Update the corresponding `Amendment` objects and map to its `.rationale`. ```xml Clerical corrections of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "amendments": [ { "rationale": "Clerical corrections of ..." } ] } } ```

Lots All Required

BT-763: The tenderer must submit tenders for all lots.

Set `tender.lotDetails.maximumLotsBidPerSupplier` to the number (not the string) 1e9999 (which parses to infinity i.e. "all") ```xml all ``` ```json { "tender": { "lotDetails": { "maximumLotsBidPerSupplier": 1e9999 } } } ```

BT-764-Lot *
Submission Electronic Catalogue

BT-764: Whether it is required, allowed or not allowed to submit (parts of) tenders as electronic catalogues.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.submissionTerms.electronicCatalogPolicy` according to [the allowed values](https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/submissionTerms/master/codelists/). ```xml LOT-0001 allowed ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "electronicCatalogPolicy": "allowed" } } ] } } ```

BT-765-Lot *
Framework Agreement

BT-765: Whether a framework agreement with, without, or with and without the reopening of competition is involved.

If different from "none", [get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.techniques.hasFrameworkAgreement` to `true`. Map the code according to the [framework agreement method mapping table](codelists/framework-agreement-method) to the lot's `.techniques.frameworkAgreement.method`. Otherwise discard. ```xml LOT-0001 fa-wo-rc ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "hasFrameworkAgreement": true, "frameworkAgreement": { "method": "withoutReopeningCompetition" } } } ] } } ```

Framework Agreement

BT-765: Whether a framework agreement with, without, or with and without the reopening of competition is involved.

If different from "none", set `tender.techniques.hasFrameworkAgreement` to `true`. Map the code according to the [framework agreement method mapping table](codelists/framework-agreement-method) to `tender.techniques.frameworkAgreement.method`. Otherwise discard. ```xml fa-wo-rc ``` ```json { "tender": { "techniques": { "hasFrameworkAgreement": true, "frameworkAgreement": { "method": "withoutReopeningCompetition" } } } } ```

BT-766-Lot *
Dynamic Purchasing System

BT-766: Whether a dynamic purchasing system is involved and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it may be used by buyers not listed in this notice.

If different from "none", [get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set its `.techniques.hasDynamicPurchasingSystem` to `true`. Map the code according to the [DPS usage mapping table](codelists/dps-usage) to the lot's `.techniques.dynamicPurchasingSystem.type`. Otherwise discard. ```xml LOT-0001 dps-nlist ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "hasDynamicPurchasingSystem": true, "dynamicPurchasingSystem": { "type": "closed" } } } ] } } ```

Dynamic Purchasing System

BT-766: Whether a dynamic purchasing system is involved and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it may be used by buyers not listed in this notice.

If different from "none", set `tender.techniques.hasDynamicPurchasingSystem` to `true`. Map the code according to the [DPS usage mapping table](codelists/dps-usage) to `tender.techniques.dynamicPurchasingSystem.type`. Otherwise discard. ```xml dps-nlist ``` ```json { "tender": { "techniques": { "hasDynamicPurchasingSystem": true, "dynamicPurchasingSystem": { "type": "closed" } } } } ```

BT-767-Lot *
Electronic Auction

BT-767: An electronic auction is used.

If "true", [get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set the lot's `.techniques.hasElectronicAuction` to `true`. Otherwise, discard. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "techniques": { "hasElectronicAuction": true } } ] } } ```

Contract Framework Agreement

BT-768: The contract is awarded within a framework agreement.

Discard. The contract is awarded within a framework agreement if the related lot's or tender's `.techniques.hasFrameworkAgreement` is `true`. ```xml true ```

Multiple Tenders

BT-769: Tenderers may submit more than one tender (for a given lot).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If the field's value is 'allowed', set the lot's `.submissionTerms.multipleBidsAllowed` to true. Otherwise, set it to false. ```xml LOT-0001 allowed ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "submissionTerms": { "multipleBidsAllowed": true } } ] } } ```

BT-77-Lot *
Terms Financial

BT-77: The main information about financing and payment and/or reference to any provisions that govern them.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.financialTerms`. ```xml LOT-0001 Any payment ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "financialTerms": "Any payment ..." } } ] } } ```

Late Tenderer Information

BT-771: Whether tenderer-related information can be supplemented even after the submission deadline.

