Field mappings

How to read the mappings table

The field's ID
The field's title

The ID of the business term to which the field is associated: The business term's description.

The XPath that uniquely corresponds to this field.

Instructions to follow to map the eForms field to OCDS.

<snippet of="XML">
  This snippet is typically taken directly from the eForms SDK's documentation.
  "An abbreviated OCDS release": "that corresponds to the XML snippet above."

Mappings table

eForms field OCDS mapping

Procedure Legal Basis (ID)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.


Map to, and set tender.legalBasis.scheme to 'ELI'.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="ELI"></cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "legalBasis": {
      "scheme": "ELI",
      "id": ""

Procedure Legal Basis (Description)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.


Map to tender.legalBasis.description.

  <cbc:DocumentDescription languageID="ENG">Directive XYZ applies ...</cbc:DocumentDescription>
  "tender": {
    "legalBasis": {
      "description": "Directive XYZ applies ..."

Procedure Legal Basis (NoID)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.


Map to

  "tender": {
    "legalBasis": {
      "id": "LocalLegalBasis"

BT-01(f)-Procedure *
Procedure Legal Basis (NoID Description)

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.


Map to tender.legalBasis.description.

  <cbc:DocumentDescription languageID="ENG">Directive XYZ applies ...</cbc:DocumentDescription>
  "tender": {
    "legalBasis": {
      "description": "Directive XYZ applies ..."

BT-01-notice *
Procedure Legal Basis

BT-01: The legal basis (e.g. a Union or national legal act) under which the procurement procedure takes place or, in case of prior information notices, under which the procurement procedure(s) will take place.


Map to, and set tender.legalBasis.scheme to 'CELEX'.

  "tender": {
    "legalBasis": {
      "scheme": "CELEX",
      "id": "32014L0024"

BT-02-notice *
Notice Type

BT-02: The type of notice according to procurement legislation.


Discard. Note that the @listName attribute of the XML element is mapped in BT-03-notice.


BT-03-notice *
Form Type

BT-03: The type of form according to procurement legislation.


The values of cbc:NoticeTypeCode[@listName] are drawn from the form type authority table in the EU Vocabularies.

Look up cbc:NoticeTypeCode[@listName] in the form type mapping table, add the values of the release tag column to tag and set tender.status to the value of the tender status column.

<cbc:NoticeTypeCode listName="competition">cn-standard</cbc:NoticeTypeCode>
  "tag": [
  "tender": {
    "status": "active"

BT-04-notice *
Procedure Identifier

BT-04: The European Public Procurement Procedure Identifier, a unique identifier of a procurement procedure. Including this identifier in all published versions of this notice (e.g. published on TED, national publication portals, regional publication portals) allows unique identification of procurement procedures around the Union.


Map to

  "tender": {
    "id": "1e86a664-ae3c-41eb-8529-0242ac130003"

BT-05(a)-notice *
Notice Dispatch Date

BT-05: The date and time when the notice has been sent for publication by the buyer.


Combine with BT-05(b)-notice, convert date to ISO format and map to date.

  "date": "2019-11-26T13:38:54+01:00"

BT-05(b)-notice *
Notice Dispatch Time

BT-05: The date and time when the notice has been sent for publication by the buyer.


Combine with BT-05(a)-notice, convert date to ISO format and map to date.

  "date": "2019-11-26T13:38:54+01:00"

Strategic Procurement

BT-06: The procurement procedure aims at reducing the environmental impacts of the procurement, fulfilling social objectives and/or buying an innovative work, supply or service.


This field maps to the same Sustainability objects as created for BT-777-Lot.

Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot.

If the code is "none" discard. Otherwise, set the lot's .hasSustainability to true.

For each cac:ProcurementAdditionalType, add or update the corresponding Sustainability object to the lot's .sustainability array.

  • Map the code to the sustainability's .goal according to the strategic procurement mapping table.

  • Add 'awardCriteria', 'contractPerformanceConditions', 'selectionCriteria' and 'technicalSpecifications' to the sustainability's .strategies array.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ProcurementTypeCode listName="strategic-procurement">inn-pur</cbc:ProcurementTypeCode>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "hasSustainability": true,
        "sustainability": [
            "goal": "economic.innovativePurchase",
            "strategies": [

Cross Border Law

BT-09: The applicable law when buyers from different countries procure together within one procurement procedure.


See BT-09(b)-Procedure.

BT-09(b)-Procedure *
Cross Border Law Description

BT-09: The applicable law when buyers from different countries procure together within one procurement procedure.


Map to tender.crossBorderLaw.

  <cbc:DocumentDescription languageID="ENG">Directive XYZ on Cross Border ...</cbc:DocumentDescription>
  "tender": {
    "crossBorderLaw": "Directive XYZ on Cross Border ..."

BT-10-Procedure-Buyer *
Activity Authority

BT-10: The main activity of the contracting authority.

  • Get the organization for the buyer, and add a Classification object to its .details.classifications array.

  • If the code's definition in the authority table includes "COFOG":

    • Map the value of this field to the classification's .description.

    • Set the classification's .scheme to 'COFOG'.

    • Look up the code's number in the UN Classifications on Economic Statistics and map it to the classification's .id.

  • Otherwise:

    • Map the value of this field to the classification's .id.

    • Set the classification's .scheme to 'eu-main-activity'.

    • Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to the classification's .description.

      <cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ActivityTypeCode listName="authority-activity">gas-oil</cbc:ActivityTypeCode>
  "parties": [
      "id": "ORG-0001",
      "details": {
        "classifications": [
            "scheme": "eu-main-activity",
            "id": "gas-oil",
            "description": "Activities related to the exploitation of a geographical area for the purpose of extracting oil or gas."

BT-105-Procedure *
Procedure Type

BT-105: The type of procurement procedure (e.g. according to the types given in the Public Procurement Directives mentioned in the recitals of this Act).


The codes are drawn from the procurement procedure type) authority table in EU Vocabularies.

Map to tender.procurementMethod according to the procurement procedure type mapping table.


tender.procurementMethod is not set for "oth-mult" or "oth-single".

<cbc:ProcedureCode listName="procurement-procedure-type">open</cbc:ProcedureCode>
  "tender": {
    "procurementMethod": "open",
    "procurementMethodDetails": "Open procedure"

BT-106-Procedure *
Procedure Accelerated

BT-106: The time limit for receipt of requests to participate or of tenders in this procedure can be reduced due to a state of urgency.


