T02: Information notice for award of public service contract

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Release model

Create an OCDS release and:

  1. Add 'award' and 'contract' to tag.

  2. Set tender.status to 'complete'.

What's new

If you have already implemented all prior forms, this notice adds:

  • II.4 Essential assets

  • Fields to III Legal, economic, financial and technical information

  • V.2.3 Indications about ownership of the selected operator

  • V.2.3 Name and address of the party or parties exercising legal control over the selected operator

  • V.2.4 Kilometres of public passenger transport services

Unlike F03 and F06, T02 has no /AWARD_CONTRACT/CONTRACT_NO (Contract No). As such, the mapping to the award's .id is described in /AWARD_CONTRACT (Award of contract).


Index Label and XPath OCDS guidance


Lowercase, and map to language


Discard. TED translates at form-level. OCDS translates at field-level.


Set tender.legalBasis.scheme to ‘CELEX’, and map to tender.legalBasis.id


Set tender.legalBasis.scheme to ‘CELEX’, and map to tender.legalBasis.id

Section I

Index Label and XPath OCDS guidance

Competent authority


Name and addresses (please identify all competent authorities responsible for this procedure)

Add a party, and add ‘buyer’ to its .roles

Set buyer.id to its .id, and set buyer.name to its .name

Official name

Map to the party’s .name and .identifier.legalName

National registration number

Map to the party’s .identifier.id, and set .identifier.scheme

Postal address

Map to the party’s .address.streetAddress


Map to the party’s .address.locality

NUTS code

Take the NUTS code in the CODE attribute, and map to the party’s .address.region

There’s an open issue (#739) about region codes. Issue

Postal code

Map to the party’s .address.postalCode


Take the country code in the VALUE attribute, translate to a country name, and map to the party’s .address.countryName

There’s an open issue (#524) to add a .country field to the Address object, to avoid translation. Issue

Contact person

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.name


Map to the party’s .contactPoint.telephone


Map to the party’s .contactPoint.email


Map to the party’s .contactPoint.faxNumber

Internet address(es)

Main address (URL)

Map to the party’s .details.url

Address of the buyer profile (URL)

Map to the party’s .details.buyerProfile


Add a party, add ‘buyer’ to its .roles, and set its fields as above


Same as Official name above

Map to the party’s .name and .identifier.legalName


Same as National registration number above

Map to the party’s .identifier.id, and set .identifier.scheme


Same as Postal address above

Map to the party’s .address.streetAddress


Same as Town above

Map to the party’s .address.locality


Same as Postal code above

Map to the party’s .address.postalCode


Same as Country above

Take the country code in the VALUE attribute, translate to a country name, and map to the party’s .address.countryName

There’s an open issue (#524) to add a .country field to the Address object, to avoid translation. Issue


Same as Contact person above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.name


Same as Telephone above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.telephone


Same as E-mail above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.email


Same as Fax above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.faxNumber


Same as NUTS code above

Take the NUTS code in the CODE attribute, and map to the party’s .address.region

There’s an open issue (#739) about region codes. Issue


Same as Main address above

Map to the party’s .details.url


Same as Address of the buyer profile above

Map to the party’s .details.buyerProfile


Contract award on behalf of other competent authorities

The competent authority is purchasing on behalf of other competent authorities

Add ‘centralPurchasingBody’ to the .roles of the party



Additional information can be obtained from

the abovementioned address

Discard. Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address unless otherwised specified.

another address (please provide another address)

If only the contact person is different, get the Organization object for the buyer, add a ContactPoint object to its .additionalContactPoints array, and set its fields as above.

Otherwise, add a party, add ‘processContactPoint’ to its .roles, and set its fields as above.


Type of the competent authority

Get the Organization object for the buyer, and add a Classification object to its .details.classifications array. Set the classification’s .scheme to ‘TED_CA_TYPE’, and set its .id and/or .description as follows:

Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local subdivisions

Set .id to ‘MINISTRY’ and .description to ‘Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local subdivisions’

National or federal agency / office

Set .id to ‘NATIONAL_AGENCY’ and .description to ‘National or federal agency/office’

Regional or local authority

Set .id to ‘REGIONAL_AUTHORITY’ and .description to ‘Regional or local authority’

Regional or local agency / office

Set .id to ‘REGIONAL_AGENCY’ and .description to ‘Regional or local agency/office’

Body governed by public law

Set .id to ‘BODY_PUBLIC’ and .description to ‘Body governed by public law’

Other type

Map to .description (.id won’t be set)

Section II

Index Label and XPath OCDS guidance



Scope of the procurement



Map to tender.title

Reference number

If not set, let Reference number be equal to the ocid value. Map to tender.id (string).