- [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/missing-info-submission) and map it to the lot's `.submissionMethodDetails`. Append if other information is already mapped to this field. ```xml LOT-0001 late-all ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionMethodDetails": "All missing tenderer-related documents can be submitted later." } ] } } ```

Late Tenderer Information Description

BT-772: Description of the tenderer-related information that can be supplemented even after the submission deadline.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.submissionMethodDetails`. Append if other information is already mapped to this field. ```xml LOT-0001 Economic operators who ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionMethodDetails": "Economic operators who ..." } ] } } ```

BT-773-Tender *

BT-773: Whether at least a part of the contract will be subcontracted.

[Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender). If "yes", set the bid's `.hasSubcontracting` to `true`. If "no", set the bid's `.hasSubcontracting` to `false`. ```xml TEN-0001 yes ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "hasSubcontracting": true } ] } } ```

Green Procurement

BT-774: A process to procure goods, services and works with reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set the lot''s `.hasSustainability` to `true`. For each `cac:ProcurementAdditionalType` add a corresponding `.sustainability` object to the lot''s `.sustainability` array. - Map the code to the sustainability''s `.goal` according to the [environmental impact mapping table](codelists/environmental-impact). ```xml LOT-0001 circ-econ ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasSustainability": true, "sustainability": [ { "goal": "environmental.circularEconomy" } ] } ] } } ```

Social Procurement

BT-775: A social objective promoted by the works, supplies or services (e.g. fair working conditions).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set the lot's `.hasSustainability` to `true`. For each `cac:ProcurementAdditionalType` add a corresponding `.sustainability` object to the lot's `.sustainability` array. - Map the code to the sustainability's `.goal` according to the [social objective mapping table](codelists/social-objective). - Add 'awardCriteria', 'contractPerformanceConditions', 'selectionCriteria' and 'technicalSpecifications' to the sustainability's `.strategies` array. ```xml LOT-0001 et-eq ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasSustainability": true, "sustainability": [ { "goal": "social.ethnicEquality", "strategies": [ "awardCriteria", "contractPerformanceConditions", "selectionCriteria", "technicalSpecifications" ] } ] } ] } } ```

Procurement of Innovation

BT-776: An indication that innovative works, supplies or services are being bought.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and set the lot's `.hasSustainability` to `true`. For each `cac:ProcurementAdditionalType` add a corresponding `.sustainability` object to the lot's `.sustainability` array. - Map the code to the sustainability's `.goal` according to the [innovative acquisition mapping table](codelists/innovative-acquisition). ```xml LOT-0001 proc-innov ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasSustainability": true, "sustainability": [ { "goal": "economic.processInnovation" } ] } ] } } ```

Strategic Procurement Description

BT-777: Description of how the procurement procedure is aiming at reducing the environmental impacts of the procurement, fulfilling social objectives and/or buying an innovative work, supply or service.

This field maps to the same `Sustainability` objects as created for BT-06-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and for each `cbc:ProcurementTypeCode`, add or update the corresponding `Sustainability` object in the lot's `sustainability` array and map to its `.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 This is a strategic procurement involving the innovative use of ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "sustainability": [ { "description": "This is a strategic procurement involving the innovative use of ..." } ] } ] } } ```

Security Clearance Deadline

BT-78: The time limit by which tenderers who do not hold a security clearance may obtain it.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), add a new `Milestone` object to the lot's `.milestones` array. - Set its `id` incrementally. - Set its `.type` to 'securityClearanceDeadline'. - [Convert date to ISO format](operations.md#convert-a-date-to-iso-format) and map to its `.dueDate`. ```xml LOT-0001 2019-11-15+01:00 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "milestones": [ { "id": "1", "type": "securityClearanceDeadline", "dueDate": "2019-11-15T23:59:59+01:00" } ] } ] } } ```

Performing Staff Qualification

BT-79: Whether the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If "par-requ" or "t-requ", set the lot's `.otherRequirements.requiresStaffNamesAndQualifications` to `true`. If "not-requ", set it to `false`. Otherwise, discard. ```xml LOT-0001 t-requ ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "otherRequirements": { "requiresStaffNamesAndQualifications": true } } ] } } ```

Non Disclosure Agreement

BT-801: A non-disclosure agreement is required.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.hasNonDisclosureAgreement`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "hasNonDisclosureAgreement": true } } ] } } ```

Non Disclosure Agreement Description

BT-802: Additional information about the non-disclosure agreement.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.nonDisclosureAgreement`. ```xml LOT-0001 A Non Disclosure Agreement will need to ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "nonDisclosureAgreement": "A Non Disclosure Agreement will need to ..." } } ] } } ```

Notice Dispatch Date eSender (date)

BT-803: The date and time the notice was transmitted electronically by the eSender to the Publications Office of the European Union