Map to tender.procedure.isAccelerated as a boolean.

  <cbc:ProcessReasonCode listName="accelerated-procedure">true</cbc:ProcessReasonCode>
  "tender": {
    "procedure": {
      "isAccelerated": true

BT-109-Lot *
Framework Duration Justification

BT-109: The justification for exceptional cases when the duration of framework agreements exceeds the legal limits.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its .techniques.frameworkAgreement.periodRationale.

  <cbc:Justification languageID="ENG">The exceptional duration of ...</cbc:Justification>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "techniques": {
          "frameworkAgreement": {
            "periodRationale": "The exceptional duration of ..."

BT-11-Procedure-Buyer *
Buyer Legal Type

BT-11: The type of buyer according to procurement legislation (e.g. central government authority, body governed by public law, public undertaking).

  • Get the organization for the buyer, and add a Classification object to its .details.classifications array.

  • Map the value of this field to the classification's .id.

  • Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to the classification's .description.

  • Set the classification's .scheme to 'eu-buyer-legal-type'.

      <cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:PartyTypeCode listName="buyer-legal-type">body-pl</cbc:PartyTypeCode>
  "parties": [
      "id": "ORG-0001",
      "details": {
        "classifications": [
            "scheme": "eu-buyer-legal-type",
            "id": "body-pl",
            "description": "Body governed by public law."

Framework Buyer Categories

BT-111: Any additional categories of buyers participating in the framework agreement and not mentioned by name (e.g. "all hospitals in the Tuscany region").


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to the its .techniques.frameworkAgreement.buyerCategories.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
        <cbc:Description languageID="ENG">Offices of the "greater region" ...</cbc:Description>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "techniques": {
          "frameworkAgreement": {
            "buyerCategories": "Offices of the \"greater region\" ..."

BT-1118-NoticeResult *
Notice Framework Approximate Value

BT-1118: The approximate value to be spent within the framework agreement(s) announced in this notice over its/their whole duration, in all lots, including options and renewals, as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.


Discard. If a notice announces the results for multiple framework agreements, please express your interest in this field by commenting on this issue or by contacting the Data Support Team.

  <cbc:OverallApproximateFrameworkContractsAmount currencyID="EUR">6000</cbc:OverallApproximateFrameworkContractsAmount>

BT-113-Lot *
Framework Maximum Participants Number

BT-113: The maximum number of participants in the framework agreement.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to the its .techniques.frameworkAgreement.maximumParticipants.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "techniques": {
          "frameworkAgreement": {
            "maximumParticipants": 50

BT-115-Lot *
GPA Coverage

BT-115: The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).


If "true", get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, and add 'GPA' to its .coveredBy array. Otherwise, discard.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "coveredBy": [

GPA Coverage

BT-115: The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).


If "true", add 'GPA' to the tender.coveredBy array. Otherwise, do nothing.

  "tender": {
    "coveredBy": [

BT-118-NoticeResult *
Notice Framework Maximum Value

BT-118: The maximum value which can be spent within the framework agreement(s) announced in this notice over its/their whole duration, in all lots, including options and renewals, as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.



  <cbc:OverallMaximumFrameworkContractsAmount currencyID="EUR">6000</cbc:OverallMaximumFrameworkContractsAmount>

BT-119-LotResult *
Dynamic Purchasing System Termination

BT-119: The dynamic purchasing system is terminated. No further contracts, besides those published in this notice, will be awarded in the dynamic purchasing system. This field can be used even if no contracts are awarded in the contract award notice.


If "true", get the lot for the LotResult, and set the lot's .techniques.dynamicPurchasingSystem.status to 'terminated'. Otherwise, discard.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "techniques": {
          "dynamicPurchasingSystem": {
            "status": "terminated"

BT-120-Lot *
No Negotiation Necessary

BT-120: The buyer reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tenders without any further negotiations.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, and map to its .secondStage.noNegotiationNecessary.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "secondStage": {
          "noNegotiationNecessary": true

Electronic Auction Description

BT-122: Any additional information about the electronic auction.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its .techniques.electronicAuction.description.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:Description languageID="ENG">The online auction solution ...</cbc:Description>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "techniques": {
          "electronicAuction": {
            "description": "The online auction solution ..."

Electronic Auction URL

BT-123: The internet address of the electronic auction.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its .techniques.electronicAuction.url.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "techniques": {
          "electronicAuction": {
            "url": ""

Tool Atypical URL

BT-124: Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) which gives unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its .communication.atypicalToolUrl.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "communication": {
          "atypicalToolUrl": ""

Tool Atypical URL

BT-124: Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) which gives unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices.


Map to tender.communication.atypicalToolUrl

  "tender": {
    "communication": {
      "atypicalToolUrl": ""

Previous Planning Identifier

BT-125: The identifier of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.


Reference a previous publication

  <cbc:ID schemeName="notice-id-ref">123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06</cbc:ID>
  "relatedProcesses": [
      "id": "1",
      "relationship": [
      "scheme": "eu-oj",
      "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06"

Previous Planning Identifier

BT-125: The identifier of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.


Concatenate with BT-1251-Part Previous Planning Part Identifier and reference a previous publication.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="notice-id-ref">123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06</cbc:ID>
  "relatedProcesses": [
      "id": "1",
      "relationship": [
      "scheme": "eu-oj",
      "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06-PAR-0001"

Previous Planning Part Identifier

BT-1251: The identifier of a part of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.


This field maps to the same Related Process objects as created for BT-125(i)-Lot.

For each cac:NoticeDocumentReference, add or update the corresponding Related Process object in the relatedProcesses array and map to its relatedLots.

  "relatedProcesses": [
      "id": "1",
      "relationship": [
      "scheme": "eu-oj",
      "identifier": "9c0fd704-64d3-4294-a3b6-6df45911ab9f-01",
      "relatedLots": [

Previous Planning Part Identifier

BT-1251: The identifier of a part of a prior information notice or another similar notice related to this notice.


Concatenate with BT-125(i)-Part Previous Planning Identifier and reference a previous publication.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="notice-id-ref">123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06</cbc:ID>
  "relatedProcesses": [
      "id": "1",
      "relationship": [
      "scheme": "eu-oj",
      "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000-06-PAR-0001"

Direct Award Justification Previous Procedure Identifier

BT-1252: An identifier of a previous procedure that justifies the use of a procedure which allows directly awarding contracts, i.e. justifying a procedure that does not require publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.