Main CPV code

Set tender.classification.scheme to ‘CPV’, take the CPV code in the CODE attribute, and map to tender.classification.id

Supplementary CPV code

For each CODE attribute, add a Classification object to the tender.additionalClassifications array, set its .scheme to ‘CPVS’, prefix by the Main CPV code, and map to its .id. Remove any duplicate entries from the tender.additionalClassifications array.


Type of contract

Set tender.mainProcurementCategory as follows:


Map to ‘services’

Areas covered by the public transport services

For each CATEGORY element, add a Classification object to the tender.additionalClassifications array, set its .scheme to ‘TED_CATEGORY’, and set its .id and .description as follows:

Rail transport services

Set .id to ‘01’ and .description to ‘Rail transport services’



Add a Lot object to the tender.lots array, and add an Item object to the tender.items array. Set the lot’s .status to the same value as tender.status.

F12, F13: Instead, do nothing.


Additional CPV code(s)

Main CPV code

For each CODE attribute, add a Classification object to the item’s .additionalClassifications array, set its .scheme to ‘CPV’, and map to its .id. Remove any duplicate entries from the item’s .additionalClassifications array.

F12, F13: Instead, for each CODE attribute, add a Classification object to the tender.additionalClassifications array, set its .scheme to ‘CPV’, and map to its .id. Remove any duplicate entries from the tender.additionalClassifications array.

Supplementary CPV code

For each CODE attribute, add a Classification object to the item’s .additionalClassifications array, set its .scheme to ‘CPVS’, prefix by the Main CPV code, and map to its .id. Remove any duplicate entries from the item’s .additionalClassifications array.

F12, F13: Instead, for each CODE attribute, add a Classification object to the tender.additionalClassifications array, set its .scheme to ‘CPVS’, prefix by the Main CPV code, and map to its .id. Remove any duplicate entries from the tender.additionalClassifications array.


Place of performance

NUTS code

For each NUTS element, take the NUTS code in its CODE attribute, add an Address object to the item’s .deliveryAddresses array, and map to its .region.

There’s an open issue (#739) about region codes. Issue

Main site or place of performance

Map to the item’s .deliveryLocation.description


Description of the procurement (nature and quantity of services or indication of needs and requirements)

Map to the lot’s .description

F12, F13: Instead, map to tender.description


Starting date and the duration of the contract

Start (dd/mm/yyyy)

Map to the lot’s .contractPeriod.startDate

Duration in months

Multiply by 30, and map to the lot’s .contractPeriod.durationInDays

There’s an open issue (#723) about durations in months. Issue


Duration in days

Map to the lot’s .contractPeriod.durationInDays


Essential assets

Extended contract duration due to essential assets necessary for the provision of the service

List of assets used for the provision of the public services

Map to tender.essentialAssets.description

Significance of the essential assets provided in relation to the overall assets needed for the provision of the public services (estimated % share of assets provided in overall assets used to provide services under contract)

Map to tender.essentialAssets.significance


Set tender.hasEssentialAssets to true


Set tender.hasEssentialAssets to false

Predominant use of assets (estimated %-share of assets provided compared to assets used for activities other than the public services)

Map to tender.essentialAssets.predominance

Section III

Index Label and XPath OCDS guidance

Legal, economic, financial and technical information

The standard forms express exclusion grounds and selection criteria in this section as unstructured text. In the introductory note to its eForms consultation, the European Commission had proposed to create an extension to eForms to implement the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) Exchange Data Model, which expresses this information as structured data, following the model of the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary.


Conditions related to the contract

Cost parameters for compensation payments

Map to tender.contractTerms.financialTerms


Exclusive rights are granted


Set tender.contractTerms.hasExclusiveRights to true, and map to tender.contractTerms.exclusiveRights


Set tender.contractTerms.hasExclusiveRights to false

Specification of exclusive right granted

Same as yes above

Set tender.contractTerms.hasExclusiveRights to true, and map to tender.contractTerms.exclusiveRights


Allocation of revenues of sales from tickets

Percentage allocated to the operator (the rest is considered to be attributed to competent authority)

Map to the tender.contractTerms.operatorRevenueShare


Social standards (transfer of staff under Dir. 2001/23/EC)

List of standards required (including staff concerned, detail of their contractual rights and obligations and conditions under which employees are considered to be linked to the services)

Map to tender.contractTerms.socialStandards


Public service obligations

Map to tender.contractTerms.performanceTerms


Other particular conditions

Map to tender.contractTerms.otherTerms


Quality targets


Description (choose at least one)