Discard. ```xml 2022-11-17+01:00 ```

BT-803(t)-notice *
Notice Dispatch Date eSender (time)

BT-803: The date and time the notice was transmitted electronically by the eSender to the Publications Office of the European Union

Discard. ```xml 08:30:03+01:00 ```

Green Procurement Criteria

BT-805: The procurement procedure includes the use of established green public procurement criteria (selection criteria, technical specifications, award criteria and contract performance clauses), at national, Union or other level, if applicable.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). If "none" discard, otherwise, set the lot's `.hasSustainability` to `true`. For each `cac:ProcurementAdditionalType` add a corresponding `.sustainability` object to the lot's `.sustainability` array. - Map the code to the sustainability's `.strategies` array according to the [GPP criteria mapping table](codelists/gpp-criteria). ```xml LOT-0001 eu ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasSustainability": true, "sustainability": [ { "strategies": [ "euGPPCriteria" ] } ] } ] } } ```

BT-88-Procedure *
Procedure Features

BT-88: The main features of the procedure (e.g. description of the individual stage(s)) and information about where the full rules for the procedure can be found. This information shall be given when the procedure is not one of those mentioned in the procurement Directives. This can be the case for example for concessions, for social and other specific services, and in case of voluntary publication of procurement procedures below the EU procurement thresholds.

Map to `tender.procurementMethodDetails` ```xml A two stage procedure ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "procurementMethodDetails": "A two stage procedure..." } } ```

BT-92-Lot *
Electronic Ordering

BT-92: Electronic ordering will be used.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.hasElectronicOrdering`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "hasElectronicOrdering": true } } ] } } ```

BT-93-Lot *
Electronic Payment

BT-93: Electronic payment will be used.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.contractTerms.hasElectronicPayment`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "hasElectronicPayment": true } } ] } } ```


BT-94: Procurement whose purpose is likely to also be included in another procedure in the foreseeable future. (For example, a regularly re-tendered municipal service. This does not include awarding multiple contracts within a single qualification system, framework agreement, or a dynamic purchasing system.)

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.hasRecurrence`. ```xml LOT-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasRecurrence": true } ] } } ```

Recurrence Description

BT-95: Any additional information about recurrence (e.g. estimated timing).

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.recurrence.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 The current procurement ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "recurrence": { "description": "The current procurement..." } } ] } } ```

BT-97-Lot *
Submission Language

BT-97: A language in which tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest may be submitted.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), map to ISO 639-1 in the [language authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language), and add to the lot's `.submissionTerms.languages` array. ```xml LOT-0001 FRA ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "languages": [ "fr" ] } } ] } } ```

Tender Validity Deadline

BT-98: The period, from the tender submission deadline, for which tenders must remain valid.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). Multiply by: - 1, if @unitCode="DAY". - 7, if @unitCode="WEEK". - 30, if @unitCode="MONTH". - 365, if @unitCode="YEAR". Map to the lot's `.submissionTerms.bidValidityPeriod.durationInDays`. ```xml LOT-0001 4 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "submissionTerms": { "bidValidityPeriod": { "durationInDays": 120 } } } ] } } ```

Review Deadline Description

BT-99: The description of the time limits for review procedures.

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot) and map to its `.reviewDetails`. ```xml LOT-0001 Any review request shall be submitted ... ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "reviewDetails": "Any review request shall be submitted ..." } ] } } ```

Notice Publication Number

Discard. ```xml 12345678-2023 ```

OJEU Identifier

Discard. ```xml 123/2023 ```

OJEU Publication Date

Discard. ```xml 2023-03-14+01:00 ```

OPP-020-Contract *
Assets related contract extension indicator

[Get the lots for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-lots-for-a-settledcontract) and map to each lot's `.hasEssentialAssets`. ```xml LOT-0001 CON-0001 CON-0001 true ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "hasEssentialAssets": true } ] } } ```

Used asset

This field maps to the same `EssentialAssets` objects created for OPP-022-Contract and OPP-023-Contract. [Get the lots for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-lots-for-a-settledcontract). For each lot, add or update the corresponding `EssentialAssets` object in the lot's `.essentialAssets` array and map to its `.description`. ```xml CON-0001 Asset 1 blabla RES-0001 CON-0001 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "essentialAssets": [ { "description": "Asset 1 blabla" } ] } ] } } ```

Significance (%)

This field maps to the same `EssentialAssets` objects created for OPP-021-Contract and OPP-023-Contract. [Get the lots for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-lots-for-a-settledcontract). For each lot, add or update the corresponding `EssentialAssets` object in the lot's `.essentialAssets` array and map to its `.significance`. ```xml CON-0001 30 RES-0001 CON-0001 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "essentialAssets": [ { "significance": "30" } ] } ] } } ```