Add a RelatedProcess object to the relatedProcesses array, and set its .id (string) sequentially across all notices for this procedure.

For example, if a first notice for a given procedure has nine related processes, it uses id's "1" through "9". A second notice for the same procedure then uses id's "10" and up, etc.

Map the value of the field to .identifier. Set .scheme to 'eu-oj'. If the value of sibling::cbc:ProcessReasonCode is "irregular" or "unsuitable", add 'unsuccessfulProcess' to the .relationship array. If it is "additional", "existing" or "repetition", add 'prior' to the .relationship array.

  "relatedProcesses": [
      "id": "1",
      "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
      "scheme": "eu-oj",
      "relationship": [

BT-127-notice *
Future Notice

BT-127: The estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure.


Convert date to ISO format and map to tender.communication.futureNoticeDate.

  "tender": {
    "communication": {
      "futureNoticeDate": "2020-03-15T00:00:00+01:00"

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-13(t)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .enquiryPeriod.endDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "enquiryPeriod": {
          "endDate": "2019-11-08T23:59:59+01:00"

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.


Combine with BT-13(t)-Part, convert date to ISO format and map to tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate.

  "tender": {
    "enquiryPeriod": {
      "endDate": "2019-11-08T23:59:59+01:00"

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-13(d)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .enquiryPeriod.endDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "enquiryPeriod": {
          "endDate": "2019-11-08T18:00:00+01:00"

Additional Information Deadline

BT-13: The time limit for requesting additional information about the procurement procedure.


Combine with BT-13(d)-Part, convert date to ISO format and map to tender.enquiryPeriod.endDate.

  "tender": {
    "enquiryPeriod": {
      "endDate": "2019-11-08T18:00:00+01:00"

Dispatch Invitation Tender

BT-130: The estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders in two (or more) stage procedures.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .secondStage.invitationDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "secondStage": {
          "invitationDate": "2019-11-15T00:00:00+01:00"

BT-131(d)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Tenders

BT-131: The time limit for receipt of tenders.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-131(t)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .tenderPeriod.endDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "tenderPeriod": {
          "endDate": "2019-11-30T23:59:59+01:00"

BT-131(t)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Tenders

BT-131: The time limit for receipt of tenders.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-131(d)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .tenderPeriod.endDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "tenderPeriod": {
          "endDate": "2019-11-30T12:00:00+01:00"

BT-1311(d)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Requests

BT-1311: The time limit for receipt of requests to participate.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-1311(t)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .tenderPeriod.endDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "tenderPeriod": {
          "endDate": "2019-11-25T23:59:59+01:00"

BT-1311(t)-Lot *
Deadline Receipt Requests

BT-1311: The time limit for receipt of requests to participate.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-1311(d)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .tenderPeriod.endDate.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "tenderPeriod": {
          "endDate": "2019-11-25T12:00:00+01:00"

Public Opening Date

BT-132: The date and time for the public opening of tenders.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-132(t)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .awardPeriod.startDate and to its

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "awardPeriod": {
          "startDate": "2019-11-05T00:00:00+01:00"

Public Opening Date

BT-132: The date and time for the public opening of tenders.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, combine with BT-132(d)-Lot, convert date to ISO format and map to the lot's .awardPeriod.startDate and to its

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "awardPeriod": {
          "startDate": "2019-11-05T14:00:00+01:00"

Public Opening Place

BT-133: The place (e.g. physical address, URL) where the tenders will be publicly opened.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its .bidOpening.location.description.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
        <cbc:Description languageID="ENG">online at URL ...</cbc:Description>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "bidOpening": {
          "location": {
            "description": "online at URL ..."

Public Opening Description

BT-134: Further information about the public opening of tenders. (For example, who may participate in the opening and whether any authorisation is needed.)


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its bidOpening.description.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:Description languageID="ENG">Any tenderer may attend ...</cbc:Description>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "bidOpening": {
          "description": "Any tenderer may attend ..."

BT-135-Procedure *
Direct Award Justification Text

BT-135: The justification for using a procedure which allows directly awarding contracts, i.e. a procedure that does not require publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.


Map to tender.procurementMethodRationale

  <cbc:ProcessReason languageID="ENG">Direct award is justified ...</cbc:ProcessReason>
  "tender": {
    "procurementMethodRationale": "Direct award is justified ..."

BT-1351-Procedure *
Procedure Accelerated Justification

BT-1351: The justification for using an accelerated procedure.


Map to tender.procedure.acceleratedRationale.

See also


  <cbc:ProcessReason languageID="ENG">Direct award is justified ...</cbc:ProcessReason>
  "tender": {
    "procedure": {
      "acceleratedRationale": "Direct award is justified ..."

BT-136-Procedure *
Direct Award Justification Code

BT-136: A justification for using a procedure which allows directly awarding contracts, i.e. a procedure that does not require publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union.


Add a Classification object to tender.procurementMethodRationaleClassifications, and:

  • Map the code to its .id.

  • Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to .description.

  • Set .scheme to 'eu-direct-award-justification'.

  <cbc:ProcessReasonCode listName="direct-award-justification">ecom-excl</cbc:ProcessReasonCode>
  "tender": {
    "procurementMethodRationaleClassifications": [
        "id": "ecom-excl",
        "description": "Specific exclusion in the field of electronic communications",
        "scheme": "eu-direct-award-justification"

BT-137-Lot *
Purpose Lot Identifier

BT-137: The identifier of a lot. In case of PINs used only for information, the identifier of a part of the notice that may later become a lot or a self-standing procedure. The information in the purpose section refers to this lot or part.


If there is a Lot in tender.lots whose .id is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add a Lot to tender.lots and map to its .id.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001"

Purpose Lot Identifier

BT-137: The identifier of a lot. In case of PINs used only for information, the identifier of a part of the notice that may later become a lot or a self-standing procedure. The information in the purpose section refers to this lot or part.


If there is a LotGroup in tender.lotGroups whose .id is equal to the value of this field, discard. Otherwise, add a LotGroup to tender.lotGroups and map to its .id.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lotGroups": [
        "id": "GLO-0001"

BT-137-Part *
Purpose Lot Identifier

BT-137: The identifier of a lot. In case of PINs used only for information, the identifier of a part of the notice that may later become a lot or a self-standing procedure. The information in the purpose section refers to this lot or part.


