Core standard

This page documents a mapping from the "core" CoST IDS elements to OC4IDS fields and codes. The organization of the mapping tables reflects the structure of the CoST IDS.

The CoST IDS sets out a number of disclosure requirements under the heading of "information for disclosure upon request," also known as "reactive disclosure." You can disclose these elements proactively using OC4IDS. Separate tables are provided for project-level and process-level reactive disclosures.

Project level


Elemento del CoST IDS

Borrador de definiciones del CoST IDS

Mapeo a OC4IDS

Project owner

Name of the sponsoring Government department

Nivel de proyecto: Agregar un objeto Organization a parties con 'publicAuthority' incluido en .roles. Establecer y al .name y .id del objeto.


Develop a list of sectors relevant to country e.g. housing, transport, energy, water etc.

Nivel de proyecto: Mapear a la lista de códigos projectSector y publicar uno o más valores en sector. Publicar cualquier clasificación adicional de sectores de las listas de códigos local o global en additionalClassifications.


Develop a subset for each sector e.g. Transport could be subdivided into national highway, local road, railway, port, airport etc.

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo additionalClassifications

Project name

Specify the project name

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo title

Project Location

Briefly specify location of the project

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar utilizando los campos locations como una dirección, geometría (punto/línea/polígono) o entrada en un diccionario geográfico


Specify the socio-economic purpose of the project

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo purpose; si se clasifica según una lista de códigos, publicar también en additionalClassifications.

Project description

Concise description and details of the project

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo description


Elemento del CoST IDS

Borrador de definiciones del CoST IDS

Mapeo a OC4IDS

Project Scope (main output)

Main outputs from the project that are being taken forward into construction (type, quantity, unit)

Nivel de proyecto: publicar en documents, con .documentType y establecer a 'projectScope' e incluir una breve descripción y/o un enlace a un documento que proporcione más detalles

Environmental impact

Briefly describe the environmental impacts and mitigation measures for this project e.g. impacts on flora, fauna & woodlands, areas of natural beauty, carbon emissions etc. and mitigation measures e.g. pollution control, low carbon solutions, sustainable timber etc.

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en documents, con .documentType establecido a 'environmentalImpact' e incluir una breve descripción y/o un enlace a un documento que proporcione más detalles.

Land and settlement impact

State the amount of land and property that was acquired for the project e.g. 25km2 land, and related impacts e.g. archaeological issues (moved Saxon burial site), local/indigenous settlements (relocated 5 indigenous villages of 500 villagers each), impacts on local businesses e.g. (30 business properties purchased).

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en documents, con .documentType establecido a 'landAndSettlementImpact' e incluir una breve descripción y/o un enlace a un documento que proporcione más detalles

Contact details

Postal and electronic address of the Project Owner

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo .address y .contactPoint de la parte con 'publicAuthority' incluido en .roles

Funding sources

Name the funding organization(s)/sources of funding

Nivel del proyecto: Si una organización de financiación es la propietaria del proyecto, agregar 'funder' a .roles de la entrada existente en parties. En caso contrario, agregar una nueva entrada a parties para cada organización de financiación con 'funder' incluido en sus .roles. Cuando se disponga de información sobre el importe aportado por cada financiador, utilice budget.budgetBreakdown para proporcionar detalles

Project Budget

Specify the projected costs/allocated budget for the project (currency and amount). The budget includes land / property acquisition, environmental mitigation measures, H&S provisions, client, consultant & contractor costs, VAT etc.

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo budget.amount

Project budget approval date

Date project budget was authorized

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo budget.approvalDate e incluir un documento adicional con .documentType del 'budgetApproval' si es necesario

Project completion

Elemento del CoST IDS

Borrador de definiciones del CoST IDS

Mapeo a OC4IDS

Project status (current)

The current stage of the project. Select from identification, preparation, construction, completion, completed or cancelled.