Predominance (%)

This field maps to the same `EssentialAssets` objects created for OPP-021-Contract and OPP-022-Contract. [Get the lots for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-lots-for-a-settledcontract). For each lot, add or update the corresponding `EssentialAssets` object in the lot's `.essentialAssets` array and map to its `.predominance`. ```xml CON-0001 40 RES-0001 CON-0001 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "essentialAssets": [ { "predominance": "40" } ] } ] } } ```

OPP-030-Tender *
Contract conditions Code

Discard. ```xml soc-stand ```

OPP-031-Tender *
Contract Conditions Description (other than revenue allocation)

This mapping assumes that the value of this field is consistent across all the LotTenders for a given lot. If the values in your data source vary, contact the [OCDS Data Support Team](mailto:data@open-contracting.org). If the value of `ancestor::ContractTerm/efbc:TermCode` is `all-rev-tic`, discard. Otherwise, [get the lot for the lot tender](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lottender). If the value of `ancestor::ContractTerm/efbc:TermCode` is `exc-right`, set the lot's `contractTerms.hasExclusiveRights` to `true`. Otherwise, map to the lot's `.contractTerms` according to the value of `ancestor::ContractTerm/efbc:TermCode`: ``` * `cost-comp`: Map to `contractTerms.financialTerms` * `other`: Map to `contractTerms.otherTerms` * `publ-ser-obl`: Map to `contractTerms.performanceTerms` * `soc-stand`: Map to `contractTerms.socialStandards` ``` ```xml TEN-0001 soc-stand Description of the social-standards blablabla ... LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "socialStandards": "Description of the social-standards blablabla ..." } } ] } } ```

OPP-032-Tender *
Revenues Allocation

This mapping assumes that the value of this field is consistent across all the LotTenders for a given lot. If the values in your data source vary, contact the [OCDS Data Support Team](mailto:data@open-contracting.org). [Get the lot for the lot tender](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lottender), divide by 100 and map the result to the lot's `.contractTerms.operatorRevenueShare`. ```xml TEN-0001 all-rev-ic 100 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "operatorRevenueShare": 1 } } ] } } ```

OPP-033-Tender *
Penalties and Rewards Code

Discard. ```xml rew-pen ```

OPP-034-Tender *
Penalties and Rewards Description

This mapping assumes that the value of this field is consistent across all the LotTenders for a given lot. If the values in your data source vary, contact the [OCDS Data Support Team](mailto:data@open-contracting.org). [Get the lot for the lot tender](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-lottender) and map to its `.contractTerms.rewardsAndPenalties`. ```xml TEN-0001 rew-pen Information on Rewards and Penalties .... LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "rewardsAndPenalties": "Information on Rewards and Penalties ...." } } ] } } ```

OPP-040-Procedure *
Main Nature - Sub Type

Add to `tender.additionalProcurementCategories` array. ```xml bus-s ``` ```json { "tender": { "additionalProcurementCategories": [ "bus-s" ] } } ```

Buyers Group Lead Indicator

If the value is "false" then discard. Otherwise [get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), and add 'leadBuyer' to the organization's `.roles` array. ```xml true ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "leadBuyer" ] } ] } ```

OPP-051-Organization *
Awarding CPB Buyer Indicator

If the value is "false" then discard. Otherwise [get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), and add 'procuringEntity' to the organization's `.roles` array. ```xml true ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "procuringEntity" ] } ] } ```

Acquiring CPB Buyer Indicator

If the value is "false" then discard. Otherwise [get the organization for the company](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-company), and add 'wholesaleBuyer' to the organization's `.roles` array. ```xml true ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "wholesaleBuyer" ] } ] } ```

OPP-070-notice *
Notice Subtype

Discard. ```xml 16 ```

Kilometers Public Transport

Get the `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:SettledContract` whose `/efac:LotTender:cbc:ID` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:LotTender:cbc:ID`, [get its contract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract) and map to the contract's `.publicPassengerTransportServicesKilometers`. ```xml TEN-0001 988754432110987 CON-0001 TEN-0001 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "publicPassengerTransportServicesKilometers": 988754432110987, "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

Previous Notice Identifier

[Reference a previous publication](operations.md#reference-a-previous-publication). If OPP-090-Procedure is repeated, set the relatedProcess's `id` incrementally. ```xml 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06 ``` ```json { "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "relationship": [ "planning" ], "scheme": "eu-oj", "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06" } ] } ```