Map to

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Part">PAR-0000</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "id": "PAR-0000"

BT-13713-LotResult *
Result Lot Identifier

BT-13713: An identifier of a lot. The information in the procedure lot result section refers to this lot.


Get the Award in awards whose .id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbcID. If none exists yet:

  • Add an Award to awards.

  • Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID.

If not already present, add the value of the field to the award's .relatedLots

  <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0002</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "awards": [
      "id": "RES-0002",
      "relatedLots": [

BT-13714-Tender *
Tender Lot Identifier

BT-13714: An identifier of a lot or a group of lots for which the tender was submitted. The information in the tender section refers to this lot.


Get the Bid in bids.details whose .id is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbcID. If none exists yet:

  • Add a Bid object to the bids.details array.

  • Set its .id to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID.

If not already present, add the value of this field to the bid's .relatedLots.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "bids": {
    "details": [
        "id": "TEN-0001",
        "relatedLots": [

Change Previous Section Identifier

BT-13716: An identifier of one or more sections within the changed notice. The information in the change section refers to this section or these sections.



Group Lot Identifier

BT-1375: An identifier of a lot within the procedure that is part of a group of lots for which one tender can be submitted and evaluated.


Get the LotGroup in tender.lotGroups whose id is equal to the value of ancestor::cac:LotsGroup/cbc:LotsGroupID. If none exists yet:

  • Add a LotGroup to tender.lotGroups.

  • Set its id to the value of ancestor::cac:LotsGroup/cbc:LotsGroupID.

If not already present, add the value of this field to the lot group's .relatedLots.

    <cbc:LotsGroupID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:LotsGroupID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0002</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "lotGroups": [
        "id": "GLO-0001",
        "relatedLots": [

BT-14-Lot *
Documents Restricted

BT-14: The access to certain procurement documents is restricted.


Get the document for the document reference. Set its .documentType to 'biddingDocuments' and set it's .accessDetails to "Restricted.". Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, and add its id to the document's .relatedLots.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "documents": [
        "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02",
        "documentType": "biddingDocuments",
        "accessDetails": "Restricted.",
        "relatedLots": [

Documents Restricted

BT-14: The access to certain procurement documents is restricted.


Get the document for the document reference. Set its .documentType to 'biddingDocuments', and set it's .accessDetails to "Restricted.".

  "tender": {
    "documents": [
        "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02",
        "documentType": "biddingDocuments",
        "accessDetails": "Restricted."

BT-140-notice *
Change Reason Code

BT-140: The main reason for the change in the notice compared to the original notice.


For each ancestor::efac:Changes/efac:Change:

  • If the change's /efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier (BT-13716) references a LotResult (RES-XXXX), get the award for the LotResult, and add an Amendment object to the award's .amendments array. Otherwise, add an Amendment object to the tender.amendments array.

  • If the change's /efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier (BT-13716) references a Lot (LOT-XXXX), add an Amendment object to the tender.amendments array, and add the Lot's identifier to the amendment's .relatedLots array.

  • If the change's /efbc:ChangedSectionIdentifier (BT-13716) references a LotsGroup (GLO-XXXX), add an Amendment object to the tender.amendments array, and add the LotGroup's identifier to the amendment's .relatedLotGroups array.

  • Set the amendment's .id sequentially across all notices for this procedure. For example, if the first change notice for a procedure has three changes, it uses id's "1" through "3". A second change notice for the same procedure then uses id's "4" and up, etc.

  • Add a Classification object to the amendment's rationaleClassifications array and map the value of this field to its .id.

  • Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to the classification's .description.

  • Set the classification's .scheme to 'eu-change-corrig-justification'.

    <cbc:ReasonCode listName="change-corrig-justification">update-add</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "tender": {
    "amendments": [
        "relatedLots": [
        "id": "1",
        "rationaleClassifications": [
            "id": "update-add",
            "description": "Information updated",
            "scheme": "eu-change-corrig-justification"
        "relatedLots": [
        "id": "2",
        "rationaleClassifications": [
            "id": "update-add",
            "description": "Information updated",
            "scheme": "eu-change-corrig-justification"

Change Description

BT-141: The description of changes in the notice compared to the original notice.


These values map to the same Amendment objects as created for BT-140.

Update the corresponding Amendment object and map to its .description.

  <efbc:ChangeDescription languageID="ENG">The changes have been applied to ...</efbc:ChangeDescription>
  "tender": {
    "amendments": [
        "description": "The changes have been applied to..."

BT-142-LotResult *
Winner Chosen

BT-142: Whether a winner was chosen.


If open-nw, get the lot for the LotResult, and set its .status to active.

Otherwise, get the award for the LotResult, and:

  • If selec-w, set the awards's .status to 'active'.

  • If clos-nw, set the awards's .status to 'unsuccessful'.

Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to .statusDetails.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:TenderResultCode listName="winner-selection-status">selec-w</cbc:TenderResultCode>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "awards": [
      "id": "RES-0001",
      "status": "active",
      "statusDetails": "At least one winner was chosen.",
      "relatedLots": [

BT-144-LotResult *
Not Awarded Reason

BT-144: The reason for not choosing a winner.


Get the award for the LotResult, and set the award's .status to 'unsuccessful'.

Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to the award's .statusDetails.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:DecisionReasonCode listName="non-award-justification">no-rece</efbc:DecisionReasonCode>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "awards": [
      "id": "RES-0001",
      "status": "unsuccessful",
      "statusDetails": "No tenders, requests to participate or projects were received",
      "relatedLots": [

BT-145-Contract *
Contract Conclusion Date

BT-145: The date when the contract was concluded. Typically, this is the date when the last contractual party signed the contract. However, if no contract is signed, then the date of contract conclusion may correspond to other dates (e.g. the date when the buyer notified the winning tenderer). The date of contract conclusion is always later than the end of the standstill period and the moment when any evidence submitted by the winner has been verified.


Get the contract for the SettledContract, convert date to ISO format and map to the contract's .dateSigned.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
  "contracts": [
      "id": "CON-0001",
      "dateSigned": "2021-02-21T23:59:59+01:00",
      "awardID": "RES-0001"

BT-1451-Contract *
Winner Decision Date

BT-1451: The date of the official decision choosing the winning tender.


