Common operations


To avoid repetition in the Field mappings, we refer and link to the following common operations.

Create a release

If the notice is a prior information or periodic indicative notice used only for information (PIN only), you should repeat the following steps for each part (/*/cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID/@schemeName='Part']) because each part is treated as a separate planning process. Otherwise, you need only perform the steps once per notice.

  1. Create an empty JSON object

  2. Set its id to the notice identifier (/*/cbc:ID).

  3. Set its initiationType to 'tender'.

  4. Set its ocid as described below.

If any of the following are true, assign a new ocid by prepending your OCID prefix to a unique identifier of your choice (e.g. a version 4 UUID or a suitable system-internal identifier):

  • The notice is the first publication concerning the procedure.

  • The notice is a contract award notice (CAN) for an award within a framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system.

  • The previous publication concerning the procedure is a PIN only notice. Notices following a PIN only notice are assigned a new ocid because they may be defined based on multiple parts.

Otherwise, set ocid to the same value as the previous publication's ocid.

Reference a previous planning notice

  • Add a RelatedProcess object to the relatedProcesses array:

    • Set its id incrementally.

    • Add 'planning' to its .relationship array.

    • Prepend "eu-" to the value of @schemeName, and map to its .scheme.

    • Map cbc:ID to its .identifier.

    • If there is an ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID/@schemeName='Lot'], add ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID to its .relatedLots.

  • If the referenced notice is available in OCDS, add another RelatedProcess object to the relatedProcesses array:

    • Set its id incrementally.

    • Add 'planning' to its .relationship array.

    • Set its .scheme to 'ocid'.

    • Set its .identifier to the ocid of the referenced notice.

    • If there is an ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID/@schemeName='Lot'], add ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID to its .relatedLots.

Convert a date to ISO format

OCDS dates must be formatted according to ISO 8601 and include a time component.

If a time component is missing from a date, use 'T23:59:59Z' for end dates and 'T00:00:00Z' for other dates.

If a timezone component is present in the date (e.g. '+02:00'), preserve it. Otherwise, use the UTC timezone indicate 'Z'.

The final value would be '2020-10-21T23:59:59Z' or '2020-10-21T00:00:00Z'.

Convert a language code to ISO 639-1

Look up the code in the ISO 639-3 code tables (TSV file) and get the value in the 639-1 column (Part1 column in the TSV file).

If the code has no correspondence in ISO 639-1, contact the OCDS Data Support Team.

Convert a duration to a number of days

If @unitCode is 'DAY' or 'CALENDAR_DAY', do nothing.

Otherwise, multiply the duration according to the value of @unitCode:













If the value of @unitCode does not appear in the above table, contact the OCDS Data Support Team.

Add a complaints statistic

Add a Statistic object to the statistics array, set its .relatedLot to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID, set its scope to 'complaints', and set its .id (string) sequentially across all notices for this procedure. For example, if a first notice for a given procedure has nine statistics, it uses id's '1' through '9'. A second notice for the same procedure then uses id's '10' and up, etc.

Add a bids statistic

Add a Statistic object to the bids.statistics array, set its .relatedLot to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID, and set its .id (string) sequentially across all notices for this procedure. For example, if a first notice for a given procedure has nine bid statistics, it uses id's '1' through '9'. A second notice for the same procedure then uses id's '10' and up, etc.

Get the document for a document reference

Get the Document object in the tender.documents array whose .id is equal to the document reference's /cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a Document object to tender.documents and set its .id to the document reference's /cbc:ID.

Get the participation fee for a document

If the value of ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID/@schemeName] is 'Part', get the ParticipationFee object in the tender.participationFees array whose .id is equal to cac:CallForTendersDocumentReference/cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a ParticipationFee object to tender.participationFees and set its .id to the value of ancestor::cac:CallForTendersDocumentReference/cbc:ID.

If the value of ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID/@schemeName] is 'Lot', get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and get the ParticipationFee object in the lot's .participationFees whose .id is equal to cac:CallForTendersDocumentReference/cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a ParticipationFee object to the lot's .participationFees and set its .id to the value of ancestor::cac:CallForTendersDocumentReference/cbc:ID.