OPT-001-notice *
UBL version ID (UBL)

Discard. ```xml 2.3 ```

OPT-002-notice *
Customization ID (UBL)

Discard. ```xml eforms-sdk-1.4 ```

Provided Service Type

Get the `Organization` in `parties` whose `id` is equal to the value of `ancestor::cac:ServiceProviderParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID`. If none exists yet: - Add an `Organization` to `parties`. - Set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::cac:ServiceProviderParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID`. If the value of the field is "serv-prov", add 'procurementServiceProvider' to the organization's `.roles` array. If the value of the field is "ted-esen", add 'eSender' to the organization's `.roles` array. ```xml ted-esen ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "eSender" ] } ] } ```

OPT-060-Lot *
Execution Requirements Factor


Reserved Execution justification

Discard. OPT-070 may only be used in some circumstances for a Call for Expression of Interest, which is not covered by the eForms regulation.

OPT-071-Lot *
Quality Target Code

[Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add a `CustomerServices` object to its `contractTerms` array. - Map to its `.type`. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/customer-service) and map it to `.name`. ```xml LOT-0001 clean ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "customerServices": [ { "type": "clean", "name": "Cleanliness of rolling stock and station facilities" } ] } } ] } } ```

OPT-072-Lot *
Quality Target Description

These values map to the same `CustomerServices` objects as created for OPT-071-Lot. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot). For each `cac:ContractExecutionRequirement`, add or update the corresponding `CustomerServices` object in the lot's `contractTerms` array and map to its `.description`. ```xml LOT-0001 A description as given in OPT-072 ``` ```json { "tender": { "lots": [ { "id": "LOT-0001", "contractTerms": { "customerServices": [ { "description": "A description as given in OPT-072" } ] } } ] } } ```

Buyer Categories

Discard ```xml buyer-categories ```

Framework Notice Identifier

[Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). Add a `RelatedProcess` to the contract's `.relatedProcesses` array, and: - Set its `.id` incrementally. - Add 'framework' to its `.relationship` array. - If the referenced notice is available in OCDS: - Set `.scheme` to 'ocid'. - Set `.identifier` to the `.ocid` of the referenced notice. - Otherwise: - Set `.scheme` to the value of `cbc:ID[@schemeName]`. - Map `cbc:ID` to `.identifier`. ```xml CON-0001 62783-2020 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "awardID": "RES-0001", "relatedProcesses": [ { "id": "1", "scheme": "ojs-notice-id", "identifier": "62783-2020", "relationship": [ "framework" ] } ] } ] } ```

URL to Fiscal Legislation

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 Fiscal1 https://fiscal-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Fiscal1", "url": "https://fiscal-legislation.gov.stat", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

URL to Fiscal Legislation

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`. ```xml Fiscal1 https://fiscal-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Fiscal1", "url": "https://fiscal-legislation.gov.stat" } ] } } ```

Fiscal Legislation Document ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set the document's `.documentType` to 'legislation'. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 Fiscal1 https://fiscal-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Fiscal1", "documentType": "legislation", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Fiscal Legislation Document ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set the document's `.documentType` to 'legislation'. ```xml Fiscal1 https://fiscal-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Fiscal1", "documentType": "legislation" } ] } } ```

Environmental Legislation Document ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set the document's `.documentType` to 'legislation'. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 Env1 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Env1", "documentType": "legislation", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Environmental Legislation Document ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set the document's `.documentType` to 'legislation'. ```xml Env1 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Env1", "documentType": "legislation" } ] } } ```

Employment Legislation Document ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set the document's `.documentType` to 'legislation'. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 Empl1 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Empl1", "documentType": "legislation", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Employment Legislation Document ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Set the document's `.documentType` to 'legislation'. ```xml Empl1 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Empl1", "documentType": "legislation" } ] } } ```

URL to Environmental Legislation

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 Env1 http://environmental-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Env1", "url": "https://environmental-legislation.gov.stat", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

URL to Environmental Legislation

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`. ```xml Env1 http://environmental-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Env1", "url": "https://environmental-legislation.gov.stat" } ] } } ```

URL to Employment Legislation

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml LOT-0001 Empl1 http://employment-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Empl1", "url": "https://employment-legislation.gov.stat", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

URL to Employment Legislation

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). Map to the document's `.url`. ```xml Empl1 http://employment-legislation.gov.stat ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Empl1", "url": "https://employment-legislation.gov.stat" } ] } } ```

OPT-140-Lot *
Procurement Documents ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02", "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