For each ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult with an /efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID equal to the value of ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID:

    <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
  "awards": [
      "id": "RES-0001",
      "date": "2021-02-19T23:59:59+01:00"

BT-15-Lot *
Documents URL

BT-15: The internet address for accessing (the non-restricted part of) the procurement documents. For all notices except prior information notices, the address shall give access that is direct (i.e. the exact webpage with the documents, not a general website), unrestricted (e.g. no registration), full (i.e. the procurement documents are complete) and free of charge and the documents shall be available already at the time of the publication of the notice.


Get the document for the document reference.

Map to the document's .url, and set its .documentType to 'biddingDocuments'.

Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, and add its id to the document's .relatedLots.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "tender": {
    "documents": [
        "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02",
        "documentType": "biddingDocuments",
        "relatedLots": [
        "url": ""

BT-15-Part *
Documents URL

BT-15: The internet address for accessing (the non-restricted part of) the procurement documents. For all notices except prior information notices, the address shall give access that is direct (i.e. the exact webpage with the documents, not a general website), unrestricted (e.g. no registration), full (i.e. the procurement documents are complete) and free of charge and the documents shall be available already at the time of the publication of the notice.


Get the document for the document reference

Map to the document's .url, and set its .documentType to 'biddingDocuments'

  "tender": {
    "documents": [
        "id": "20210521/CTFD/ENG/7654-02",
        "documentType": "biddingDocuments",
        "url": ""

BT-150-Contract *
Contract Identifier

BT-150: An identifier of the contract or, in case of voluntary-ex ante transparency notices and design contest result notices, of the decision. The information in the contract section refers to this contract or decision.

  • Get the contract for the SettledContract.

  • Add a SimpleIdentifier to the contract's .identifiers array.

  • Map the value of this field to the simple identifier's .id.

  • If the scope of the list, register or scheme from which the contract identifier is drawn is subnational, set the simple identifier's .scheme to {ISO 3166-1 alpha-2}-{system}. Otherwise, set it to {ISO 3166-2}-{system}.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID>CRN ABC:EFG/2020-01</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
  "contracts": [
      "id": "CON-0001",
      "identifiers": [
          "id": "CRN ABC:EFG/2020-01",
          "scheme": "NL-TENDERNED"
      "awardID": "RES-0001"

BT-1501(c)-Contract *
Modified Contract Reference

BT-1501: An identifier of one or more sections within a previous notice within the procedure. The information in the modification section refers to this section or these sections.


Discard. The notice and sections that were modified can be determined by comparing previous releases with the current release.

  <efbc:ModifiedContractIdentifier schemeName="contract">CON-0001</efbc:ModifiedContractIdentifier>

BT-1501(n)-Contract *
Modification Previous Notice Identifier

BT-1501: An identifier of one or more sections within a previous notice within the procedure. The information in the modification section refers to this section or these sections.


Discard. The notice and sections that were modified can be determined by comparing previous releases with the current release.

  <efbc:ChangedNoticeIdentifier schemeName="notice-id-ref">755db7f6-6aa1-453b-9087-1df5f7725112-02</efbc:ChangedNoticeIdentifier>

Modified Notice Part Reference

BT-1501: An identifier of one or more sections within a previous notice within the procedure. The information in the modification section refers to this section or these sections.


Discard. The notice and sections that were modified can be determined by comparing previous releases with the current release.


Contract URL

BT-151: The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) of the contract.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
  "contracts": [
      "id": "CON-0001",
      "documents": [
          "id": "1",
          "url": "",
          "documentType": "contractSigned"
      "awardID": "RES-0001"

BT-156-NoticeResult *
Group Framework Maximum Value

BT-156: It is the re-calculated maximum value likely to be spent for a group of lots within the procedure. This information can be provided when the maximum value of a group of lots is lower than the sum of values of individual lots (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). The value covers all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. The value is re-calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.


Discard. If you use groups of lots, please express your interest in this field by commenting on this issue or by contacting the Data Support Team.

    <efbc:GroupFrameworkMaximumValueAmount currencyID="EUR">800000</efbc:GroupFrameworkMaximumValueAmount>

BT-1561-NoticeResult *
Group Framework Re-estimated Value

BT-1561: The value likely to be spent, within a framework agreement, for a group of lots. This information can be provided when the value likely to be spent for a group of lots is lower than the sum of values likely to be spent for individual lots (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). The value covers all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. The re-estimated value is the value likely to be spent, as re-estimated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders.


Discard. If you use groups of lots, please express your interest in this field by commenting on this issue or by contacting the Data Support Team.

    <efbc:GroupFrameworkReestimatedValueAmount currencyID="EUR">800000</efbc:GroupFrameworkReestimatedValueAmount>

Group Framework Maximum Value

BT-157: The maximum value which may be spent in a framework agreement within a group of lots. This information can be provided when the maximum value of a group of lots is lower than the sum of maximum values of individual lots in this group (e.g. when the same budget is shared for several lots). Maximum value means a value covering all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals.


The authors of the eForms SDK decomposed the BT-271 business term into fields for the procedure, lot and [lot group](<#BT-271-LotsGroup>). However, the authors of the eForms regulation had already anticipated the need to specialize the BT-271 business term for lot groups, creating this business term (BT-157). As such, this data element is duplicated in the eForms SDK. The OCDS mapping therefore discards BT-157-LotsGroup. If your data has different values for BT-271-LotsGroup and BT-157-LotsGroup, please contact the OCDS Data Support Team.

  <cbc:EstimatedMaximumValueAmount currencyID="EUR">200000</cbc:EstimatedMaximumValueAmount>

Organisation Part Name

BT-16: The name of a part of an organisation (e.g. the relevant department of a large buyer).


Get the organization for the company and append to the organization's .name, separated from the original text with ' - ' (space, dash, space).

See also Using the Organization building block with an organizational hierarchy.

        <cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0001</cbc:ID>
        <cbc:Name languageID="ENG">Ministry of Education</cbc:Name>
        <cbc:Department>Procurement Department</cbc:Department>
  "parties": [
      "id": "ORG-0001",
      "name": "Ministry of Education - Procurement Department"

Part Name

BT-16: The name of a part of an organisation (e.g. the relevant department of a large buyer).


Get the organization the touchpoint and append to the organization's .name, separated from the original text with ' - ' (space, dash, space).

See also Using the Organization building block with an organizational hierarchy.

        <cbc:ID schemeName="touchpoint">TPO-0001</cbc:ID>
        <cbc:Name languageID="ENG">Ministry of Education</cbc:Name>
        <cbc:Department>Legal Department</cbc:Department>
  "parties": [
      "id": "TPO-0001",
      "name": "Ministry of Education - Legal Department",
      "identifier": {
        "id": "998298",
        "scheme": "internal"

BT-160-Tender *
Concession Revenue Buyer

BT-160: The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments).