Get a translation

Download 'business-term_XX.xml' from eForms SDK translations for the language required, where XX is the 2 letter language code. Find the row with the key 'business-term|description|BT-##' for the business term required (for example 'business-term|description|BT-160') and take the value from the entry.


Add a party

Add an Organization object to the parties array, and set its .id (string). A party's .id needs to be consistent across all notices. It is recommended to implement a register of organization identifiers to assign consistent identifiers. For more information, see the OCDS documentation.

Get the organization for a company

Get the Organization object in the parties array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add an Organization to parties

  2. Set its .id to the value of the ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID.

Get the organization for a touchpoint

Get the Organization object in the parties array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:TouchPoint/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add an Organization to parties

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:TouchPoint/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID

  3. Set its to the value of ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyLegalEntity/cbc:CompanyID

  4. Set its .identifier.scheme.

Get the organization for the buyer

Get the Organization object in the parties array whose .id is equal to the value of ancestor::cac:ContractingParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add an Organization to parties

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::cac:ContractingParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID

  3. Add 'buyer' to it's .roles

Get the organization for a tenderer

Get the Organization object in the parties array whose .id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:TenderingParty/efac:Tenderer/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add an Organization to parties

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:TenderingParty/efac:Tenderer/cbc:ID

  3. Add 'tenderer' to it's .roles

Get the person for an ultimate beneficial owner

Get the Organization object in the parties array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add an Organization to parties

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:Organization/efac:Company/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID.

Get the Person object in the organization's .beneficialOwners array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:UltimateBeneficialOwner/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add a Person to .beneficialOwners

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:UltimateBeneficialOwner/cbc:ID.


ancestor::efac:UltimateBeneficialOwner/cbc:ID is assumed to be a unique within the scope of the contracting process.

Get the organization for an organization technical identifier reference

Get the Organization object in the parties array whose .id is equal to the organization technical identifier reference's /cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add an Organization object to parties and set its .id to the organization technical identifier reference's /cbc:ID.

Lots and items

Get the lot for a ProcurementProjectLot

Get the Lot object in the tender.lots array whose .id is equal to the value of ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a Lot to tender.lots and set its id to the value of ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID.

Get the lot group for a ProcurementProjectLot

Get the LotGroup object in the tender.lotGroups array whose .id is equal to the value of the XPath ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a LotGroup to tender.lotGroups and set its id to the value of the XPath ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID.

Get the item for a ProcurementProjectLot

Get the Item object in the tender.items array whose .relatedLot is equal to the value of ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add an Item to tender.items, set its .id incrementally and set its .relatedLot to the value of ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID.

Get the lot for a LotResult

Get the Lot object in the tender.lots array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a Lot to tender.lots and set its id to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID.

Get the lots for a SettledContract

For each ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult with a /efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID equal to the value of ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID, get the Lot in the tender.lots array whose .id is equal to the value of the LotResult's /efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID.

Get the lot for a LotTender

Get the Lot object in the tender.lots array whose .id matches ancestor::efac:LotTender/efac:TenderLot:cbc:ID. If none exists yet, add a Lot to tender.lots and set its id to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/efac:TenderLot:cbc:ID.

Bids, awards and contracts

Get the bid for a LotTender

Get the Bid object in the bids.details array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add a Bid object to the bids.details array

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID

  3. Add the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID to its .relatedLots

Get the award for a LotResult

Get the Award object in the awards array whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add an Award to awards

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID

  3. Add the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID to its .relatedLots

Get the contract for a SettledContract

Get the Contract object in the contracts array whose .id is equal to ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  1. Add a Contract to contracts

  2. Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID

  3. Get all LotResults (ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult) with an /efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID equal to ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID

  4. If there is exactly one, add its /cbc:ID to the contract's .awardID

  5. If there is more than one, add each LotResult's /cbc:ID to the contract's .awardIDs