OPT-140-Part *
Procurement Documents ID

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference). ```xml 20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02 ``` ```json { "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02" } ] } } ```

Vehicle Type

This field maps to the same `Item` objects as created for BT-723-LotResult, BT-735-LotResult and OPT-156-LotResult. If the value of `ancestor::efac:StrategicProcurementStatistics/efbc:StatisticsNumeric` is 0 discard. Otherwise: - [Get the award for the LotResult.](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult) - Add an `Item` object to its `items` array. - Set the item's `.id` incrementally. For each `efbc:StatisticsCode`, add a `Classification` object to the item's `additionalClassifications` array, and: - Set the classification's `.scheme` to "vehicles". - Map the value of the field to the classification's `.id`. - Look up the code's label in the [authority table](https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/vehicles) and map it to the classification's `.description`. ```xml RES-0001 vehicles-zero-emission LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "items": [ { "id": "1", "additionalClassifications": [ { "scheme": "vehicles", "id": "vehicles-zero-emission", "description": "vehicles zero emission" } ] } ], "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

Vehicle Numeric

This field maps to the same `Item` objects as created for BT-723-LotResult, BT-735-LotResult and OPT-155-LotResult. If the value of this field is 0 then discard. Otherwise: - If the value of the `ancestor::efbc:StrategicProcurementStatistics/efbc:StatisticsCode` is "vehicles-zero-emission" or "vehicles-clean", get the corresponding item and map to it's `.quantity`. - If the value of `ancestor::efbc:StrategicProcurementStatistics/efbc:StatisticsCode` is "vehicles", get the value of `efbc:StatisticsNumeric` for each `ancestor::efbc:StrategicProcurementStatistics` with `efbc:StatisticsCode` equal to "vehicles-zero-emission" or "vehicles-clean" and subtract the sum of the values from the value of this field. Get the corresponding item and map the resulting value to it's `.quantity`. - If the value is 0 discard the item entirely. Otherwise map the the result to the item's `.quantity`. ```xml RES-0001 3 LOT-0001 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0001", "items": [ { "id": "1", "quantity": 3 } ], "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } ```

First Name

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.name`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 Mickey ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001", "name": "Mickey" } ] } ] } ```

Tendering Party Leader

[Get the organization for the tenderer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-tenderer). If "true", add 'leadTenderer' to its `.roles`. ```xml ORG-0001 true ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "leadTenderer", "tenderer" ] } ] } ```

OPT-200-Organization-Company *
Organisation Technical Identifier

If there is an `Organization` in `parties` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add an `Organization` to `parties` and map to its `.id`. ```xml ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001" } ] } ```

TouchPoint Technical Identifier

If there is an `Organization` in `parties` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add an `Organization` to `parties` and map to its `.id`. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001" } ] } ```

Beneficial Owner Technical Identifier

[Get the person for the ultimate beneficial owner](operations.md#get-the-person-for-an-ultimate-beneficial-owner) and map to the person's `.id`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001" } ] } ] } ```

Tendering Party ID

Discard. Each tenderer in the tendering party is covered by OPT-310-Tenderer. ```xml TPA-0003 ```

Tendering Party Name

Discard. Each tenderer in the tendering party is covered by OPT-310-Tenderer. ```xml Party of Tenderers ```

Signatory Identifier Reference

- Get the `Organization` in `parties` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field. If none exists yet: - Add an `Organization` to `parties`. - Set its `.id` to the value of this field. - Add 'buyer' to its roles. - Get the `ancestor::efext:EformsExtension/efac:Organizations/efac:Organization/efac:Company` whose `/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of this field, and set the organization's `.name` to the value of `/cac:PartyName/cbc:Name`. - [Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract). For each award referenced in the contract's `.awardID` field or `.awardIDs` array: - Add an `OrganizationReference` object to the award's `.buyers` array. - Set its `.id` to the organization's `.id`. ```xml ORG-0001 Financial Adinistration for ... ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "name": "Financial Administration for ...", "roles": [ "buyer" ] } ], "awards": [ { "buyers": [ { "id": "ORG-0001" } ] } ] } ```

OPT-300-Procedure-Buyer *
Buyer Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference) - Add 'buyer' to its `.roles` array. - Add an `OrganizationReference` object to `buyer`, and set its `.id` to the organization's `.id`. ```xml ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "buyer" ] } ], "buyer": { "id": "ORG-0001" } } ```