Get the value of ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID whose efac:LotTender/cbc:ID is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID and get the contract for this SettledContract.

Add a Charge object to the contract's .implementation.charges array.

  • Map the value of this field to its .estimatedValue.amount and @currencyID to the estimatedValue's .currency.

  • Set its .id to 'government'.

  • Set its .paidBy to 'government'.

  • Set its .title to the translation of 'The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments).'.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:RevenueBuyerAmount currencyID="EUR">350</efbc:RevenueBuyerAmount>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
  "contracts": [
      "id": "CON-0001",
      "awardID": "RES-0001",
      "implementation": {
        "charges": [
            "id": "government",
            "title": "The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments).",
            "estimatedValue": {
              "amount": 350,
              "currency": "EUR"
            "paidBy": "government"

BT-161-NoticeResult *
Notice Value

BT-161: The value of all contracts awarded in this notice, including options and renewals.


Discard. This is derived from the value of awards.

  <cbc:TotalAmount currencyID="EUR">123456.00</cbc:TotalAmount>

BT-162-Tender *
Concession Revenue User

BT-162: The estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines).


Get the value of ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID whose efac:LotTender/cbc:ID is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID and get the contract for this SettledContract.

Add a Charge object to the contract's .implementation.charges array.

  • Map the value of this field to its .estimatedValue.amount and @currencyID to the estimatedValue's .currency.

  • Set its .id to 'user'.

  • Set its .paidBy to 'user'.

  • Set its .title to the translation of 'he estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines).'.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:RevenueUserAmount currencyID="EUR">350</efbc:RevenueUserAmount>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
  "contracts": [
      "id": "CON-0001",
      "implementation": {
        "charges": [
            "id": "user",
            "title": "he estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines).",
            "estimatedValue": {
              "amount": 350,
              "currency": "EUR"
            "paidBy": "user"
      "awardID": "RES-0001"

BT-163-Tender *
Concession Value Description

BT-163: The description of the method used for calculating the estimated value of the concession and any other relevant information concerning the value of the concession.


Get the value of ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult/cbc:ID whose efac:LotTender/cbc:ID is equal to the value of ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID.

Get the Award in awards whose id is equal to the value of this efac:LotResult/cbc:ID. If none exists yet:

  • Add an Award to awards.

  • Set its .id to the value of this efac:LotResult/cbc:ID.

  • Add the value of efac:LotResult/efac:TenderLot/cbc:ID to its .relatedLots.

Map the value of this field to the award's .valueCalculationMethod.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:ValueDescription>The awarded value takes into account the growing revenue expected from fees.</efbc:ValueDescription>
  "awards": [
      "id": "RES-0001",
      "relatedLots": [
      "valueCalculationMethod": "The awarded value takes into account the growing revenue expected from fees."

Winner Size

BT-165: The size of the winner, tenderer or subcontractor (e.g. micro enterprise, small enterprise, medium enterprise).


Get the organization for the company and map to the organization's .details.scale

        <cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:CompanySizeCode listName="economic-operator-size">large</efbc:CompanySizeCode>
  "parties": [
      "id": "ORG-0001",
      "details": {
        "scale": "large"

BT-17-Lot *

BT-17: Whether economic operators are required, allowed, or not allowed to submit tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest electronically.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot, and set its .submissionTerms.electronicSubmissionPolicy to the corresponding code in the permission codelist.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:SubmissionMethodCode listName="esubmission">allowed</cbc:SubmissionMethodCode>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "submissionTerms": {
          "electronicSubmissionPolicy": "allowed"

Tender Rank

BT-171: The position of the tender (i.e. whether the tender ended up first, second, third, etc.) in a design contest, a framework agreement with multiple winners (e.g. cascades), an innovation partnership, a competitive dialogue, or another procedure.


Get the bid for a LotTender and map to the bid's .rank.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "bids": {
    "details": [
        "id": "TEN-0001",
        "rank": 1,
        "relatedLots": [

Tender Ranked

BT-1711: The tender was ranked. (This is not the rank itself, but only whether the ranking took place).


Get the bid for a LotTender and map to the bid's .hasRank.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "bids": {
    "details": [
        "id": "TEN-0001",
        "hasRank": true,
        "relatedLots": [

BT-18-Lot *
Submission URL

BT-18: The internet address for submission of tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest by electronic means. The address shall be as direct as possible (ideally a dedicated address for the electronic submission, not just a general website).


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot and map to its .submissionMethodDetails.

  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "submissionMethodDetails": ""

BT-19-Lot *
Submission Nonelectronic Justification

BT-19: The justification for electronic submission of tenders, requests to participate, or expressions of interest not being possible.


Get the lot for the ProcurementProjectLot. Look up the code's label in the authority table and map it to the lot's .submissionTerms.nonElectronicSubmission.rationale.

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ProcessReasonCode listName="no-esubmission-justification">phy-mod</cbc:ProcessReasonCode>
  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "submissionTerms": {
          "nonElectronicSubmission": {
            "rationale": "Inclusion of a physical model"

Country Origin

BT-191: A country of origin of the product or the service.


Get the bid for a LotTender, look up the equivalent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in the authority table, and add it to the bid's .countriesOfOrigin array.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:AreaCode listName="country">ITA</efbc:AreaCode>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "bids": {
    "details": [
        "id": "TEN-0001",
        "countriesOfOrigin": [
        "relatedLots": [

BT-193-Tender *
Tender Variant

BT-193: The tender is a variant.


Get the bid for a LotTender, and map to the bid's .variant.

    <cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
  "bids": {
    "details": [
        "id": "TEN-0001",
        "variant": true,
        "relatedLots": [

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "cro-bor-law".

    • Set its .name to "Cross Border Law".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">cro-bor-law</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "cro-bor-law",
      "id": "cro-bor-law-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Cross Border Law"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "pro-typ".

    • Set its .name to "Procedure Type".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">pro-typ</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "pro-typ",
      "id": "pro-typ-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Procedure Type"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "pro-acc".

    • Set its .name to "Procedure Accelerated".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">pro-acc</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "pro-acc",
      "id": "pro-acc-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Procedure Accelerated"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.



  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">pro-acc</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.