Information and tickets

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘INFORMATION_TICKETS’, set its .title to ‘Information and tickets’, and map to its .description

Punctuality and reliability

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘PUNCTUALITY_RELIABILITY’, set its .title to ‘Punctuality and reliability’, and map to its .description

Cancellations of services

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘CANCELLATIONS_SERVICES’, set its .title to ‘Cancellations of services’, and map to its .description

Cleanliness of rolling stock and station facilities

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘CLEANLINESS_ROLLING_STOCK’, set its .title to ‘Cleanliness of rolling stock and station facilities’, and map to its .description

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘CUST_SATISFACTION_SURVEY’, set its .title to ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’, and map to its .description

Complaint handling

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘COMPLAINT_HANDLING’, set its .title to ‘Complaint handling’, and map to its .description

Assistance for persons with reduced mobility

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘ASSIST_PERSONS_REDUCTED_MOB’, set its .title to ‘Assistance for persons with reduced mobility’, and map to its .description

Other quality targets

Add a Metric object to the tender.targets array, set its .id to ‘OTHER_QUALITY_TARGET’, set its .title to ‘Other quality targets’, and map to its .description


Information on rewards and penalties

Map to tender.contractTerms.rewardsAndPenalties

Section V

Index Label and XPath OCDS guidance

Award of contract

Add an Award object to the awards array, and set its .id to the notice number followed by a hyphen ‘-‘ followed by the value of the ITEM attribute of the AWARD_CONTRACT element.

Award of contract

Set the award’s .status to ‘active’

Add a Contract object to the contracts array, set its .id and .awardID to the award’s .id, set its .title to the award’s .title, and set its .status to ‘active’.


Date of conclusion of the contract (dd/mm/yyyy)

Map to the contract’s .dateSigned




Name and address of the contractor

Add a party, and add ‘supplier’ to its .roles

Add an OrganizationReference object to the award’s .suppliers array, set its .id to the party’s .id, and set its .name to the party’s .name

Official name

Same as Official name above

Map to the party’s .name and .identifier.legalName

National registration number

Same as National registration number above

Map to the party’s .identifier.id, and set .identifier.scheme

Postal address

Same as Postal address above

Map to the party’s .address.streetAddress


Same as Town above

Map to the party’s .address.locality

Postal code

Same as Postal code above

Map to the party’s .address.postalCode

NUTS code

Same as NUTS code above

Take the NUTS code in the CODE attribute, and map to the party’s .address.region

There’s an open issue (#739) about region codes. Issue


Same as Country above

Take the country code in the VALUE attribute, translate to a country name, and map to the party’s .address.countryName

There’s an open issue (#524) to add a .country field to the Address object, to avoid translation. Issue


Same as E-mail above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.email


Same as Telephone above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.telephone

Internet address (URL)

Same as Main address above

Map to the party’s .details.url


Same as Fax above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.faxNumber

Indications about ownership of the selected operator

Map to the party’s .beneficialOwnership.description

Name and address of the party or parties exercising legal control over the selected operator

Add a shareholder party

Add a Shareholder object to the supplier party’s .shareholders array, set its .id and .shareholder.id to the shareholder party’s .id, and set its .shareholder.name to the shareholder party’s .name

Official name

Same as Official name above

Map to the party’s .name and .identifier.legalName

National registration number

Same as National registration number above

Map to the party’s .identifier.id, and set .identifier.scheme

Postal address

Same as Postal address above

Map to the party’s .address.streetAddress


Same as Town above

Map to the party’s .address.locality

Postal code

Same as Postal code above

Map to the party’s .address.postalCode

NUTS code

Same as NUTS code above

Take the NUTS code in the CODE attribute, and map to the party’s .address.region

There’s an open issue (#739) about region codes. Issue


Same as Country above

Take the country code in the VALUE attribute, translate to a country name, and map to the party’s .address.countryName

There’s an open issue (#524) to add a .country field to the Address object, to avoid translation. Issue


Same as E-mail above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.email


Same as Telephone above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.telephone

Internet address (URL)

Same as Main address above

Map to the party’s .details.url


Same as Fax above

Map to the party’s .contactPoint.faxNumber


Information on value of the contract (excluding VAT)

Total value of the contract

Map to the contract’s .value.amount


Map to the contract’s .value.currency

Kilometres of public passenger transport services

Map to the contract’s .publicPassengerTransportServicesKilometers

Section VI

Index Label and XPath OCDS guidance

Complementary information


Additional information

Map to the release’s description


Date of dispatch of this notice (dd/mm/yyyy)

Map to date