Service Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference). Get the `ancestor::ext:UBLExtensions/ext:UBLExtension/ext:ExtensionContent/efext:EformsExtension/efac:Organizations/efac:Organization/efac:Company` whose `/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of this field, and set the organization's `.name` to the value of `/cac:PartyName/cbc:Name`. ```xml ORG-0001 ORG-0001 Service Provider Ltd ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "name": "Service Provider Ltd" } ] } ```

Tenderer ID Reference

Discard. This field is mapped as part of OPT-310-Tender. ```xml ORG-0005 ```

OPT-301-Lot-AddInfo *
Additional Info Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'processContactPoint' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows additional information providers to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "processContactPoint" ] } ] } ```

Document Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'processContactPoint' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows document providers to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "processContactPoint" ] } ] } ```

OPT-301-Lot-EmployLegis *
Employment Legislation Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `publisher.id`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'informationService' to is `roles` array. ```xml ORG-0001 LOT-0001 Empl1 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "informationService" ] } ], "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Empl1", "publisher": { "id": "ORG-0001" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

OPT-301-Lot-EnvironLegis *
Environmental Legislation Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `publisher.id`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'informationService' to is `roles` array. ```xml ORG-0001 LOT-0001 Env1 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "informationService" ] } ], "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Env1", "publisher": { "id": "ORG-0001" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

OPT-301-Lot-FiscalLegis *
Fiscal Legislation Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `publisher.id`. [Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot](operations.md#get-the-lot-for-a-procurementprojectlot), and add its `id` to the document's `.relatedLots`. [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'informationService' to is `roles` array. ```xml ORG-0001 LOT-0001 Fiscal1 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "informationService" ] } ], "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Fiscal1", "publisher": { "id": "ORG-0001" }, "relatedLots": [ "LOT-0001" ] } ] } } ```

Mediator Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'mediationBody, to the organization's `.roles` array. eForms allows review bodies and mediation bodies to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0005 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0005", "roles": [ "mediationBody" ] } ] } ```

Review Info Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'reviewContactPoint' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows review information providers to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "reviewContactPoint" ] } ] } ```

OPT-301-Lot-ReviewOrg *
Review Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'reviewBody', to the organization's `.roles` array. eForms allows review bodies and mediation bodies to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0003 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0003", "roles": [ "reviewBody" ] } ] } ```

Tender Evaluator Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'evaluationBody' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows tender evaluation organizations to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "evaluationBody" ] } ] } ```

Tender Recipient Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'submissionReceiptBody' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows tender recipient organizations to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "submissionReceiptBody" ] } ] } ```

Financing Party (ID reference)

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'funder' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows financing and payer parties to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml ORG-0003 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0003", "roles": [ "funder" ] } ] } ```

Payer Party (ID reference)

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'payer' to its `.roles` array. eForms allows financing and payer parties to differ per lot. However, while this may be permitted by law, we have found no evidence in practice. Please contact data@open-contracting.org if you have a use case. ```xml ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "payer" ] } ] } ```

Additional Info Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'processContactPoint' to its `.roles` array. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "processContactPoint" ] } ] } ```

Document Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'processContactPoint' to its `.roles` array. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "processContactPoint" ] } ] } ```

OPT-301-Part-EmployLegis *
Employment Legislation Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `publisher.id`. [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'informationService' to is `roles` array. ```xml ORG-0001 Empl1 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "informationService" ] } ], "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Empl1", "publisher": { "id": "ORG-0001" } } ] } } ```

OPT-301-Part-EnvironLegis *
Environmental Legislation Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `publisher.id`. [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'informationService' to is `roles` array. ```xml ORG-0001 Env1 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "informationService" ] } ], "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Env1", "publisher": { "id": "ORG-0001" } } ] } } ```

OPT-301-Part-FiscalLegis *
Fiscal Legislation Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the document for the document reference](operations.md#get-the-document-for-a-document-reference) and map to its `publisher.id`. [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'informationService' to is `roles` array. ```xml ORG-0001 Fiscal1 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "roles": [ "informationService" ] } ], "tender": { "documents": [ { "id": "Fiscal1", "publisher": { "id": "ORG-0001" } } ] } } ```

Mediator Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'mediationBody, to the organization's `.roles` array. ```xml ORG-0003 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0003", "roles": [ "mediationBody" ] } ] } ```

Review Info Provider Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'reviewContactPoint' to its `.roles` array. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "reviewContactPoint" ] } ] } ```

OPT-301-Part-ReviewOrg *
Review Organization Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'reviewBody, to the organization's `.roles` array. ```xml TPO-0003 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0003", "roles": [ "reviewBody" ] } ] } ```

Tender Evaluator Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'evaluationBody' to its `.roles` array. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "evaluationBody" ] } ] } ```