  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">not-max-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "dir-awa-pre".

    • Set its .name to "Direct Award Justification Previous Procedure Identifier".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">dir-awa-pre</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "dir-awa-pre",
      "id": "dir-awa-pre-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Direct Award Justification Previous Procedure Identifier"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "dir-awa-tex".

    • Set its .name to "Direct Award Justification".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">dir-awa-tex</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "dir-awa-tex",
      "id": "dir-awa-tex-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Direct Award Justification"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "pro-acc-jus".

    • Set its .name to "Procedure Accelerated Justification".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">pro-acc-jus</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "pro-acc-jus",
      "id": "pro-acc-jus-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Procedure Accelerated Justification"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "dir-awa-jus".

    • Set its .name to "Direct Award Justification".

              <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">dir-awa-jus</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "dir-awa-jus",
      "id": "dir-awa-jus-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Direct Award Justification"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "win-cho".

    • Set its .name to "Winner Chosen".

      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">win-cho</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "win-cho",
      "id": "win-cho-RES-0001",
      "name": "Winner Chosen"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "no-awa-rea".

    • Set its .name to "Not Awarded Reason".

        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">no-awa-rea</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "no-awa-rea",
      "id": "no-awa-rea-RES-0001",
      "name": "Not Awarded Reason"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.



  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">gro-max-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.



  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">gro-max-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "con-rev-buy".

    • Set its .name to "Concession Revenue Buyer".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">con-rev-buy</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "con-rev-buy",
      "id": "con-rev-buy-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Concession Revenue Buyer"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.



  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">not-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "con-rev-use".

    • Set its .name to "Concession Revenue User".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">con-rev-use</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "con-rev-use",
      "id": "con-rev-use-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Concession Revenue User"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "val-con-des".

    • Set its .name to "Concession Value Description".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">val-con-des</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "val-con-des",
      "id": "val-con-des-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Concession Value Description"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "ten-ran".

    • Set its .name to "Tender Rank".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">ten-ran</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "ten-ran",
      "id": "ten-ran-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Tender Rank"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "cou-ori".

    • Set its .name to "Country Origin".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">cou-ori</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "cou-ori",
      "id": "cou-ori-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Country Origin"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "win-ten-var".

    • Set its .name to "Winning Tender Variant".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">won-ten-var</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "win-ten-var",
      "id": "win-ten-var-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Winning Tender Variant"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-typ".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Type".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-typ</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-typ",
      "id": "awa-cri-typ-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Type"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-typ".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Type".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-typ</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-typ",
      "id": "awa-cri-typ-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Type"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-des".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Description".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-des</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-des",
      "id": "awa-cri-des-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Description"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-des".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Description".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-des</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-des",
      "id": "awa-cri-des-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Description"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-fixed-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-num".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Fixed".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:ParameterCode listName="number-fixed"/>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-num</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-num",
      "id": "awa-cri-num-fixed-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-threshold-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-num".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Threshold".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:ParameterCode listName="number-threshold"/>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-num</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-num",
      "id": "awa-cri-num-threshold-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-weight-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-num".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Weight".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:ParameterCode listName="number-weight"/>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-num</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-num",
      "id": "awa-cri-num-weight-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-fixed-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-num".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Fixed".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:ParameterCode listName="number-fixed"/>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-num</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-num",
      "id": "awa-cri-num-fixed-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-threshold-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-num".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Threshold".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:ParameterCode listName="number-threshold"/>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-num</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-num",
      "id": "awa-cri-num-threshold-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-weight-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-num".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Weight".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:ParameterCode listName="number-weight"/>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-num</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-num",
      "id": "awa-cri-num-weight-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-wei".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Weight".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-wei</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-wei",
      "id": "awa-cri-wei-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-wei".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Weight".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-wei</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-wei",
      "id": "awa-cri-wei-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Weight"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-fix".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Fixed".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-fix</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-fix",
      "id": "awa-cri-fix-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-fix".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Fixed".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-fix</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-fix",
      "id": "awa-cri-fix-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Fixed"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-thr".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Threshold".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-thr</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-thr",
      "id": "awa-cri-thr-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-thr".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Number Threshold".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-thr</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-thr",
      "id": "awa-cri-thr-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Number Threshold"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-com".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criteria Complicated".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-com</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-com",
      "id": "awa-cri-com-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criteria Complicated"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-com".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criteria Complicated".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-com</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-com",
      "id": "awa-cri-com-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criteria Complicated"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "sub-val".

    • Set its .name to "Subcontracting Value".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">sub-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "sub-val",
      "id": "sub-val-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Subcontracting Value"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "sub-des".

    • Set its .name to "Subcontracting Description".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">sub-des</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "sub-des",
      "id": "sub-des-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Subcontracting Description"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "sub-per".

    • Set its .name to "Subcontracting Percentage".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">sub-per</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "sub-per",
      "id": "sub-per-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Subcontracting Percentage"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.



  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">gro-max-ide</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "buy-rev-cou".

    • Set its .name to "Buyer Review Request Count".

        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">buy-rev-cou</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "buy-rev-cou",
      "id": "buy-rev-cou-RES-0001",
      "name": "Buyer Review Request Count"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "buy-rev-typ".

    • Set its .name to "Buyer Review Requests Irregularity Type".

        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">buy-rev-typ</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "buy-rev-typ",
      "id": "buy-rev-typ-RES-0001",
      "name": "Buyer Review Request Irregularity Type"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "ree-val".

    • Set its .name to "Framework Re-estimated Value".

        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">ree-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "ree-val",
      "id": "ree-val-RES-0001",
      "name": "Framework Re-estimated Value"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "max-val".

    • Set its .name to "Maximum Value".

        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">max-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "max-val",
      "id": "max-val-RES-0001",
      "name": "Maximum Value"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "ten-val-low".

    • Set its .name to "Tender Lowest Value".

      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">ten-val-low</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "ten-val-low",
      "id": "ten-val-low-RES-0001",
      "name": "Tender Lowest Value"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "ten-val-hig".

    • Set its .name to "Tender Highest Value".

      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">ten-val-hig</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "ten-val-hig",
      "id": "ten-val-hig-RES-0001",
      "name": "Tender Highest Value"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "rev-req".

    • Set its .name to "Buyer Review Complainants".

        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">rev-rec</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0001</cbc:ID>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "rev-req",
      "id": "rev-req-RES-0001",
      "name": "Buyer Review Complainants"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "win-ten-val".