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo status

Project completion cost

State projected or actual completion cost (currency and amount)

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo completion.finalValue

Completion date

State projected or actual completion date

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar en el campo completion.endDate

Project Scope at completion (projected)

Indicate projected or actual scope of project. Aim is to show if the completed project scope differs from the original project scope. Specify main outputs (type, quantity, unit)

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar texto libre en el campo completion.finalScope y/o incluir un documento con .documentType del projectScope y fechas y descripciones que muestren que este es el alcance final al momento de la finalización.

Reasons for project changes

Summary of primary reasons for any changes in scope, time and cost

Nivel de Proyecto: Publicar utilizando los campos completion.endDateDetails, completion.finalValueDetails y completion.finalScopeDetails

Reference to audit and evaluation reports

Reference to publicly available technical and financial audits

Nivel de Proyecto: Publicar en documents, con .documentType establecido a 'financialAuditReport' o 'technicalAuditReport' e incluir una breve descripción y/o un enlace a un documento que proporcione detalles

Reactive disclosures

Identification and preparation

Elemento del CoST IDS


Mapeo a OC4IDS

Multi-year programme & Budget

A detailed breakdown of the budget by period and/or participating funders.

Por cada año, agregar un objeto BudgetBreakdown a la lista budget.BudgetBreakdown y establecer sus campos como sigue:

  • Establecer su id al del año, por ejemplo ‘2020’

  • Establecer su .amount.amount a la cantidad del presupuesto asignado al año y establecer .amount.currency a la moneda del presupuesto

  • Establecer su .period.startDate al primer día del año, por ejemplo ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00Z’

  • Establecer su .period.endDate al último día del año, por ejemplo ‘2020-12-31T23:59:59Z

Project brief or Feasibility study

Documentation of feasibility studies carried out for this contracting process or project, providing information on net benefits or costs of the proposed goods, works or services.

Add a project document and set .documentType to 'feasibilityStudy'.

Environmental and social impact assessment

Environmental impact assessment Documentation of assessments of the environmental impacts (e.g. impacts on flora, fauna & woodlands, areas of natural beauty, carbon emissions etc.) and mitigation measures (e.g. pollution control, low carbon solutions, sustainable timber etc.) for this contracting process or project.

Social impact assessment Documentation of assessments of the intended and unintended social consequences of this project, and documentation of mitigation measures for those social consequences. Social impacts are changes that affect people, directly or indirectly (e.g. changes to people’s way of life, culture, community, health and well-being etc.).

Environmental impact assessment: Add a project document and set .documentType to ‘environmentalImpact’.

Social impact assessment: Add a project document and set .documentType to ‘environmentalImpact’ or ‘socialImpact’.

If a single document covers both the environmental and social impact assessment, add two documents to documents and set the first document’s .documentType to ‘environmentalImpact’ and the second document’s .documentType to ‘socialImpact’.

Resettlement and compensation plan

Documentation of the procedures and actions to mitigate adverse effects, compensate losses, and provide development benefits to people and communities affected by the contracting process or project.

Add a project document and set .documentType to ‘resettlementPlan’.

Project officials and roles

Name and position of the highest authority in the procuring entity where the budget for this project is allocated (project owner)

De la lista parties, obtenga el objeto Organization cuyo rol es ‘publicAuthority’. Si todavía no existe ninguno:

  • Agregar una parte

  • Establecer .name al nombre de la entidad contratante

  • Establecer su .role a ‘procuringEntity’

Agregar un objeto Person a la lista .people de la organización y:

  • Establecer su .id de forma incremental

  • Establecer .name al nombre del funcionario del proyecto

  • Establecer .jobTitle al cargo del funcionario del proyecto

Financial agreement

Loan or donation agreement with financing conditions.

Add a project document and set .documentType to ‘financialAgreement’.

Procurement plan

Documentation that sets out the basis for this particular contracting process.

Add a project document and set .documentType to ‘procurementPlan’.