Tender Recipient Technical Identifier Reference

[Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'submissionReceiptBody' to its `.roles` array. ```xml TPO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "TPO-0001", "roles": [ "submissionReceiptBody" ] } ] } ```

OPT-301-Tenderer-MainCont *
Main Contractor ID Reference

- [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'tenderer' to its `.roles` array. - [Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender), and get the `subcontracts` object whose `subcontractors.id` is equal to the value of `ancestor: efac:SubContractor/cbc:ID`. - Add an `OrganizationReference` object to the subcontract's `.mainContractors` array, and set its `.id` to the value of this field. ```xml TEN-0001 ORG-0012 ORG-0005 ORG-0005 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0005", "roles": [ "tenderer" ] } ], "bids": { "details": [ { "subcontracting": { "subcontracts": [ { "id": "1", "subcontractor": { "id": "ORG-0012" }, "mainContractors": [ { "id": "ORG-0005", "name": "Tendering Company Ltd" } ] } ] } } ] } } ```

Subcontractor ID Reference

- [Get the organization for the organization technical identifier reference](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-an-organization-technical-identifier-reference), and add 'subcontractor' to its `.roles` array. - [Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender), add a `subcontracts` object to the bid's `.subcontracting.subcontracts` array, and: - Set its `.id` incrementally. - Add a `subcontractors` object and set its `.id` to the value of this field. ```xml TEN-0001 ORG-0012 ORG-0012 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0012", "roles": [ "subcontractor" ] } ], "bids": { "details": [ { "subcontracting": { "subcontracts": [ { "id": "1", "subcontractor": { "id": "ORG-0012" } } ] } } ] } } ```

Beneficial Owner Reference

Get the `Organization` in `parties` whose `id` is equal to the value of `ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID`. If none exists yet: - Add an `Organization` to `parties`. - Set its `.id` to the value of `ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID`. If there is a `Person` in the organization's `.beneficialOwners` array whose `id` is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add a `Person` to `.beneficialOwners` and map to its `.id`. ```xml ORG-0001 UBO-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0001", "beneficialOwners": [ { "id": "UBO-0001" } ] } ] } ```

OPT-310-Tender *
Tendering Party ID Reference

- [Get the bid for the LotTender](operations.md#get-the-bid-for-a-lottender) and get the `ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:TenderingParty` whose `/cbc:ID` is equal to the value of this field. - For each `/efac:Tenderer` in the tendering party: - [Get the organization for the tenderer](operations.md#get-the-organization-for-a-tenderer) and add 'tenderer' to its `roles` array. - Add an `OrganizationReference` object to the bid's `.tenderers` array, and set its `.id` to the organization's `.id`. ```xml TEN-0001 TPA-0001 LOT-0001 TPA-0001 ORG-0001 ``` ```json { "parties": [ { "id": "ORG-0011", "roles": [ "tenderer" ] } ], "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001", "tenderers": [ { "id": "ORG-0011" } ] } ] } } ```

OPT-315-LotResult *
Contract Identifier Reference

[Get the contract for the SettledContract](operations.md#get-the-contract-for-a-settledcontract) and map to its `.id`. ```xml CON-0001 RES-0001 CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001", "awardID": "RES-0001" } ] } ```

OPT-316-Contract *
Contract Technical Identifier

If there is a `Contract` in `contracts` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field discard. Otherwise: - Add a `Contract` to `contracts`. - Map to its `.id`. ```xml CON-0001 ``` ```json { "contracts": [ { "id": "CON-0001" } ] } ```

OPT-320-LotResult *
Tender Identifier Reference

[Get the award for the LotResult](operations.md#get-the-award-for-a-lotresult), and add to its `.relatedBids` array. ```xml TEN-0001 TEN-0002 TEN-0003 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "relatedBids": [ "TEN-0001", "TEN-0002", "TEN-0003" ] } ] } ```

OPT-321-Tender *
Tender Technical Identifier

If there is a `Bid` in `bids.details` whose `.id` is equal to the value of the field discard. Otherwise: - Add a `Bid` object to the `bids.details` array. - Map to its `.id`. ```xml TEN-0001 ``` ```json { "bids": { "details": [ { "id": "TEN-0001" } ] } } ```

OPT-322-LotResult *
LotResult Technical Identifier

If there is an `Award` in `awards` whose `.id` is equal to the value of this field discard. Otherwise: - Add an `Award` to `awards`. - Map to its `.id`. ```xml RES-0002 ``` ```json { "awards": [ { "id": "RES-0002" } ] } ```

OPT-999 *
Dummy Tender Award Date