    • Set its .name to "Winning Tender Value".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
      <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">win-ten-val</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "win-ten-val",
      "id": "win-ten-val-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Winning Tender Value"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.


Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553.

  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">sub-val-kno</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.


Discard. BT-731 is discarded as it is implied by BT-555.

  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">sub-per-kno</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-ord".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criteria Order Justification".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-ord</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-ord",
      "id": "awa-cri-ord-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criteria Order Justification"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-ord".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criteria Order Justification".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-ord</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-ord",
      "id": "awa-cri-ord-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criteria Order Justification"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-nam".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Name".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-ord</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-nam",
      "id": "awa-cri-nam-LOT-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Name"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot/cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"].

    • Set its .field to "awa-cri-nam".

    • Set its .name to "Award Criterion Name".

  <cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
                    <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">awa-cri-ord</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "awa-cri-nam",
      "id": "awa-cri-nam-GLO-0001",
      "name": "Award Criterion Name"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "rec-sub-cou".

    • Set its .name to "Received Submissions Count".

  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">rec-sub-cou</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "rec-sub-cou",
      "id": "rec-sub-cou-RES-0001",
      "name": "Received Submissions Count"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotResult/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "rec-sub-typ".

    • Set its .name to "Received Submissions Type".

  <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">rec-sub-typ</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "rec-sub-typ",
      "id": "rec-sub-typ-RES-0001",
      "name": "Received Submissions Type"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[ancestor::efac:LotTender/cbc:ID].

    • Set its .field to "sub-con".

    • Set its .name to "Subcontracting".

    <cbc:ID schemeName="result">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
        <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">sub-con</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "sub-con",
      "id": "sub-con-TEN-0001",
      "name": "Subcontracting"

Unpublished Identifier

BT-195: Identifier of the field that shall not be immediately published. Only fields concerning the Result value and groups of fields concerning the Tender and Procedure Lot Result can be unpublished. In the case of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/25/EU, the award criteria, the procurement procedure, certain dates and in certain cases information about the nature and quantity of a service can be unpublished as well.

  • Add a withheldInformationItem to the withheldInformation array, and:

    • Set its .id to [efbc:FieldIdentifierCode]-[/*/cbc:ContractFolderID].

    • Set its .field to "pro-fea".

    • Set its .name to "Procedure Features".

            <efbc:FieldIdentifierCode listName="non-publication-identifier">pro-fea</efbc:FieldIdentifierCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "field": "pro-fea",
      "id": "pro-fea-18d27a53-0109-4f93-9231-6659d931bce0",
      "name": "Procedure Features"

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-09)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-105)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-106)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.



  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.



  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-135)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-1351)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-136)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-142)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-144)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.



  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.



  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-160)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.



  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-162)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-163)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-171)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-191)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-193)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-539)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-539)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-540)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-540)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Weight and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-543)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-543)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-553)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-554)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-555)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.



  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-635)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-636)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-660)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-709)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-710)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-711)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-712)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-720)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Discard. BT-731 is discarded as it is implied by BT-555.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-733)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-733)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-734)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-734)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"] and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-759)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-760)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-773)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

Unpublished Justification Description

BT-196: The justification for not immediately publishing a field and for the choice of a later date at which it can be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-88)-Procedure and map to its .rationale.

  <efbc:ReasonDescription languageID="ENG">Information delayed publication because of ...</efbc:ReasonDescription>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationale": "Information delayed publication because of ..."

BT-197(BT-09)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-09)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-105)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-105)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-106)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-106)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-1118)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.



  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-118)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.



  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-1252)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-135)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-135)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-1351)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-1351)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-136)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-136)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-142)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-142)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-144)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-144)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-156)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.



  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-1561)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.



  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-160)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-160)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-161)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.



  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-162)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-162)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-163)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-163)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-171)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-171)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-191)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-191)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-193)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-193)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-539)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-539)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-539)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-539)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-540)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-540)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-540)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-540)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-541)-Lot-Weight *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Weight and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-5421)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-5421)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-5422)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-5422)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-5423)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-5423)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-543)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-543)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-543)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-543)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-553)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-553)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-554)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-554)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-555)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-555)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-556)-NoticeResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.



  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-635)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-635)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-636)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-636)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-660)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-660)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-709)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-709)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-710)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-710)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-711)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-711)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-712)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-712)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-720)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-720)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-730)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-731)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Discard. BT-731 is discarded as it is implied by BT-555.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>

BT-197(BT-733)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-733)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-733)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-733)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-734)-Lot *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-734)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-734)-LotsGroup *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-734)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-759)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-759)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-760)-LotResult *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-760)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-773)-Tender *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-773)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

BT-197(BT-88)-Procedure *
Unpublished Justification Code

BT-197: The justification for not immediately publishing a field.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-88)-Procedure. Add a Classification object to the withheld information item's .rationalClassifications array, map the value of the cbc:ReasonCode to .id, and set .scheme to 'eu-non-publication-justification'. Look up the code in the authority table, map its label to .description and its URI to .uri.

  <cbc:ReasonCode listName="non-publication-justification">oth-int</cbc:ReasonCode>
  "withheldInformation": [
      "rationaleClassifications": [
          "scheme": "non-publication-justification",
          "id": "oth-int",
          "description": "Other public interest",
          "uri": ""

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-09)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-105)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-106)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.




Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.




Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-1252)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-135)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-1351)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-136)-Procedure. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-142)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-144)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.




Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.




Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-160)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.




Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-162)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-163)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-171)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-191)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-193)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-539)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-539)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-540)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-540)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Fixed and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Threshold and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-Lot-Weight and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Fixed and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Threshold and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-541)-LotsGroup-Weight and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5421)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5422)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-5423)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-543)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-543)-LotsGroup and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-553)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-554)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-555)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.




Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-635)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-636)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-660)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-709)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-710)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-711)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-712)-LotResult and ancestor::efac:LotResult. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-720)-Tender and ancestor::efac:LotTender. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [
      "availabilityDate": "2025-03-31T00:00:00+01:00"

Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553.


Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Discard. BT-730 is discarded as it is implied by BT-553.


Unpublished Access Date

BT-198: The later date at which the originally unpublished field shall be published.


Get the withheldInformationItem object created for BT-195(BT-733)-Lot and ancestor::cac:ProcurementProjectLot[cbc:ID schemeName="Lot"]. Convert date to ISO format and map to its .availabilityDate

  "withheldInformation": [