Project approval decision

Additional details about the approval of the budget.

Add a project document and set .documentType to ‘budgetApproval’.


Elemento del CoST IDS


Mapeo a OC4IDS

Implementation progress reports

Planned and actual physical and financial progress over time.


Physical progress reports: Add a project document and set .documentType to 'physicalProgressReport'.

Financial progress reports: Add a project document and set .documentType to 'financialProgressReport'.


See implementation progress reports

Budget amendment decision

Document accrediting the approval of budget expansion or extension for this project.

Add a project document and set .documentType to 'budgetAmendmentApproval'.

Project completion report

A completion certificate issued by a relevant authority providing evidence that works were completed to a certain level of quality. Completion certificates might only be relevant for particular kinds of contracting processes or projects.

Add a project document and set .documentType to 'projectCompletionReport'.

Project evaluation report

Generally published at the conclusion of a project, providing a technical and financial summary of delivery

Add a project document and set .documentType to 'projectEvaluation'.

Technical audit reports

Documentation of checks that construction work has been undertaken as specified.

Add a project document and set .documentType to 'technicalAuditReport'.

Financial audit reports

Documentation of checks that a project's financial statements are correct and complete.

Add a project document and set .documentType to 'financialAuditReport'.

Implementation progress reports

In addition to the documents listed in the mapping table, you can use OC4IDS to publish structured data on planned and actual physical and financial progress.

Choose from the following options, depending on the data you collect and the data needed by your use cases.

Actual progress over time
  • Add a Metric object to the metrics array and:

    • For financial progress, set its id to 'financialProgress' and set its title to 'Financial progress', or the equivalent in the language of your publication.

    • For physical progress, set its id to 'physicalProgress' and set its title to 'Physical progress', or the equivalent in the language of your publication.

  • For each progress update, add an Observation object to the Metric object's .observations array and:

    • Set its .id incrementally

    • Set its .measure to the financial progress of the project. For example, for a project that is 75% complete, set .measure to 75

    • Set its to 'percent', set its to 'P1' and set its unit.scheme to 'UNCEFACT'

    • Set its period.startDate and period.endDate to the date on which the financial progress was measured


  "metrics": [
      "id": "physicalProgress",
      "title": "Physical progress",
      "observations": [
          "id": "1",
          "measure": "4.04",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-03-31T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-03-31T23:59:59Z"
          "id": "2",
          "measure": "7.98",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-04-30T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-04-30T23:59:59Z"
          "id": "3",
          "measure": "8.38",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-05-31T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-05-31T23:59:59Z"
A single progress figure

If your implementation does not store a change history, you can publish a single Observation object for each Metric and update the Observation object's .measure each time there is a progress update.


  "metrics": [
      "id": "financialProgress",
      "title": "Financial progress",
      "observations": [
          "id": "1",
          "measure": "4.04",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-03-31T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-03-31T23:59:59Z"
Planned progress over time

You can use the forecasts array to publish progress forecasts for different points in time.

  • Add a Metric object to the forecasts array and:

    • For financial progress, set its id to 'financialProgress' and set its title to 'Financial progress', or the equivalent in the language of your publication.

    • For physical progress, set its id to 'physicalProgress' and set its title to 'Physical progress', or the equivalent in the language of your publication.

  • For each forecast, add an Observation object to the Metric object's .observations array and:

    • Set its .id incrementally

    • Set its .measure to the forecast progress of the project. For example, to forecast when the project is expected to be complete, set .measure to 100.

