How to use this profile


If you are not yet familiar with OCDS for eForms, we recommend that you start with the primer.

Convert a notice to OCDS format

Create a release and map each field on the notice according to the field mappings.

Post-processing steps

These steps must be completed after using the Field mappings to construct an OCDS file.

Populate .name in organization references

For each OrganizationReference object in your data, get the Organization in parties whose .id is equal to the .id of the organization reference and set the organization reference's .name to the .name of the organization. The following fields are OrganizationReference objects:

  • buyer

  • planning/budget/finance/financingParty

  • tender/documents/publisher

  • tender/lots/designContest/selectedParticipants

  • bids/details/tenderers

  • bids/details/subcontracting/subcontracts/subcontractor

  • bids/details/subcontracting/subcontracts/tenderers

  • awards/suppliers

  • awards/buyers

Post-publication steps

These steps must be completed at the described time after publishing an OCDS file.

Release withheld information

Some information required by eForms may remain non-public ("unpublished") for a defined period, as described in withheld publication of information. Whereas, with eForms, Tenders Electronic Daily can take responsibility for publishing the withheld information on the desired date, with OCDS, you must take responsibility.

For fields with an associated efac:FieldsPrivacy element, wait until the date in /efbc:PublicationDate and then:

  • Create a release and add 'previouslyWithheldInformation' to its .tag array.

  • Perform the mapping for the fields and publish the release.

Data use


This section describes how to interpret OCDS data that conforms to this profile.

Framework agreements with multiple winners (cascades)

Suppliers are in a cascade if:

  • The tender or lot uses a framework agreement (.techniques.hasFrameworkAgreement is true); and

  • The award has multiple suppliers (.suppliers contains more than one OrganizationReference); and

  • Bids have ranks (bids.details.hasRank is true).

The rank of each bid might be available in bids.details.rank.