    • Set its to 'percent', set its to 'P1' and set its unit.scheme to 'UNCEFACT'

    • Set its period.startDate and period.endDate to the date on which you expect the progress to be achieved


  "forecasts": [
      "id": "physicalProgress",
      "title": "Physical progress",
      "observations": [
          "id": "1",
          "measure": "4.04",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-03-31T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-03-31T23:59:59Z"
          "id": "2",
          "measure": "7.98",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-04-30T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-04-30T23:59:59Z"
          "id": "3",
          "measure": "8.38",
          "unit": {
            "name": "percent",
            "id": "P1",
            "scheme": "UNCEFACT"
          "period": {
            "startDate": "2017-05-31T23:59:59Z",
            "endDate": "2017-05-31T23:59:59Z"

Process level

The mappings in this section relate to the contractingProcesses section of the OC4IDS schema, unless otherwise specified.


Elemento del CoST IDS

Borrador de definiciones del CoST IDS

Mapeo a OC4IDS

Procuring entity

Enter name of the organization carrying out the procurement

Nivel de proyecto: Agregar una entrada a parties con el campo 'procuringEntity' incluido en .roles | Proceso de contratación: Registrar el nombre y el identificador en .summary.tender.procuringEntity

Procuring entity contact details

Postal and Electronic address

Nivel de proyecto: Publicar la dirección postal en el campo parties.address y la dirección electrónica en parties.contactPoint

Contract administrative entity

Enter name of the organization carrying out the contract administrative entity if different from the Procuring Entity

Nivel de proyecto: Agregar una entrada a parties con el campo 'administrativeEntity' incluido en .roles | Proceso de contratación: Registrar el nombre y el identificador en .summary.tender.administrativeEntity

Contract status

Select from pre-award, active or closed

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.status utilizando la lista de códigos de contractingProcessStatus

Procurement process

Develop a list such as International Competitive Bidding, National Competitive Bidding, Donor Procurement Rules, Framework, Direct Award

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.tender.procurementMethodDetails y mapear al campo .summary.tender.procurementMethod

Contract type

Develop a list such as Design, Supervision, Design & Supervision, Design & Build, Construction

Proceso de contratación: Agregar uno o más valores a la lista .summary.nature. (por ejemplo ["diseño", "construcción"] para un contrato de diseño y construcción)

Number of firms tendering

Number of firms who submit a tender

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.tender.numberOfTenderers

Cost estimate

Currency and amount of the original pre-tender estimate of the contract

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.tender.costEstimate

Contract title

The formal name of the contract

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.title

Contract firm(s)

Legal name of supplier

Nivel de proyecto: Agregar una entrada a parties con el campo 'supplier' incluido en sus .roles | Proceso de contratación: Agregar los nombres e identificadores a la lista .summary.suppliers

Contract price

Currency and price at contract award

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.contractValue

Contract scope of work

Main outputs from the contract e.g. detailed design, supervision, project management and or type, quantity, unit for construction

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.description. Además, la documentación detallada puede proporcionarse como documentos dentro de las entregas vinculadas.

Contract start date and contract period (duration)

Enter dates and Number of weeks from contract start date to (anticipated) completion date

Proceso de contratación: Publicar en el campo .summary.contractPeriod


Elemento del CoST IDS

Borrador de definiciones del CoST IDS

Mapeo a OC4IDS

Variation to contract price

Difference between the price at contract award and the current projected price

Proceso de contratación: Para cada variación, publicar una entrada con .date y .description en .summary.modifications con .type de 'value'. Proporcionar el valor del contrato antes de la variación en .oldContractValue y el valor del contrato después de la variación en .newContractValue

Escalation of contract price

Escalation to date of the price of materials, labour, equipment etc. due to fluctuations in inflation, currency etc.

Proceso de contratación: Para cada escalamiento, publique una entrada con .date y .description en .summary.modifications con .type del 'value'. Proporcione el valor del contrato antes del escalamiento en .oldContractValue y el valor del contrato después del escalamiento en .newContractValue

Variation to contract duration

Difference between original duration at contract award and the current projected duration in weeks.

Proceso de contratación: Para cada variación, publicar una entrada con .date y .description en .summary.modifications con .type de 'duration'. Proporcionar el periodo del contrato antes de la variación en .oldContractPeriod y el periodo del contrato después de la variación en .newContractPeriod

Variation to contract scope

Any changes between original scope at contract award and the current scope

Proceso de contratación: Para cada variación, publicar una entrada con .date y .description en .summary.modifications con .type de 'scope'

Reasons for price changes

Summary of reasons for primary changes (e.g. variations) that then lead to changes in contract price, major price fluctuations and accumulative increase or decrease in price.

Proceso de contratación: Para cada variación, proporcionar .rationale en .summary.modifications.

Reasons for scope and duration changes

Summary of reasons for primary changes (e.g. variations) that then lead to changes in the scope and duration.

Proceso de contratación: Para cada variación, proporcionar .rationale en .summary.modifications.

Reactive disclosures


Elemento del CoST IDS


Mapeo a OC4IDS

Contract officials and roles

Name and position of the public official in charge of administration of the contract(s).

De la lista parties, obtener el objeto Organization cuyo rol es 'administrativeEntity'. Sí aún no existe ninguno:

  • Agregar un objeto Organization a la lista parties

  • Establecer .name al nombre de la entidad administrativa

  • Establecer su .role a 'administrativeEntity'

Agregar un objeto Person de la lista .people de la organización y:

  • Establecer su .id de forma incremental

  • Establecer su .name al nombre del funcionario contratado

  • Establecer su .jobTitle al cargo del funcionario contratado

Procurement method

Specify tendering method using the method codelist (open, selective, limited, direct).

Establecer .summary.tender.procurementMethod con un valor de la lista de códigos del Método.

Tender documents

Documentation for potential suppliers, describing the goals of the contract (e.g. goods and services to be procured), and the bidding process.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'biddingDocuments'.

Tender evaluation results

Documentation on the evaluation of the bids and the application of the evaluation criteria, including the justification for the award.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'evaluationReports'.

Project design report

A record of the justification for the design approach adopted in the project, typically issued before the works start, by the consultant or firm that will supervise the works.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'projectDesignReport'.


Elemento del CoST IDS


Mapeo a OC4IDS

Contract agreement and conditions

A copy of the signed contract. Consider providing both machine-readable (e.g. original PDF, Word or Open Document format files), and a separate document entry for scanned-signed pages where this is required.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'contractSigned'.

Registration and ownership of firms

A document issued by the relevant government registry as confirmation of the due incorporation and valid existence of the organization.


Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'incorporationCertificate'.


Add an Organization object to the parties array and:

  • Set its .role to 'supplier'

  • Set its to the registration number

  • Set its .identifier.scheme to the code from for the register the identifier is drawn from

  • Set its .id

Specifications and drawings

Detailed technical information about goods or services to be provided.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'technicalSpecifications'.


Elemento del CoST IDS


Mapeo a OC4IDS

List of variations, changes, amendments

Details of changes to the duration, price, scope or other significant features of the contracting process

Por cada variación, cambio o enmienda, publicar una entrada con .date y .description en .summary.modifications.

Establecer .type sobre el tipo de cambio y proporcionar los valores relevantes de antes/después en .oldContractPeriod, .oldContractValue, ``.newContractPeriod y .newContractValue.

List of escalation approvals

Documentation of one or more approved escalations of the contract price during the project life-cycle.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'escalationApprovals'.

Quality assurance reports

Documentation identifying deficiencies in designs, specifications, standards, methods, procedures and practices, and identifying best practices.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'qualityAssuranceReport'.

Disbursement records or payment certificates

A list of the spending transactions made against this contract and/or a document certifying that the work specified on a supplier's estimate or invoice is complete and that payment to the supplier is approved


For each disbursement, add a Transaction to .summary.transactions and set its fields according to the schema definitions.


Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'paymentCertificate'.

Contract amendments

A legal document that changes or adds to the terms of an existing contract.

Add a contracting process document and set .documentType to 'contractAmendment'.